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Do you know these characters from Polish movies?

pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #1
Who is this guy (not an actor but character) and where does he appear?

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Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #2
I know, I know!!!
But since I'm Polish it's not fair for me to answer as I was raised with it
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #3
Well, this thread is for all members despite nationality. No restrictions whatsoever. ):

I know, I know!!!

Reminds me of Take me, take me! by Donkey in Shrek 1. :)

I was raised with it

Do you mean they played you that film since you were a baby? And when you didn`t want to eat or go to sleep early, they pacified you with it? :):)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #4
I know, I know!!!

Who? The red sash is interesting....I initially thought it was Stanislaw Poniatowski.....last king of Poland
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #5
Sorry, but Poniatowski wore a white wig (when old, he had his own white hair, too), while that guy`s hair is supposed to be naturally red/auburn. Doug, hear the bell ringing loudly..... auburn hair..... red hair..... ginger hair.... At least try to guess the nationality of him.

hahaha I checked that sash and it isn`t about hair. :):)
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #6
I know there is no restriction but that just wouldn't be fair.

Do you mean they played you that film since you were a baby? And when you didn`t want to eat they pacified you with it?

How did you know? ;)
As you know these movies are played on the TV every holiday- and it was my parents who had the TV power so they were played all the time

Hint for Doug- it's fiction movie.

P.S. Polish dubbing for Shrek Rulez! :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #7
I know there is no restriction but that just wouldn't be fair.

No need to worry. Let`s treat it as an educational thread (fek - will I ever get rid of this education? ). Poles solve, non-Poles solve when they know or learn when don`t. :) Some characters will be difficult even for natives, so Poles can also learn.:)
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Jul 2019   #8
The costume is 17th century so I can only think of Jan Sobieski (and he had a moustache!). There's Mikołaj Radziwil (he was a redhead) but he's a century earlier. Mind you, film makers weren't always very careful about authenticity where costumes are concerned.
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #9
So I will give some more hints before I will step in with an answer. Maybe someone will know. Plus we have to wait for Chemikiem- she will start screaming seeing new riddle tread but she will be hooked non the less :)

The movie is based on a very famous book :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #10
So I will give some more hints before I will step in with an answer.

Yes, and in this very first sentence you wrote the English word which sounds like the word used in the lyrics from the famous soundtrack song to the film . It is the second word, actually.

The movie is based on a very famous book :)

Yes, and there were more books in the series but this one was the last one......... :)

Plus we have to wait for Chemikiem- she will start screaming seeing new riddle tread

Screaming of joy or despair?
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #11
Despair of course!!! You are torturing that poor women :D

Techniacally it is only one, but part of a set, true.
You just ruined my next hint!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #12
The movie is based on a very famous book

Must be Henryk Sienkiewicz then shirley?
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #13
Getting warmer :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #14
No, I can`t bear this torture any longer!

A big hint:

  • 0004CIYD2WGH46FQC31.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2218
17 Jul 2019   #15
Is this some kind of Polish Baron Munchausen, or some Pan Kleks title when he time travels?
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #16
Doug gave the answer as to the author...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #17
Yes Pawian. That must be Ogniem i mieczem.
The character....? Don't remember.....some Polish Sczlachta dude I suppose....
Dirk or johnny would tell you. After all, they are such great Polish patriots.....or did I mean, nationalists - not the same thing, I know, but I am sure they would know.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #18
No, By Fire and Sword was the first book in the series, while this one is the last.

Yes, Polish szlachta.

Hint: these two guys above die a tragic death at the same time! Boooooo.......hooooo.... And in result they bereave two lovely women (matter of taste, of course, I always hated that Barbie character for her dollish behaviour). Booohoooo.....

Is this some kind of Polish Baron Munchausen, or some Pan Kleks title when he time travels?

Sorry, that was very serious literature created to lift up souls and hearts of desperate Poles.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #19
Ah Pan Wodlywoski - the one with Polands' most beautiful actress of the time - supposedly.
The best one of the triology was the second - "The Deluge" aka Potop, with the man - Daniel Olbrychski - now there's an actor!
17 Jul 2019   #20
she will start screaming seeing new riddle tread but she will be hooked

Arrgh!! Brain overload!!

Who is this guy

Pan Wołodyjowski?

Ah Pan Wodlywoski

You beat me to it :)
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Jul 2019   #21
That's the title but not the character that Pawian is asking about.

the one with Polands' most beautiful actress of the time - supposedly.

Oh she was beautiful.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #22
Arrgh!! Brain overload!!

Yes, but also delayed Alzheimer! :)

Ok, guys, you guessed the name of the book and film but the name of the OP character is still a mystery.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #23
the name of the book

I had to read Quo Vadis at school. I did my level best to avoid Sienkiewicz after that, in a battle to stay awake for exams. A hard read.
kaprys  3 | 2076
18 Jul 2019   #24
I actually loved Quo Vadis but couldn't get through the Deluge.
Olbrychski played in all Trilogy movies. Interestingly enough, they were filmed in the reverse order so to speak so the last book was filmed first and Olbrychski could play the father of the character he portrayed in the first film.

Lomnicki was a great actor -the feud in the Deluge is just great.
As for the red haired character he isn't originally Polish :)) He's not Russian, German, Jewish or Ukrainian either.
18 Jul 2019   #25

Hassling-Ketling of Elgin. Scottish character. Played by Jan Nowicki.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
18 Jul 2019   #26
Very good! And I didn't know that Potop was filmed after Pan.... mixed up, like Star Wars:)
Lenka  5 | 3548
18 Jul 2019   #27
Congratulation Chemikiem, I knew you'll be hooked :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jul 2019   #28
Hassling-Ketling of Elgin. Scottish character. Played by Jan Nowicki.

Yes! That Scot was the most heroic and faithful soldier of all, it was him who refused to surrender the fortress to the Turkish army and blew up the gunpowder, killing himself and Mr Wołodyjowski.

Let`s have it in turns, female now.

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Dougpol1  29 | 2497
18 Jul 2019   #29
Well, voted the prettiest girl in Poland that year - or so I am reliably informed. The lover of Pan W.....? A sad story.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jul 2019   #30
Hmm, I am not sure she was chosen the beauty of the year.

The lover of Pan W.....?

Doug, please show some respect. Mr Wołodyjowski didn`t have lovers, he was a chaste knight, a noble soldier, a heroic defender of the motherland. He didn`t think of sex when he fought bravely for the Commonwealth. Now you are abusing hundreds years old Polish traditional beliefs. Shame on you.

His partner was his love. Just love, nothing else. Defensor Patriae can love a female, it is not forbidden. Platonically, of course.

But not the one in the picture. She was the lover of sb else. Yes, lover, cause her guy was a real badass, tall and strong, very muscular and handsome too .

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