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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

3 Apr 2018   #661
It does seem to me there is a lot of insecurity here however I'm trying not to project it on Americans as a whole as it's mostly Dirk. The gun and pink stereotypes are so lame...

My partner knows how to shoot, drives manual car (like most ppl in Europe ) and hates pink but none of this was the reason why I chose him to be the father of our baby
cms neuf  1 | 1846
3 Apr 2018   #662
Dolno - So in answer to your question yes it does seem that certain groups do think it's hip or manly to be seen with a gun, that this will validate them as a person, make them glamorous and deserving of respect and help them to get women.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2018   #663
So in answer to your question yes it does seem that certain groups do think it's hip or manly to be seen with a gun

So another question is should these groupings be allowed to settle in Poland even if it is a minority that follow this gun culture.

Begs the question gun control or no control is the problem of gun crime more to do with types of people and their culture than the gun itself. It appears that no matter how much gun control you have these brarrp gangbangers as Dirk politely puts it still obtain guns like in London.

I guest its not only culture but religion some of these groups also find guns to kill people with, control or no control, we call them terrorists.

Bit of a impossible subject this, because if you live in a place that is rampant with this type of crime you need to get your own gun just to stay safe.

The big question for Poland is do they let these people in in the first place, the excuse of we don't want gangbangers or terrorists may not wash with other European states that are happy to accommodate this on the basis of fairness and equality, while their citizens are forced to live in a cesspit of violence.

Big Big question.. and a huge elephant in the room.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Apr 2018   #664
do they let these people in in the first place

it's impossible (for the time being) to stop gangs from coming to Poland, after brexit? but cultural and language barriers are enough of a deterrent

there are a bunch of different questions that people on both sides try to slough off with cheap empty slogans

security vs freedom (all else being equal people with legal guns are more likely to use them than people without)

the big problem in the us isn't guns per se, but widespread mental illness caused by 37 years of neoliberal policies that ultimately atomize individuals into mutually antagonistic competitors in the race to consume (crazy people with guns are more dangerous than non-crazy people with guns)

different rates of various types of crime by racial, ethnic or religious groups is another inconvenient fact that people try to wish away or ignore away....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Apr 2018   #665
brarrp gangbangers as Dirk politely puts it still obtain guns like in London.

EXACTLY - and no amount of gun control is going to stop that..... that's what these anti gun nuts don't get... yet they feel that a law abiding citizens who wnat to obtain guns LEGALLY shouldn't be able to protect themselves against such people. There's legal gun owners who live and work in these areas and feel that is one of their only ways to have a fighting chance against home invasions and rapes.

different rates of various types of crime by racial, ethnic or religious groups is another inconvenient fact that people try to wish away or ignore away....

Another thing the left constantly ignores - like the thousand rape cases by Pakistani trafficking ring, the skyrocketing rapes in Sweden/Germany/France/etc that have been caused disproportionately by migrants, the news crews from CNN, 60 mins, etc that are attacked as soon as they get into a no-go zones (how come no native euroepean is attacking them for merely filming in their neighborhood?), the fact that 1/3 black men in US will at one point in their life be convicted/serve time for a felony, that blacks despite being 13-14% of the population are responsible for the majority of violent crimes (in Chicago blacks are both over 80% suspect and victim in shootings/homicides), and other uncomfortable facts that show multiculturalism isn't working... especially not in Europe with the Muslim migrants. I think even the Africans wouldhave an easier time assimilating than the Arabs...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Apr 2018   #666
hates pink but none of this was the reason why I chose him to be the father of our baby

Of course, but now if he wore tight jeans and pink pussy hats, was triggered by guns, displays of patriotism/nationalism, required a safe space every time he is offended/triggered, didn't know how to defend his family if the situation came down to it, and make you feel the way a woman should, etc. would you still marry him and have kids with him? Probably not - and even if so, you'd probably seek out a real man, not a soy boy, after a while....
3 Apr 2018   #667
Are you 15 or something? I'm asking seriously because it's hard for me to believe an adult man can be so immature or insecure...

