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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
8 Jan 2017   #211
Those are just a pure speculations, predicting the future not an easy task.

So you literally want a low gun crime country to introduce less strict laws about guns for what actually? If the gun crimes rates begin to rise then what?
8 Jan 2017   #212
My grand father came to USA from Poland..Said NEVER give up your guns...They are SLAVES in Poland! I agree..They take it from my cold dead hands....
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Jan 2017   #213
If the gun crimes rates begin to rise then what?

If you are going to be run over by the bus then what? Possibility of dying in a traffic accident is a real enough in Poland. Tell me, does that fact stop you from leaving your house? Would you ban cars? Would you introduce a law that forbids people going out?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
8 Jan 2017   #214
Buses and cars are already here and removing them would be as difficult as removing guns from Americans if the sh*t hits the fan. Besides cars and buses have many many more uses. Guns only kill.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Jan 2017   #215
Besides cars and buses have many many more uses.

So do guns.
It is not about guns and vehicles, it is about mentality and a certain way of thinking.

Buses and cars are already here and removing them

In other words if possible you would remove them altogether and impose your insecurities and the way of thinking onto other people. That is a serious character flaw - a control freak. Gotta burst you bubble - you cannot control other people that is impossible.

I think we have identified problem here.
8 Jan 2017   #216
Yeah. **** wit Americans trying to impose their will on a country that is not interested and not even interested in discussing the concept.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
8 Jan 2017   #217
Guy is comparing firearms to cars lol.

Anyway the discussion with those people is pointless. Vast majority of Poles don't want firearms to be any easier to obtain and Democracy is the rule of majority.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Jan 2017   #218
Guy is comparing firearms to cars lol.

You have no arguments lol.
You lost it dude and anyone can see it. why don't you cut your losses and just slunk into obscurity by remaining silent rather than displaying your audacity. Chutzpah doesn't work on me.

wit Americans trying to impose their will

Ah genius hath spoken.
Ever heard about arguments? Would you rather mudsling like a overgrown man-child.?
8 Jan 2017   #219
Reality based discussion. Who needs it.
cms  9 | 1253
8 Jan 2017   #220
Ironside your arguments are ludicrous

what other uses ? earlier Reb suggested heirlooms (yeah, would be great to give my son an assault rifle on his 21st), protecting from predators (Poland has 50 bears, 50 lynx and a few hundred wolves, they are beautiful, shy and they are protected and you get compensation if they eat your sheep), and other than that no uses except killing people.

Your argument about correlation not being causation would be shot down by any matura student - simply correlate with another data set - could be any other advanced country with similar gun laws to Poland - try Germany, Korea, Australia anywhere, The reason for mass gun deaths in the US is lax gun laws.

Legal status is also a ridiculous argument - people can obtain legal guns and then go nuts - just like the guy this week who took his legal gun and live ammo on a plane. Of course the tragedy could have been prevented had some of the unfortunate people unloading their luggage also had their Uzi to hand.

The total of gun deaths in the US is circa 10x the total of terrorist deaths in Europe in the worst year. No serious European party would put US style gun laws to the electorate - for good reason, gun toting brain dead morons cause 10x as many deaths as terrorism and are going to make us less safe. We will still live happily without this freedom.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
8 Jan 2017   #221
You have no arguments lol.
You lost it dude and anyone can see it

Come back after some rifleman will save your life with his rifle after you got a heart attack like it was an ambulance.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 Jan 2017   #222
Guns only kill.

Thank goodness for that or the bad guy may kill many more innocent before someone shoots him.

Democracy is the rule of majority.

This is why it is so important for us Yanks try to educate you Poles that have been brainwashed that guns are bad.
Police don't carry guns to protect you, they carry them to protect themselves.
Why shouldn't civilians have the same freedoms for self defense when there ain't no policeman around at the moment ?

and other than that no uses except killing people.

In self defense, kill or be killed.
Just think if poor "Daniel" would have had one when he was out numbered three to one with men with knives that had intent to kill him.

The three men with knives might have given second thought before they took chase knowing "Daniel" might have a gun.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
8 Jan 2017   #223
Guns in themselves aren't "bad", any more than knives or box cutters. However, the question isn't whether or not Daniel would've been safer and alive WITH a gun for self defense, rather, wouldn't we all have been a lot safer if the bad guys too had not access to guns:-)

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!!
mafketis  38 | 11127
8 Jan 2017   #224
ot Daniel would've been safer and alive WITH a gun

he was a thug, Daniel with a gun would have meant a lot more Poles than himself dead

(that said, killing him over trivia was completely wrong and I hope the perpetrators have a miserable rest of their misbegotten lives in prison)
Ironside  50 | 12928
9 Jan 2017   #226
what other uses ?

