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Work permit + national visa in Poland for India citizen

khan7  - | 1
10 Oct 2016   #31
Hi there,

Could you please confirm, what would be the approximate cost for poland work visa?
10 Oct 2016   #32
Open browser -->google-->polish consulate of your city-->open official page-->check visa fees
gurpreet singh
4 Nov 2016   #33
I am from india.. i work as dominos pizza (1yrs)
jagat handique
16 Dec 2016   #34
I am jagat handique from assam,India.
Even I am planning to apply the poland work
Permit next week so could you please provide
Your contact number?

Thanks and Regards,
21 Dec 2016   #35
hello ,

I am being offered a role in Poland for a long term project , (I am an Indian Citizen).
Needed to know , how much time does it take to get the work permit and the visa processing done.

Harry84  1 | 82
25 Dec 2016   #36


To get the work permit letter from local office to employer it would take around 60 days.
30 to 60 days(check the website) to get the appointment in India for VISA application submission and after that embassy would take min 2 weeks for processing your VISA.

9 Jan 2017   #37
Hi All

I am travelling to Krakow in another 15 days on National D type visa. In case my wife gets a job in Poland when she is on dependent visa, will she have to travel back to India for stamping or can she get the work visa stamped in Poland itself.

Plz suggest..

25 Jan 2017   #38
Ifa anybodyn need Poland work permit. Please contact me. 7032038541
26 Jan 2017   #39
Hello there.. can anybody help me ?? I am little bit confused about getting work permit in Poland though I have got tattoo on my hand...does that affect on getting work permit??
16 Feb 2017   #40

This is Kesavan, Could you please tell any one, What's the procedure to apply TRC for Poland, If any arrange poland TRC

With regards
DominicB  - | 2706
16 Feb 2017   #41

You can't get one without getting a job first. So get a job, and then you will be able to apply for a visa and residence permit.
4 Mar 2017   #42
Hi.i heard there is a sausage packing company is taking people to Poland from India for packing the it true?with work please give me a reply.
jon357  72 | 23517
4 Mar 2017   #43
@Tintu, I think this is very unlikely. It wouldn't be financially viable (or necessary) for the factory to do that.
13 Mar 2017   #44

Thanks for your reply, Then any other option, I would like to migrate Poland. Do you know any job consultancy or Job placement concern

With regards
DominicB  - | 2706
13 Mar 2017   #45

There are A LOT of so-called "consultancies" and "agencies" that you have to be careful of, because they will take your money and give you nothing. A REAL recruiter NEVER NEVER NEVER takes any money from job seekers, so if you come across one that does, they are a criminal operation, and you should never give them a penny. Just walk away.

If you are not an experienced IT engineer, you won't be able to find any work in Poland. It is a difficult country to find a job in. Anyone who tells you it is easy is lying.
13 Mar 2017   #46

Thanks for your swift response, My Qualification BE mechanical engineer, I'm not relevant in IT field, Currently Working in oil & gas field,
Do you know any genuine consultancy, Because at least I need any entry visa for any kind of job.

With regards
mafketis  38 | 11170
13 Mar 2017   #47
I need any entry visa for any kind of job.

No. According to Polish law you need to be hired first and then the company that hired you gets a visa with permission to work for you.
13 Mar 2017   #48

HI mafketis thanks for your message, That means concern company will provide job offer Then only I have to apply for work Visa. Am i right

With regards
13 Mar 2017   #49

Could you please explain, Business visa convert to temporary resident visa (TRC). is it possible

With regards
DominicB  - | 2706
13 Mar 2017   #50
My Qualification BE mechanical engineer, I'm not relevant in IT field, Currently Working in oil & gas field

Your chances of finding work are much higher in oil producing countries than in Poland. Try the US, Canada, the UK, Norway, Indonesia, and the Gulf States.

All of the best jobs are advertised solely by word of mouth, human to human. Recruiters and internet sites get only the table scraps. Ask the people in your professional network, especially people who have worked in the oil and gas industry, and, if they don't know, then ask them if they know of anyone else who can help.

You're basically wasting your time with recruiters. They rarely get the best, most interesting jobs in the best places for the best money. Like I said, those jobs are advertised face to face between people who know each other. If you need to build up your professional network, then do so. Especially go to conferences and conventions with foreign guests, and be active in meeting people and talking to them. Don't be shy.
mafketis  38 | 11170
13 Mar 2017   #51
Then only I have to apply for work Visa

No. your prospective employer has to apply for you.
15 Mar 2017   #52

Thanks for your Prompt and valuable response and giving the feedback, Actually I would like to enter the schengen country. Then slowly search job there , because entry is very tough. That's why requested recruiters. Currently Global market is very worst. Slowly unemployment increases. IF you know any genuine concern post me i will try to apply

With regards
DominicB  - | 2706
15 Mar 2017   #53

My advice is to build up a well-developed network of real-life contacts including experienced professionals in your field in your own country, and use them to find a good job BEFORE you enter the EU. It is A LOT easier to find a good job that way than showing up jobless in the EU and having to support yourself. And, as I said, recruiters and internet sites get only the $hit jobs that smart people don't want. Be smart, be patient, and network, and I am confident that you will find a much, much better job than any recruiter or internet site has, in a much better place, for better pay and working conditions, and with real opportunities to advance. It might take a few years, but you'll be in a much better position in the end.

Network, network, network with real live people in the real world. A single handshake opens up a lot more doors than a million emails.
15 Mar 2017   #54

Thanks for your Advice, As you said above thread is agreed,I have to develop my self and build my Circumference, Network asap. Anyhow Searching Consultancy or recruiters is waste of my time as per your conclusion.

With regards
24 Apr 2017   #55
Hi, I'm also from India, my work permit for Poland was done with the help of lawyers from biz bon. The paperwork is very hard so it's better to have a lawyer do it. Maybe this helps.
2 May 2017   #56
I'm from India and have an offer to work MNC bank in Poland with a type D visa. My question is that if I move to Poland along with my wife then how easily can she get a job? Will she be able to apply for job there? She is currently working in India with experience in tableau reporting/ DBMS.

Thanks in Advance,

DominicB  - | 2706
2 May 2017   #57
Practically zero chance, unless she gets the job BEFORE she comes to Poland. Make your plans on the assumption that she will not be able to find any kind of work work at all after she comes to Poland.
18 May 2017   #58
Hi Guys,

I got an offer from MNC organization based in Poland. I got the offer around 2 months back. I am waiting for my Work permit ( national D visa) . Can you tell me how many days it takes generally

I tried to connect my empoloyer for the status. They are saying due to Govt ling proceure slowness it is taking time.. Can any one give some valuable information.
18 May 2017   #59

Hi , did you got your work permit ? I am also from India


Hi , I am currently working in India and my employer applying work permit for me . I have an offer and and waiting for the work permit. Can you tell me how many days generally it takes.. My employer connected with me and told it takes around 3 months time.
14 Jun 2017   #60
My name is Pranav from Gujarat. I am planning to process for Poland Work permit visa. I want to know how much chances are there of getting Jobs.

Home / Law / Work permit + national visa in Poland for India citizen

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