Tight jeans? Seriously? Can you be any more superficial?
Let's analyse you as a man:
-you write about Christianity but you don't live by its rules. Which makes you either a hypocrite or opportunist.
-you write about patriotism but you seem to despise the country that raised you and let's you have a career but postponing moving to a country you say you love. Again- opportunist or layer?

I could go on but it's already too much. I just wanted to show you that for me you are failing manhood test as a real man should be a person of honour, integrity and maturity. Guns, clothes and so on have no importance here.

And don't put patriotism and nationalism as equal things. They are anything but.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2018   #668
glamorous and deserving of respect and help them to get women.

my wife would run a mile if I puled out a gun and boasted about brarrping innocent people,

But anyway it appears that the more liberal and socialist element do not wish to engage my questions so I may never get a balanced opinions to my questions.

Then big one is should Poland facilitate migration to groups who have gun toting tendencies, or should Poland prevent this and keep Poland safe as it currently is.

We don't have a gun culture in Poland, and we don't need guns, but I am worried that if these groups are allowed to reside here we would be forced to tool up to defend ourselves from our own guests
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Apr 2018   #669
If i were a chicago detective I wpuld round up literally hundreds of homicide suspects within my first month on the job. Only about 20% 25% of homicides in Chicago are cleared meaning either the shooting was in self defense, police related or the suspect was caught. And just because they were caught doesnt mean they were convicted and even if they were rarely does 1 count of 1st degree homicide exceed 10-25 years depending on circumstance, evidence, what kind of deal was cut, if the case went to.trial instead of plea, etc.

And liberals expect people to not have a gun for self defense and rely on the police and court system... fts!! Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

And no poles dont need guns bc there isnt a gang culture quite like the US neither is there a flood of migrants that are causing violent crime rates to skyrocket. If these hordes did come to Poland I guaruntee you the amount of weapon applications would dramatically increase. Even now there's been 5k more applications per years. So
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Apr 2018   #670
should Poland facilitate migration to groups who have gun toting tendencies,

Do you mean any people of Afro-Caribbean origin? Black people from anywhere in the world? Or black people specifically from the UK and America or from any country where black people have the highest rate of association with gun crime?

The thing is Dolno that almost none of those people ie gun toting gang members, would be interested in settling in Poland so there's not a lot of point in basing an immigration policy around them. What if an American black guy, with no criminal record, who presently works as a manager at Walmart wants to live in Poland - you say, no, because black people commit more gun crimes. It sounds ridiculous quite frankly and extremely unfair.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2018   #671
Do you mean any people of Afro-Caribbean origin? Black people from anywhere in the world?

Are you saying that it is black people who commit this type of crime, I never once mentioned black people I was talking about groups of people which could be gang members etc. anyway nice to be chatting.

As for the wallwart guy depends if Poland wants a Multi cultural nation or not like many arab states, is it wrong not to want multiculturalism? wrong to set quotas so that areas are not overrun by a foreign gun culture I ask the question because of dutch action below.


Is it also not reasonable for Poland not to want gun toting groups, and if you are saying its black people that commit these crimes then should not Poland set limits as the dutch are suggesting, albeit they are wanting to set limits on workers.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Apr 2018   #672
No, I'm not saying it, I thought you were saying it :))

but gun crime in London is confined to one or two ethnic groups

Apart from the odd lunatic Islamic fundamentalist, I don't think people from the Indian sub-continent or Middle East have a greater reputation for gun crime, so I took it to mean black people.

so that areas are not overrun by a foreign gun culture

Dolno you're being a bit daft. Are you doing it on purpose? The biggest gun culture of all is America, you can't deny that. Do you want to cap the number of Americans allowed in Poland?

