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Polish Police and Their Tactics

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Jun 2023   #121
Last month when I was in Poland I met a poster with his another American pal who was very drunk already in a bar by me I had to call the cops on the bartender.The poster from here left and his friend and me were chatting,when I went to the bathroom that guy left and had a unpaid bill for 37Pln and the bartender wanted me to pay.Before that we were all paying our own tabs.I refused to pay and wanted to leave but the bartender came by the door and blocked me from leaving so I dialled 911 and cops were there in 5 minutes.I had also said on my call to the cops that I am being held hostage "FOR MONEY" and told that to the cops again.They told that fuc.king Ukrainian bartender to back off and I could leave,but I sat there and had another beer and then left.The cops even asked me if I wanted to file a legal complaint,which I didnt want as there was no moola in it:)))))

Polish police is well trained and now know how to deal with the situation and at least in Warsaw they speak Angelski well.
Alien  26 | 6528
26 Jun 2023   #122
@Cargo pants
Who paid the bill in the end?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Jun 2023   #123
Guess no one, wasn't me, probably the bartender
mafketis  38 | 11263
4 Dec 2023   #124
Surprised no one's talking about the story from Wrocław where the police were picking up a guy who had been sentenced for fraud. They handcuffed him in front and didn't search him property allowing him to draw a gun and shoot both police officers in the head...

What's worse, he'd recorded himself on instagram saying if the police come for him he'll shoot first...

Checking out his instagram page (still up, under the name maxfa381 shows a lot of him ranting... he's got a thing about Israel and the jews and how he's being persecuted. Not a lot of mental health on display... why weren't the arresting cops notified of this?
Alien  26 | 6528
4 Dec 2023   #125
why weren't the arresting cops notified of this?

This is not a tactic, this is dilettantism.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Dec 2023   #126
Polish cops are not properly trained or they do gross protocol mistakes.I have seen them taking shop lifters without cuffing them to there car/vans lol best is the criminal also walks along and cooperates like they are walking with a friend,lol imagine that in the US.They dont do any body search and cuffing them in the front lol I bet the cop will loose his job here doing that.I once went with a Vietnamese friend years back to the Police Academy in Szczytno where he was getting his training and a female trainee there stole my flip cell fone,which we did get it back finally with the ERA sim card missing.He is a commandant now and we still laugh about that incident.

LOL thats why i call Szczytno town as town.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Dec 2023   #127
Last month when I was in Poland I met a poster with his another American pal

Now I can say,that poster was Adrian.
mafketis  38 | 11263
4 Dec 2023   #128
Apparently one of the police officers has died so the crazy guy is now looking at a charge of murder....
Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Dec 2023   #129
Surprised no one's talking about the story from Wrocław

A lot of stuff isn't being discussed on this forum, so I'm not exactly surprised...

Not a lot of mental health on display...


why weren't the arresting cops notified of this?

By who?
Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Dec 2023   #130
Apparently one of the police officers has died

Now both of them :(
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Dec 2023   #131
Double murder.

Is the sentence tariff increased in PL if a murder victim is a cop?
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Dec 2023   #132
@jon357, yes, somewhat - if you kill a police officer the lower bracket changes from "no less than 8 years" to "no less than 12 years" in prison. The punishment is harsher also in case of an attack on a police officer or a person aiding a police officer or an ordinary citizen if this person is intervening "to protect public safety and order".

It wasn't like that in the past - the law was changed after a cop Andrzej Struj got stabbed to death in 2010 during an off duty intervention - he overpowered a drunk hooligan who was throwing a dustbin at passing trams, but then another one runned up, grabbed him and held him while the first one was stabbing him with a knife. At that time the killers got 15 and 25 years in prison - they couldn't get life in prison, because they were minors. This case shocked not only the public, but also politicians and the law was changed.

A police medal was named after that police officer:,Policjanci-odznaczeni-przez-MSWiA-medalami-im-Andrzeja-Struja.html

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
5 Dec 2023   #133
- they couldn't get life in prison,

A pathetic law in the EU.I wonder how many people use that to get people murdered since there is no capital punishment.I mean "Hire someone to kill"

, because they were minors.

I wonder if Poland prosecutors can charge a minor as an adult as in the US,depending on the severity of the crime?Killing 2 cops that 44 YO man should be sent to Saudi Arabia and tried there.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Dec 2023   #134
I wonder if Poland prosecutors can charge a minor as an adult as in the US,depending on the severity of the crime?

