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How do I verify a Polish company's existence?

16 Apr 2009   #91
I also recived an email from Parel Spears about a job with poland investments inc
and the reurn email was the sames as scorppincess.

The funny thing is I'am still in freaking highschool, and is anyone else here canadian
16 Apr 2009   #92
Hi, I'm not a regular member of this boars but I did a search of this company and found this thread. It's hard to know what is a scam and what isn't nowadays. I was contacted by a company a few years back before all these scams started happening that made an offer that sounded very similar, with less pay. It was a very real company and I couldn't continue working for them because I moved.

I responded to the e-mail that I received from 'Miranda Washington' to make an attempt to verify the e-mail and received a response today, which I have listed below. A Microsoft Word document was attached to it which outlined the information that would be needed from me. Obviously, it did say a bank account would be necessary and suddenly I knew that i would not be working for this "company." :-P

I thought it was interesting that with only my name, address, and telephone number, they could scam me. Then again, I haven't made a career as a scam artist so I don't know how much or little information is required to swipe someone clean.

It's unfortunate that it's not a real job. Finding work has been difficult and with a fiance who works full-time and a young child we're still just barely making ends meet. A nice job could really pay off right now. Back to the old drawing board, I guess!
17 Apr 2009   #93
I rec'd the same e-mail!!! So i guess this is a scam?>
22 Apr 2009   #94
one more here ...from Joshua Scolnik <joshuascolnik80@hotmail
signed by Katie Glime,
Selling Certificates Inc

For God sake..plz tell thm.. this is recession period. nobody is gonna b'lv $125 salary anyway.[:D]..
22 Apr 2009   #95
I just received the same letter from "Katie Glime of Selling Certificates Inc." I read on the same letter was also sent from "Nigeria." Here's the letter I received:

We have found your CV on the job site. Your candidacy was analyzed and we want to offer you a position in our company. If your CV has changed, please send us an updated variant to email, indicated at the end of the letter.

I am Katie Glime, I am working as a employee manager in the company Selling Certificates Inc.

Edited: No need to post the whole letter.

Katie Glime,
Selling Certificates Inc
Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail. Check it out.
22 Apr 2009   #96
I have also received an employment offer from the same company signed by Ms. Wilson. Based on my experience, this must be a scam, even though the only thing I am guessing is that they get your information to run a scam in your name. Be aware!
22 Apr 2009   #97
Ok, so I just received the same email but from a Patricia Pepper. And i told them I was interested, and wanted to know more about the position. I also requested something where I could verify the company, because I also looked them up online, and didn't find anything. Well she send me a scanned copy of an official business certificate, and an employee agreement. In which, it stated that they do not pay by checks,so no bank account information was required, and asked me to circle my preferred method of payment. One of which was moneygram, or paypal. So I don't know, it might be reality. I received a full agreement, and contract. All my emails came from the same person, and it wasn't written as poorly either.
23 Apr 2009   #98
Why don't we get in touch with CareerBuilders! They shouldn't allow this crap!

So much for the reputation and jobs on Caerer Builders!

Most of their jobs are BS anyways.
23 Apr 2009   #99
It is not only career builder posting useful information. although I do agree with the statement, that their job offerings are poor. Anybody posting a resume may be vulnarable for internet fraud.
kitty cat
24 Apr 2009   #100
I just got a reply from Patricia Pepper I responded to her first email and requested a phone number so I could reach her instead I recieved a lengthy letter about the Company Poland Investment Inc. and what the job would consist of plus I get to pick out a laptop so I can conduct business with them in Poland and make 125,000/yr. Plus get pd biweely through money gram--credit card--western union etc. Both letters came from the same person.

Part of the letter:Poland Investments Inc. was established in 1998 having the roots in Poland. Since then we have expanded our business in most of the European countries. Now we are entering the USA metals market and we are at the point of recruiting representatives for our U.S customers. Poland Investments Inc. is dealing with financial operations concerning trade with certificates on metal. Namely, we purchase and sell certificates on metal. Then she sent a copy of the contract which states you can open a bank acct. which they need the info and a copy of passport or any other legal document to prove who you are. Smells like a scam to me. 12.2. This contract is made in two copies: one for each of the Parties and is valid only with the signatures of both the Employee and the Enterprise and sealed by the latter.

12.3. Information and addresses of the Parties:

12.3.1. Enterprise

Address: Dzieci Warszawy 37, Warszawa, Poland.

12.3.2. Employee

I am not sure what they are after since I am unemployed and have nothing.
reagz  - | 1
25 Apr 2009   #101
yer i know what you mean, i received a similar email from the Poland Investments Inc. Except it was from a person called Miranda Washington. Then the email continued to provide me information about a job offering. It was a tad bit weird.
dew nei ma
1 May 2009   #102
I also received the SAME letter with name of NATALIE GLIME>>>employee manager...????with PI INC> luckily I checekd their name and found ALL the notes from everyone on the same SCAM> came into my spam box..greta to see honest people post the info onthe net on scams like this...thank you all..
2 May 2009   #103
I received the same leeter from

Deborah Brown,
Selling Certificates Inc
7 May 2009   #104
yea i received the same letter from deborah brown
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
7 May 2009   #105
I'm feeling left out. Noone writes to me offering me zillions of dollars fro just sending them my account details. Do I have to keep on working still longer?