The fact is that it's a question, not of targeting specific groups or nationalities but of deciding what percentage of foreigners you consider to be enough, in order to preserve your Polish culture. But that doesn't address the fact that some Polish women in particular (not so many men), want to marry foreigners from very different cultures and if you have quotas in place, if that quota is filled, at some point a native Pole will be denied the right for their spouse to live with them in Poland - that would violate their human and civil rights.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2018   #673
No, I'm not saying it, I thought you were saying it

But notice how you sub conscience immediately made a connection between black people and gun crime, but then the social engineering / programming you have been exposed to kicked in and simultaneously jumped to the defence of the very people you accused by the invention of the wall mart guy.

The above is not a dig at you personally Atch, It is a very common trait, but one to be very guarded of when judging others.

Pole will be denied the right for their spouse to live with them in Poland - that would violate their human and civil rights.

I don't know if you are aware but this happens every day in the UK a foreign spouse is denied entry due to insufficient proof of funds.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Apr 2018   #674
But notice how you sub conscience immediately made a connection between black people and gun crime

Dolno, it was you who said 'ethnic groups' in London and as I say, there's only three main ones to choose from, of which the Afro-Caribbean community would be the one most associated with guns and crime out of the three. I don't know the exact stats for gun crime committed by black people in the UK or America but I would say it's mostly concentrated in urban areas and the gun crime rate amongst white people in those areas would run pretty high in those places too. Economically and culturally deprived urban communities in the developed world generally have a comparatively high crime rate.

The fact is that most Polish women who marry a black guy won't be choosing a gun toting gang member. If he's American, the Walmart manager is nearer the mark.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #675
the Afro-Caribbean community would be the one most associated with guns and crime out of the three

Is African-Carribean immigration to the UK continuing? If so, why? Comaprative rates of violent offenses seem like a very good factor to take into consideration when thinking of immigration policy...

. I don't know the exact stats for gun crime committed by black people in the UK or America

The per capita homocide rate among African Americans goes between 3 and 5 times the white rate depending on when you measure (there were peaks around 1980 and the early 90s) .

most Polish women who marry a black guy won't be choosing a gun toting gang member. If he's American, the Walmart manager is nearer the mark.

Yes, historically most Polish-black relationships (not that many end up in marriage since black men independent of national origin tend to avoid marriage or raising children) are wtih those that came to Poland to study...
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Apr 2018   #676
Here's a well balanced assessment of the stats for America:

Is African-Carribean immigration to the UK continuing?

If you mean from the former colonies, no. It's been subject to restrictions since the 1960s. Nothing to do with race or violence though, it's more to do with the fact that you don't have an automatic right to live in the UK because you were born in a Commonwealth country. Obviously you couldn't continue to have unrestricted immigration on that basis.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Apr 2018   #677
Blacks commit more violent crimes than any other race in the US despite being 13-14% of the population.... I imagine its the same all over the world - UK, Europe, etc.... yet they all say the same thing when they're caught - 'ah dindu nuffin!!.... awe maaaaaaayne..... why you gotta be hatin'?
Joker  2 | 2390
6 Apr 2018   #678
EXACTLY - and no amount of gun control is going to stop that..

Did you hear the latest news out of England? The surge of murders in London is soaring in 2018!

The UK`s strict anti -gun laws really don't seem to have much of an effect on crime at all?
6 Apr 2018   #679
Lets give the criminals guns so they can kill ten times as many as each other and we will have a murder rate to match America . Result!
Joker  2 | 2390
6 Apr 2018   #680
Perhaps, you should ban all knifes in the UK as welll. It doesn't appear safe on the streets of Londonistan at all.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
6 Apr 2018   #681
Most knives are already banned in the U.K. with stiff penalties, including prison, for carrying an offensive weapon.
gumishu  15 | 6227
6 Apr 2018   #682
still knife crime is ubiquitous in the UK much more so than in Poland
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #683
Most knives are already banned in the U.K. with stiff penalties, including prison, for carrying an offensive weapon.