Yes, they can.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
5 Dec 2023   #135
they couldn't get life in prison, because they were minors.

Yes, they can.

Then why they didnt?prosecutor or the judge got money?or the criminals were very influential as it use to and still sometimes happens in Poland?
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Dec 2023   #136
Then why they didnt?

They did. They were minors and yet they got 25 and 15 years in prison. They weren't sent to juvenile detention center. There are certain limitations in sentencing minors in Poland who are 15-16 years old - they can only get max 2/3 of the sentence an adult would get. Weirdly enough, as far as I understand, unlike 15-16-year-olds, a 14-year-old can get 100% of an adult prison sentence (that's PiS' invention).
Alien  26 | 6528
5 Dec 2023   #137
unlike 15-16-year-olds, a 14-year-old can get 100% of an adult prison sentence (that's PiS' invention).

That would be illogical.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Dec 2023   #138
@Alien, PiS and... making illogical, flawed laws? How could that be?? lol:

"Paradoksalnie sytuacja prawna 15 latka jest korzystniejsza niż 14 latka, który odpowiada przed sądem karnym. W stosunku do osób po ukończeniu 15 lat a przed 17 rokiem życia sąd może samoistnie zastosować nadzwyczajne złagodzenie kary. W odniesieniu do 14 latka takiej możliwość nie ma.

Ponadto kara wymierzana dla 14 latka przed ukończeniem przez niego 15 lat jest taka jak dla osoby dorosłej (dokładnie od 17 lat na potrzeby k.k.). Natomiast wobec małoletniego po ukończeniu 15 lat a przed 17 rokiem jego życia kara nie może przekroczyć dwóch trzecich górnej granicy ustawowego zagrożenia przewidzianego za przypisane sprawcy przestępstwo."
Alien  26 | 6528
5 Dec 2023   #139
This is some legal bullshit. We have to hope that the judges can somehow get around this
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Dec 2023   #140
That would be illogical.

It's bizarre. Minors are minors and should never be tried as adults.
Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Dec 2023   #141
Don't do adult crimes and you will not be given adult penalties.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Dec 2023   #142
not be given adult penalties.

They very rarely are. With good reason.
Paulina  19 | 4558
6 Dec 2023   #143
It's bizarre. Minors are minors and should never be tried as adults.

It's the same in the UK... Actually, it seems like the age of those who can be tried as adults is even lower than in Poland o_O :

"In the UK, children as young as 10 can be tried as adults for the most serious crimes. This is already one of the lowest ages in the world."
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
6 Dec 2023   #144
In the UK, children as young as 10 can be tried as adults

Not true.
They can be tried in the same way but their sentences are not the same as adults.
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Dec 2023   #145
Not true.
They can be tried in the same way

It is true then that they can be tried as adults. And that's what the quoted fragment states.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Dec 2023   #146
It's the same in the UK

It's different. The 10 thing is the age of responsibility; below that there can be no charges or trial regardless of what happened.

Until 18, any charges are heard in different courts, have different sentencing, different conditions of punishment and absolute anonymity including no record on release.
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Dec 2023   #147
@jon357, why does it say in the article then that: "In the UK, children as young as 10 can be tried as adults for the most serious crimes."?
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Dec 2023   #148

Read my post, rather than some journalistic polemic found online.

My post makes it clear what the 10 thing is about. That is the subject of the article and the writer has strong opinions on it.

The link below is more useful than a newspaper article:

"The criminal justice system treats children and young people differently from adults and significant weight must be attached to the age of the suspect if they are a child or young person under 18."
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Dec 2023   #149
That is the subject of the article

Well, almost all of the article is about the US, so that's why I'm asking...

In this link it's stated though that:

"Youth courts deal with offences including theft and burglary, anti-social behaviour and drugs offences. More serious offences are usually transferred to Crown Court but can be dealt with in Youth court"

So is the Crown Court a court for adults?

have different sentencing

Why does the title of the article says then that "The UK and US are still indulging in the barbaric practice of handing children adult prison sentences"?
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Dec 2023   #150
In this link it's stated though that:

Does it say they're tried as adults? No it doesn't.

Changes in court venue are for administrative purposes to do with large trials with multiple witnesses and specific complexity. The law regarding minors and the sentencing guidelines for minors are the same.

Why does the title of the article

In the UK, they don't. A headline can say anything it likes. They aren't even written by the journalist who wrote the article.

It looks like you're trying to make an argument.

To make it clear, children are not tried as adults in the UK.

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