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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #481
I was never in favor for the AR-15 and other assault rifles for the public sector, these weapons are for the military.

I as a strong Right Winged Conservative Patriot agree with you Joker.
But since they are already out there I will be the last one to give up mine.
In fact I lost mine on a canoeing trip in the river when our canoe tipped over. :-o
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #482
I know a guy who tried to turn his illegal gun into police. He has a minor assault charge that he was convicted of and never got expunged or sealed. As a father ans husband, he kept a pistol for home protection as he lived in the city. Later he moved to a better area bur kept his gun. Chicago was having a buyback program that summer and he drove to sell his gun. Fate would have it that he gets pulled over on the northside on his way. Before the cops evem ask to search his car he tells the cop he has a firearm and is turning it in for the buyback program. Bam 3 year sentence - later reduced to 1 year and long probation.

That buyback chicago liberals kept bragging how they got a thousamd firearms off the streef. However thats nothing plus almost all the guns collected were hunting rifles and very few handguns or submachine guns which are most commonly used in shootings. No self respecting hitta does a drive by with a savage hunting rifle...
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Feb 2018   #483
My suggestion would be a gradual programme of disarmament and police reform spread over a number of years in stages.

Start with the state that has the least amount of gun crime, whichever that is and introduce a pilot scheme there.

Start by retraining the police force there in policing without guns, like the Irish Gardai so that there are armed response units available but the average guy on the beat doesn't carry a gun.

While that training is taking place, have a voluntary surrendering of arms, either legally or illegally held, no questions asked by the authorities. Let's say this is done over two years.

Then when the police are ready to roll in their new form and the public disarmed to a certain degree, do the same thing the Irish Gardai do when they suspect that guns are on the premises and send a proper counter terrorist unit to take the guns from known criminals or those likely to be harbouring guns for criminal purposes.

Then give it a further two/three years and take a look at the crime rate and gun deaths, homicides, accidental or otherwise for the total period. If there's enough of a reduction to justify continuing the scheme, then gradually introduce it across the country over a number of years and at the end of say 25 years, you should see a change. However, it has to be done in conjunction with social initiatives and other things that address some of the underlying problems that lead to this mess in the first place.

As I say, that's just a suggestion - anybody else got other ideas?
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Feb 2018   #484
My suggestion would be a gradual programme of disarmament and police reform spread over a number of years in stages.

No one care about you suggestion as it is silly in extreme.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #485
Most criminal in chicago nyc la atlanta texas etc wont give up their guns regardless of any 'scheme' and the legal gun owners wont have to comply due to 2nd amendment. Ud have to give criminals like 10 grand for every gun and then maybe theyd turn a bunch in but probably still keep atleast one. Legal gun ownership is a constitutional right. Neither will rednecks or old gun cooks like my uncle with probably 10 guns per bedroom including some pretty heavy mounted guns. Theyre almost all ww2 arms except for a few pistols. Then again a ppshka is as good as a tec9.

Did i mention they never held this buyback in chicago since and that was like years and years ago?

Also, what would stop people from manufacturing illegal guns at home? Right now its limited because illegally traded guns are so plentiful amd cheap. Its common though in california and in europe people convert bobby guns into small cal semi auto pistols if its difficult for them to obtain otherwise. Or they just go to ukraine bulgaria serbia and bring em back. Its like w glocks, yes theyre made semi auto but a cheap chip turns it into auto in 10 seconds. Some even use a thick paperclip.
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Feb 2018   #486
My suggestion

Is a high trust monocultural European solution to a low trust diverse American problem, which a large minority or maybe a majority of people don't think is a problem.

I repeat. Most Americans do not feel that law abiding private citizens having (and often carrying) firearms is a problem and will resist any program to significantly disarm the public.

Start with the state that has the least amount of gun crime, whichever that is and introduce a pilot scheme there.

And don't call it a scheme in the US (very negative connotations overall it needs to be called a program or project or something like that)

Actually hard to do since it's hard to find statistics that separate suicide from homicide. And there are regional cultural and demographic issues that need to be addressed (and which nobody wants to address) and a program that might work in one area won't work in others, there's more regional differences in terms of history and culture in the US than most Europeans realize.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #487
- anybody else got other ideas?

Yes, ban the violent video games that kill people.
Start sterilizing single mothers on welfare after their second child.
A very high percentage of gun crimes are committed by no fathers in the family.
For the students that have no manners and no desire to learn take them out of the public schools and put them in boot camps until they learn how to say, yes sir and no sir and have learned how to read and write while earning their room and board.

Anyone caught with a gun in the commission of a crime shoot them on the spot as you have no civil rights at that point.

Anyone caught with a gun dealing hard drugs get an automatic twenty years in prison.
Laws like this would have no bearing on law abiding private gun owners.
That is how I would start as the vice president to you as our new Irish president Atch.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #488
Most Americans do not feel that law abiding private citizens having (and often carrying) firearms is a problem and will resist any program to significantly disarm the public.