Sport, hunting, recreational, deterrent, self-defence etc.

Your argument about correlation not being causation would be shot down by any matura student -

I'm sure it would in the same way you just destroyed me with your wit, your mature argument, eloquence and your ineluctable logic. lol!

The reason for mass gun deaths in the US is lax gun laws.

No, it is not.

Legal status is also a ridiculous argument - people can obtain legal guns and then go nuts -

Why? Cause some people commit acts of violence or a crime? I never said that don't. How often thought legit gun owners commit crimes? That is the question you should find answer to before you have opened your big silly gob!

US style gun laws

You know next to nothing about US gun laws.

Come back after some rifleman will save your life with his rifle after you got a heart attack like it was an ambulance.

Ambulances don't save people's lives.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
9 Jan 2017   #227
Ambulances don't save people's lives.

Ahahahahahaha Ahahahahahah

Tell that to Owsiak, moron. Jeez.... What a tool.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
9 Jan 2017   #228
Sportshooting school just like I did with Gwardia Zielona Góra. You will be provided with a sport 4 mm sport rifle then,
hunting - is killing
recreational - meaning nothing generalisation,
Deterrent - threating others that you will kill them
self-defence - killing others

So ooooo many DIFFERENT purposes ROFLED HARD
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 Jan 2017   #229

I see you digging yourself deeper into a hole. lol!


Indeed hard to disagree with your self-assessment .
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Jan 2017   #230
The reason for mass gun deaths in the US is lax gun laws.

Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the United States and the highest numbers of murders with guns.
Perhaps you would like to explain that for us.

people can obtain legal guns and then go nuts

People can obtain legal cars and trucks and go nuts.
What you Eurps don't understand is that MOST of these gun murders happen in just FIVE Democratic Liberal Sanction Cities in the United States.

The town I live in no doubt has a lower murder rate then the country of Poland does.
10 Jan 2017   #231
Perhaps you would like to explain that for us.

Simple. There are no border controls between Chicago and places where firearms are freely available. So any criminal who wants a gun just goes to where they can be obtained and then brings a gun back. Or they just pay another criminal who does that for them.

Here in Poland we have very strict border controls between us and places where firearms are freely available, which is one reason that we have a murder by firearm rate of 0.06 per 100,000 and you have a murder by firearm rate of 2.77 per 100,000.

The town I live in no doubt has a lower murder rate then the country of Poland does.

Oops, yet again johnny gets caught lying to us! We can read at ?action=userinfo&user=51460

Country, city Miami Florida

The murder rate in Miami in 2011 was 16.8 per 100,000 (source: but in Poland it was 1.2 per 100,000. So, in the city johnny says he's from, the murder rate is fourteen times higher than the rate in Poland. The only question is whether johnny has just been caught lying about the crime rate in Poland (yet again) or whether he's just busted his own claim about where he lives!
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 Jan 2017   #232
There are no border controls between Chicago and places where firearms are freely available

So the North Korea is the place you want. There only state appointed oppressors and commissars have guns. Just say it. You don't like and don't understand democracy.

So, in the city johnny says he's from, the murder rate is fourteen times higher than the rate in Poland.

You're missing the point and you doing it on purpose to misrepresent his argument.
10 Jan 2017   #233
There only state appointed oppressors and commissars have guns.

Yawn. Perhaps you'd like to do just a little bit of research before posting? Or are facts just an irrelevance to you?

The estimated total number of guns (both licit and illicit) held by civilians in North Korea is 130,000.


You don't like and don't understand democracy.

I'm a big fan of it. I happen to think that voting (or rather attending the polling station during an election) should be mandatory. But I'm not the topic here: guns are. You're simply trying to drive the thread off-topic because you know you'll lose an on-topic debate.

You're missing the point and you doing it on purpose to misrepresent his argument.

His point to try to claim that his town in a country that has a murder by firearm rate of 2.77 per 100,000 is safer than a country with a murder by firearm rate of 0.06 per 100,000. Unfortunately he forgot where he claims to be from and tripped over his own lies.
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 Jan 2017   #234

Do I bore you HARRY? Feel free to ignore me.

Or are facts just an irrelevance to you?

What facts? Do you really believe that those people stated as civilians are in fact civilians that have nothing to do with the oppressive commie tyrannical government? They are just regular citizens that just happened to own a gun. Are you that gullible for real?

Come on, tell me I'm wrong and you're better that that.

I'm a big fan of it

Sorry, I meant to say democracy that is equated with individual freedoms.

But I'm not the topic here: guns are. You're simply trying to drive the thread off-topic because you know you'll lose an on-topic debate.

