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Do you know these characters from Polish movies?

OP pawian 221 | 24284
23 Sep 2019 #211
What is his job?

OP pawian 221 | 24284
24 Sep 2019 #213
Unfortunately, no.

See another photo:

And listen to his singing: Amazing

kaprys 3 | 2101
25 Sep 2019 #214
It was Gajos's birthday a couple of days ago, wasn't it?
I know it's from Kabaret Olgi Lipińskiej but I really don't know it.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
25 Sep 2019 #215
KOL had absurd humour which I always appreciated. And great actors, too. The paradox is that it was critical about the system, but communists still allowed it to be aired (at late evening hours). Today it would be impossible in PiS television full of primitive propaganda.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
15 Jul 2020 #216
Do you know this actor and the role? I can only say: amazing transformation.

kaprys 3 | 2101
15 Jul 2020 #217
I don't know the character although the actor looks like Koterski after a major transformation.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
15 Jul 2020 #218
Wow, BINGO! yes ,young Koterski and they have just started shooting a film about Gierek times.

kaprys 3 | 2101
15 Jul 2020 #219
A sincere question now: is Koterski a good actor.

Looking at the pic I realised my ex colleague's son slightly looks like Gierek just some 40 years younger.
Not gonna tell them.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
15 Jul 2020 #220
As you surely remember, Koterski played a role of Adam Miauczyński`s son, both troubled by obsessive compulsive disorders.
That is a classic scene when he learns English with his psychotic toxic dad .

A sincere question now: is Koterski a good actor.

Yes, in Wacko`s Day he was excellent, in my opinion.

Weź się, tato! hahahaha
jon357 73 | 22653
16 Jul 2020 #221
they have just started shooting a film about Gierek times.

That should be worth watching; Koterski is good.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
16 Jul 2020 #222
Yes, although I must admit I don`t remember other films with him. Shame on me.
kaprys 3 | 2101
17 Jul 2020 #223
That scene is great and well known but - just like you - I don't really remember any titles but I remember I saw him in other films and he was always the same.

Or perhaps these were interviews : S

Home / Life / Do you know these characters from Polish movies?
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