So if you buy a knife in a store.... how do you get it home?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2018   #684
You take the knife off the shelf the rob the store and take the cash home. much lighter sentence if you get caught.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Apr 2018   #685
I grew up with guns.
Everyone knows that.
But you know what...... my parents NEVER supported any bad behavior from me.
I was terrified of doing something bad at school, as I would have not had a life until I corrected the problem and straightened my ass out.

My parents invaded my life.
They knew where I was ALL the time.
They made me have a curfew.
They made me wake them up when I got home.
They made me respect their rules.
They had full control of their house, and at any time could and would go through every inch of my bedroom, backpack, pockets, anything !
Being the "cool mom" means not a damn thing when either your kid is dead or your kid kills other people because they were allowed to have their space and privacy (safe room) in YOUR HOME.

I'll say it again, my home was filled with guns growing up as were most homes in America before God was taken out of our schools.

Does Progressive Liberalism REALLY "enrich" a culture ???????
Put the blame where it belongs.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Apr 2018   #686
I grew up with guns.

Same. I had my first air rifle at 12 and 22 at around 15-16. I'd never shoot anyone that isn't trying to kill me first. Even if a dude lunged at me with a knife id prolly shoot his legs out. The dumbass ghetto people might be driving the homicides way up but today's cops esp in US are very trigger happy.

They made me respect their rules

The problem is parents don't demand respect anymore and a lot simply don't care. The kids do whatever the **** they want and if you try to enforce disciplines and normal values and traditions than some public school head shrinker will say you're the problem. DCFS has taken away foster kids from foster homes who want to wean adopted 6 yo kids off Adderall and God knows what else.

Most knives are already banned in the U.K. with stiff penalties, including prison, for carrying an offensive weapon.@ cms neuf

Yet that has NEVER stopped a stabbing.... neither have guns laws ever prevented a shooting. There was a shooting in California just now at the YouTube headquarters.... yet California has some of the strictest gun laws in US - yet tons of crime including mass shootings... riddle me that one???
cms neuf  1 | 1846
6 Apr 2018   #687
Hardly a riddle - she had a legally acquired semi automatic, took it to a shooting range to practice and then trued to kill a few innocent people at a company who had created some mild inconvenience for her

Thankfully that kind of thing never happens in Poland as they would do thorough backgtound checks and that kind of weapon or ammo would not be available.

Plenty of stabbings are prevented by thr fact that carrying knives is very risky.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #688
Then what the hell is wrong with people in London that so many want to carve each other up like Thanksgiving turkeys?

It's not about the weapons, but about the societal rot... addressing that is much more effective than restictive laws...
Joker  2 | 2390
6 Apr 2018   #689
Then what the hell is wrong with people in London that so many want to carve each other up

Its part of Sadiq Kahn`s multicultural open door invasion/experience. What a nice avoid!

If you cant trust the public to have knives, allowing them to have guns would be even crazier.

I like to see the stats on whom is committing the stabbings, Muslims or English? Of course, the lefty msm will obscure or omit those stats.

Plenty of stabbings are prevented by thr fact that carrying knives is very risky.

Poland is more civilized country than England these days:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Apr 2018   #690
Thankfully that kind of thing never happens in Poland as they would do thorough backgtound checks and that kind of weapon or ammo would not be available.

However, just like with columbine, adam lanza, countless terrorist attacks, drive by's etc. if a person REALLY wants to carry out a homicide he or she will find a gun illegally or use another weapon.

Also that person didn't have a record - it's likely she would've passed the checks in Poland . ANd if they arrested her for youtube stuff (which ive watched btw - she was mad they were filtering her and hence she was making less money basically) that borders on free speech because she really didn't say she'd take any violent actions against youtube. she complained that she was losing money that's it... and she has tons of subscribers/viewers so it sounds like she did this as a carrer. Most people wouldn't expect her to shoot up youtube - there's plenty of people who complain about companies online and threaten WAY worse things than her and do don't sh!t - perhaps one in a million will shoot it up. theres far more murders from crime and Islamic terror than some school/company shootings the numbers don't even compare.

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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