Not really, guns debate is a part of freedom and democracy should be a platform, a tool as a best way to achieve and secure those freedoms. Relegating democracy just as a system of electing your governing bodies is a gross oversimplification.

Unfortunately he forgot where he claims to be from and tripped over his own lies.

Well, I don't think that he cares much what lies he told you. You on the other hand latch to it as if that would matter in the slightest. On this forum we are talking about ideas, politics and exchange opinions on various issues. To do that we don't need personal info about people who post here. Nor do we need their home addresses and phone numbers.

I fail to understand your obsession with which you dig up personal info about people to then latch onto it to use it in an attempt to discredit a poster you disagree with.

Harry, on the internet forums all that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is a quality and logic of arguments.
10 Jan 2017   #235
democracy that is equated with individual freedoms.

There's the crux of the matter. In Poland we have the freedom to not worry about being shot, as we're more likely to be killed by a wasp than by a gun. In your country you have the right to arm yourself to the teeth and enjoy a murder by firearm rate that is more than 46 times higher than in our wonderful country.

But another key word there is 'democracy'. If Poles really wanted change, a political party would have campaigned on a promise of handing out firearms to everybody who wants one. But no party has done that and no party would do that: because Poles are not stupid enough to vote for a party that wants to see the murder rate go up massively.

On this forum we are talking about ideas, politics and exchange opinions on various issues.

Yes, his idea is that the town he claims to be from "no doubt has a lower murder rate then the country of Poland does". But reality is the exact opposite. People being able to lie and not be challenged about their lies is how the world finds itself in the current mess.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Jan 2017   #236
In Poland we have the freedom to not worry about being shot,

I would rather be shot then stabbed in the ear with a knife like Daniel was.
I guess it boils down to the weapon of your choice.

he claims

Perhaps you would like to substantiate YOUR CLAIM otherwise.
Such remarks are just another of your skillfully sow innuendo steeped in ­exaggeration (lie) Har.
This is why the world is in the mess it is because of people like you.

Endless numbers of Polish people have told me the same thing, "Don't ever let them take your guns because you will never get them back".

My personal prediction is that in the next generation or two in Poland the people will be arming themselves with guns of some kind.
10 Jan 2017   #237
I guess it boils down to the weapon of your choice.

I guess it boils down to whether you prefer to live in a place with a high murder rate or a place with a low murder rate.

Here in Poland our murder rate is 1.2 per 100,000 people.
In your country you manage to have a rate very nearly quadruple that, i.e. 4.7 per 100,000 people. You have more than twice as many total murders per 100,000 people using just one mechanism than we have from all methods combined. Strangely enough, that one mechanism is the one that only kills 0.06 people per 100,000 here but kills more than 46 times more people per 100,000 in your country. Which is why we're glad it's so tightly controlled here.

Perhaps you would like to substantiate YOUR CLAIM otherwise.

Your profile here says that you live in "Miami Florida". ?action=userinfo&user=51460
The murder rate in Miami in 2011 was 16.8 per 100,000 (source: but in Poland it was 1.2 per 100,000 (source:
So, were you lying when you claimed that "The town I live in no doubt has a lower murder rate then the country of Poland does." or were you lying when you claimed that you live in "Miami Florida"? Those statements can't both be true, although a more likely explanation is that neither of them are. Poor old Cartman!
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Jan 2017   #238
whether you prefer to live in a place with a high murder rate or a place with a low murder rate.

I choose to live in a town with a lower murder rate then what the country of Poland has.

Your profile here says that you live in "Miami Florida".

Another lie Har, better you go look again.

Where do you come up with this stuff Har ?
Poland has a higher murder rate then the town I live in which was my point and you unfortunately can not prove otherwise no matter how clever you think you are..
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 Jan 2017   #239
If Poles really wanted change, a political party would have campaigned on a promise of handing out firearms to everybody who wants one.

Poland is getting there. More and more Poles being to see the light.
10 Jan 2017   #240
I choose to live in a town with a lower murder rate then what the country of Poland has.

Can you at least try to tell the truth? Why don't you just give up trying to claim that guns make a country safer rather than just boring us with lie after lie after lie.

Another lie Har, better you go look again.

Could you be any more pathetic? You've now changed "Miami Florida" to "Mayberry North Carolina". Might that be Mayberry North Carolina is the town where gun ownership alone has brought down gun crime? Nope, it's because Mayberry North Carolina does not exist. Source:

Poland has a higher murder rate then the town I live in which was my point and you unfortunately can not prove otherwise no matter how clever you think you are..

That's your claim: you prove it. Or just carry on being so pathetic and childish as to claim that nobody can prove whether the murder rate in a town which does not exist is higher or lower than the murder rate in Poland. I may have to re-evaluate you: not even Cartman can be as pathetic as you.

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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