Hej Sokoly
I can sing it myself. I learned it years ago. However, I don't hear my neighbours singing it very often :) I can also give you a fair rendering of Krakówiaczek Jeden miał koników siediem, po jechał na wojne, został mu się jeden..........for our school's International Day a few of the Polish children in the school did an absolutely beautiful dance to it, complete with fabulous costumes which their mothers ordered specially from Poland for the occasion. Everybody was absolutely charmed by the whole thing.
The comment I made to Comrade Troll was a throwaway remark simply to yank his chain, nothing more than that. However, if pressed, yes, I would say that Poland doesn't have a strong folk tradition outside a few rural communities and I'd be right. However, I did not say that folk culture is the only culture, nor do I think that.
you have a living proof in me nad Paulina that we do know them and also sang them
I'm sure you learned a couple of songs in school, girl guides, or some youth group. I'm also sure that the pair of you probably hail from the more southerly part of Poland.
We have centuries of music, literature, legends and language to talk about,
Of course you do. I'd be an ignorant lump if I thought otherwise.
And Irish is not?
No, we have a such strong cultural identity in the first place and American influences have been absorbed very slowly over the last fifty or sixty years. Poland is a different story. It was messed with so badly over the last hundred years and then pitchforked into the western world that I think it's going through a bit of an identity crisis and is becoming increasingly Americanized. Even the work culture is changing. Poland didn't have her independence long enough between the Wars for her to really establish what it meant to be Polish in the twentieth century and then you lost a whole chunk of your elite, your intellectuals, your officer class, your gentry. I think that has seriously affected Polish society. When I've discussed this with Polish friends - who, believe it or not actually like me and are not offended by my views - I find that we are in broad agreement on these matters.
Do you know how many ppl know whole passages of Pan Tadeusz or parts of Trylogia?
I hope I never find out. Spare me, spare me, bleedin' spare me, as they'd say in Dublin. I'm sure that would go down well in Praga on a Saturday night alright. Strangely enough when the youth of Warsaw assemble neath my window after a few beers, they don't recite passages of the Polish classics. Nor have I been subjected to it at any social gatherings I've attended, I'm happy to say.
I know, you're just better than everyone else
No, I'm just nicer.
Irish/British cakes are better than Polish ones
No, I distinctly remember citing the cakes of Blikle as superior. Magnificent confections, true works of the pastry chef's art and a legacy of the French influence on Poland. You see, your culture is a compound of many influences from East and West. Did you not know that?? Yes, I'm yanking your chain Paulina dear.
except for Ziemowit
And Dolnosląsk. Very nice man. Shame he seems to have disappeared. I hope he's just on holiday and not unwell. I'm very fond of Ziemusz. He's intelligent, has a very dry sense of humour and is capable of discussing things in a calm manner without getting red faced and huffing and puffing all over the place.
culture that doesn't change and is not given new 'food' is a dead one.
Like your folk music :))