Yeah I mean even the centrists/center left says they don't care about private citizens legally owning guns. They want more restrictions against autos and ars and such. It's mainly the far left element that wants to take away people's guns - and even in that case i feel its more because of their hatred of conservatives esp the redneck types living out in the country that are all about God and Guns.

Anyone caught with a gun dealing hard drugs get an automatic twenty years in prison.

They use to do that. Now it's a year or two for 1st time offender, maybe 5-7 if they have a long record.. at least in Illinois because the prisons are so overcrowded. And if it's a shakey case he may end up winning the trial or theyll make a deal for like 2-5 years probation or 1 year jail 2 years probations or something and if he rats he'll face essentially nothing and get paid thousands, even tensof thousands, for the people he ratted out
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Feb 2018   #489

Very good point. I did a quick Google and apparently the most violent state is Nevada which has only a 42% non-Hispanic white population and the least violent is Maine which has 94% non-Hispanic white.

there's more regional differences in terms of history and culture in the US than most Europeans realize.

Yes, it's really the Divided States, not the United States. It doesn't work because it's an artificially created country which was forcibly united as the result of a war. There are some states which I'm sure would be quite happy to have an unarmed police force and unarmed public but others who love guns and still live in 1790.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #490
Yes, they are called the Democratic States (the Left with no common sense) and the Republican States (the Right that have to much common sense).

1790 laws are what America was founded on and has worked great for the last 225 years to give it's citizens the most freedoms of any country in the world not to mention the greatest and most powerful country in the world.

Why would we want to change that just for the minority of gun grabbers and jealous foreigners ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #491
the most violent state is Nevada which has only a 42% non-Hispanic white population and the least violent is Maine which has 94% non-Hispanic white.

Which further illustrates that white gun owners aren't the ones driving the homicide rate way up ...

You can pretty much apply that almost universally in the US - higher percentage of whites, lower rates of gun violence. Unfortunately though the heroin and now fentanyl epidemic is destroying white suburbia

Why would we want to change that just for the minority of gun grabbers and jealous foreigners ?

Personally, I could use less bullet holes in my car. I'm all for hearing a strategy that takes illegal guns off the street and ensures legal citizens have guns for self defense. No one has figured that out yet in the US though.

In Poland it's simple. It's a homogenous society and Poles will get into fist fights but they pull a gun out right away after a verbal argument. That's the first thing people in the hood go for though. Even in road rage incidents theres been a lot of people who pull out a gun instead of a middle finger.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #492
Dear God,
Why do you allow so much violence in our schools ?
signed, a Concerned Student

Dear Concerned Student,
I'm not allowed in schools.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Feb 2018   #493
Yes, it's really the Divided States, not the United States

Would that be of any help if the US gave back to Mexico what it grabbed from them?
Would that help if the US sold Alaska back to Russia?

If not, I am for California and Texas to become independent and Alaska to be adjoined to Canada.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Feb 2018   #494
white gun owners aren't the ones driving the homicide rate way up ...

Apparently the real link is between low income and crime which is not unique to the USA and is hardly a surprising fact. However in other civilized countries with a multi-cultural society and lower income groups, there isn't the same level of deaths from guns that you see in the USA and that's because there are far greater controls on gun ownership. You certainly don't see toddlers shooting people accidentally in any civilized country in the world other than America.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #495
low income and crime which is not unique to the USA and is hardly a surprising fact.

West Virginia and Appalachia is extremely poor by US standards. So are the countrysides of places like Idaho, Indiana, Montana, etc. Those places tend to also be majority white, low income, and have crime most often related to meth and theft, but few homicides - especially when compared to poor urban blacks who number fewer than whites.

Blacks account for the majority of the violent crime in the US, yet they are only 13-14% of population. That is a fact from the FBI stats.
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Feb 2018   #496
there isn't the same level of deaths from guns that you see in the USA

Actually homicide rates per 100,000 people aren't that high in the US... usually around 4 per 100,000 which is lower than Estonia or Turkey... when you factor in that most of the homicides are actually drug gang violence it's even lower.

And there's the ethno-racial component blacks and latinos are both wildly over-represented in gun violence. the US quadrupled its latino population in something like 40 years and increased gun violence is at least partly a side effect of that. (Black violent crime and gun crime rates tend to be high everywhere unless suppressed by draconian measures).

Everyone would like to disarm and disband violent drug gangs but other policies of the US encourage high drug consumption which means the gangs thrive.

If not, I am for California and Texas to become independent and Alaska to be adjoined to Canada.

I'm okay with giving up Alaska (useless place that messes up maps) and Hawaii (and Puerto Rico).

Then we'll see about California and Texas. The former is probably too unweildy to be governed as a single country and would split into norhtern and southern factions pretty quickly though the north could merge with Washington and Oregon (see the book Ecotopia)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #497
You certainly don't see toddlers shooting people accidentally in any civilized country in the world other than America.

Family pets cause more deaths than do toddlers shooting people in America.
Should we do away with family pets too ?
Come on Atch, you are starting to sound like a liberal gun grabber.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #498
Everyone would like to disarm and disband violent drug gangs but other policies of the US encourage high drug consumption which means the gangs thrive.