The same here... bastards :)
13 May 2009   #106
I got the same email and was obviously skeptical so I inquired about more information. I got a call from a 315 area code (Syracuse, NY) telling me to check my email. This was the message:

Dear ,
We are a foreign firm and we have our own system of certification ISO,
it is like American BBB, but international. The scanned ISO
certification holding validation can be found in attachment.
Attached was a somewhat official looking document with a seal and signature and all in polish so i clearly couldn't read it. It was titled with Minister Infrastruktury. Anyone else get this type of thing? Is there anyone to find someone to authenticate this thing?
16 May 2009   #107
To verify a companys existence you should contact Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). They are the worlds leading information provider, and have information on 146 million companies worldwide. D&B has local Presence in 240 countries.
22 May 2009   #108
I wish to know if this Company is real: JATUX Sp.z o.o.(Limited Company)Poland(UNION EUROPE)
23 May 2009   #109
Okay i have a phone number for her and i know her as Natalie Terner. It is in Syracuse NY and the number 315-849-3286. She also sent me a copy of a polish license if any one wants to see it though I will have to email it. My email is tena2sweet@gmail

So if you wish to see it email me and I will forward it. She is not american I have spoken to her on the phone. She insist it is not a scam but when I ask about the web site she said they were having problems with it. I believe it is a scam but what her goal is is still a mystery. Becareful she wanted my password my sign in and my security questions and answers for my bank account. i didn't give them to her.Neither should you.

Please refer to the bottom of the page I have a phone number for her.
9 Jun 2009   #110
Got the same letter from Poland Investments...totally a scam! I wish there was a way to get these people in trouble, it's so irritating to even get these emails & know they have your information (such as name, email address, phone number, etc...)

Your resume was found on the job site. We examined your candidacy and want to offer you a position in our company. If your resume changed, please send us an updated version to email, indicated at the end of the letter.

My name is Patricia Brown, I am a employee manager in the company Poland Investments Inc.
Briefly about our company: we deal with selling and purchasing of certificates of metal in Europe. Our central office is located in Poland. The first license for activity in Poland was provided in 1998. Nowadays, we have our offices and employees all over the world. We work with individual clients, as well as with corporations.

We offer ideal conditions of work. Once in a year we grant a 2-week vacation on the resorts of Poland. All our employees are provided with a whole kit to have the possibility of working

in every part of the world. Absolutely gratuitous we grant a laptop (brand Dell, HP or Apple) and mobile phone (brand Blackberry or iPhone), we pay for internet access and mobile communication.

We aren't standing still and that is why having the European market conquered we move on to reach the U.S. one. The primary stage - is to form the staff. And namely you are offered a position in dynamically developing company.

At the stage of forming the staff we offer a possibility of flexible schedule or part-time occupancy.
Annual salary is USD 125,000. We appreciate well-educated employees; that is why if you have MBA, the raise in the salary is granted. Each certificate of degree is individual that is why the markup must be stipulated with head manager, after being accepted for employment.

With the expansion of the influence of our company in the U.S. market, promotion track is naturally granted to you.
We are always glad to answer all your questions and stipulate the conditions of collaboration. You can get in touch with us by phone (from 8 am till 6 pm, Monday-Friday) or through email in any time, convenient for you. We are looking forward to your answer.

Patricia Brown,
Poland Investments
9 Jun 2009   #111
Got one today too from Particia Brown.
16 Jun 2009   #112
hi i too have received an email from natalie turner and naive me fell for it.... so i did the whole thing like opened a new bank account and set up the whole wire transfer with bank of a couple days ago i received two checks from a "client" that was given to me by them and my instructions from natalie is to cash out both checks and after I've done that to let her know and from there I would get other instructions... I have not cashed out those two big checks because I have a gut feeling that there is something not right about the whole thing... Every time I emailed and tried to call her and ask what is it that I would be doing with this money, she kept saying just cash out the checks and after that she would let me know what else I needed to do... What should I do??? I was thinking of returning those checks back to its sender and letting natalie know i am no longer interested in doing this.. is that a good idea??? i mean is this Poland Investment Inc a legitimate job or no?? I too was promised a salary of 125,000 and was told by natalie that i would receive 10,000 on june 25,2009 to honor negotiated salary in contract... please someone let me know what i should do and if i have to report this to my local police department??
23 Jun 2009   #113
i've receive the same e-mail from this sender :Patricia Brown ( and then this sender :Natalie Terner ( they are all Bull S!@#$%.
wildrover  98 | 4430
23 Jun 2009   #114
If something sounds too good to be true....IT IS.....!
29 Jun 2009   #115
From: Briann Elmounir []
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Subj: RE: Your Career Builder resume responding.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
My name is Sarah Miller, I am a employee manager in the company Poland Investments Inc. Blah, Blah, Blah, you all know the rest.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Barbara Keys,

Poland Investments

Just wanted to let you all know, they are still going at it.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
29 Jun 2009   #116
I wonder if she has sent it to herself and mistakenly applied for the position?
ragtime27  1 | 146
29 Jun 2009   #118
if i have to report this to my local police department??

It is very common scam,they're stolen or fake cheques,you cash them or after selling goods to them,you forward the amount minus your commissions.

Banks comes after you to retrieve the money after a while(full amount).

all jargon in between(corporate,goods,management,certificates..etc) is

bin them or hand them over to the police.
29 Jun 2009   #119
Got the same
E-mail came from Lino Cahen. The text was from Sarah Miller but, letter was signed Barbara Keys, but return e-mail was from

A scam. I also checked the name of the street mentioned in previous links its a real street.
Cat has only nine lives how many live/name does she has?
1 Jul 2009   #120
I also received the same letter by Poland Investment Inc. You save me a lot of research. Thanks.

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