Honestly its just total laziness and ineptitude by cops. Like I've said, gang members go on youtube recording themselves walking through a rival's hood while shouting and listing off the names that they individually or collectively murdered, (mike rots, adam rots, chris rots, etc.) they don't hide their faces, they flash the guns they're carrying, they'll even ram people or shoot while recording.

This was one of the rare times in which the person was actually arrested. He only got like 9 years meaning hell be out in 4-5

Oh you know, no big deal. Driving around in a convertible with a police scanner and a few guns. Recording yourself shooting at people... happens everyday. Explain to me how you deal with the millions of geniuses like these two and combined with lazy cops who don't want to go after them because they're too yellow.

oh but once people don't have any weapons the cops are all tough -

this guy was clearly not a threat yet was shot - even though he was laying on the ground and clearly complying with police

Everyone, please focus on Poland in this thread
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Feb 2018   #499
Great... now todays high schoolers will be eveb more leftist than todays millenials. America does not have a bright future.

I suggest president trump for life
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Feb 2018   #500
The more I think about's probably best Poland does not allow guns.
The high rate of aggressive spouse abuse, animal abuse and alcohol abuse is not a good combination with a gun available.
You see how unruly people act before, during and after the football games.
Probably best to keep the gun laws in place that Poland and the rest of the E.U. currently have.
O WELL  - | 150
27 Feb 2018   #501
Maybe in Poland but certainly not in America N O W.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Feb 2018   #502
gradual programme of disarmament and police reform

My feeling is that any program to disarm the public in the USA is a waste of time. A European person should simply stay away from this. The right to have a gun is something which is inherited in the American culture and when you try to outline any 'scheme' for the Americans to get rid of their guns, Ms Atch, you seem to sound as unconvincing as Dirk diggler when saying 'we Poles' or 'nasz kraj, nasze zasady' in reference to Poland. It is only the Americans themselves who are entitled to say something on that matter. And I am reminded that they were the Founding Fathers themselves who wished the nation to posses guns as an ultimate tool against any possible follies that may overwhelm their government.

it's probably best Poland does not allow guns.

And now your voice is the voice of reason, JR. Just as telling the Americans to disarm is silly, a most silly thing would be telling the Poles to arm the public.
O WELL  - | 150
27 Feb 2018   #503
well said Zienowit,
Also what bothers me that to buy a pack of smokes one has to be 21 in my state and some other states but for weapons........
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #504
Ms Atch, you seem to sound as unconvincing as Dirk diggler when saying 'we Poles' or 'nasz kraj, nasze zasady' in reference to Poland.

Oh absolutely. It's nothing to do with me. I was just musing on the subject but of course it's up to Americans. However I think it is valid to comment as the American members of this forum seem to think that Poles should be armed. There is simply no necessity for it in Poland. One could say that in the same way that I, as an Irish person coming from one of the safest countries in the world, cannot relate to a society as violent as America, Americans can't relate to the relatively peaceful European societies. Despite the fact that they are drawn to more peaceful countries, they're afraid to live in them without having a gun in their house or on their person.

Interestingly, there was an Irish teenager, a sixteen year old girl who literally had to run for her life in that Florida school shooting. Her family just moved to America. She lives a normal life in Dublin for sixteen years and then within a couple of months of arriving in America she's being chased out of her school by a maniac with an assault rifle. In Ireland as indeed in Poland, there is close to zero likelihood of a mass shooting of any kind anywhere - and that's how life should be in a civilized country.
SigSauer  4 | 377
28 Feb 2018   #505
My position has always been that Poland is a sovereign country and can enact what laws it likes. It's not up to me to push a particular position as a non-citizen, their system seems to work well for them.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #506
Seeing as your user name is that of a gun, I would say that you're probably rather keen on them though :))
johnny reb  49 | 7974
28 Feb 2018   #507
I'll take your trolling bait Ms. Manners.

However I think it is valid to comment as the American members of this forum seem to think that Poles should be armed.

I am sure glad that doesn't include Sig or me as Americans.

Probably best to keep the gun laws in place that Poland and the rest of the E.U. currently have.

I think it is a valid comment that I have repeated a dozen times that HUGE AMERICA has small areas of gun violence.
Kind of like the NO GO ZONES in violent Europe.
To paint America with such a broad brush of being uncivilized only shows the ignorance of a very bias individual with hate issues.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #508
And yet:

How long do you think it will be before Poland experiences a mass murder that could have been stopped if there would have been armed citizens ?

Responsible gun owners enjoy their God given freedom to self defend themselves and their families.

Can't have it both ways. Either you think the law in Poland should remain as it as or you don't. Simples.
mafketis  38 | 11137
28 Feb 2018   #509
Either you think the law in Poland should remain as it as or you don't.

Yeah. For the record (AFAICR) I've never suggested Poland follow US style gun laws. I have said that Polish people, being that way they are, are very liable to not follow gun laws and those who want them will find and acquire them. "Rules are for other people, my case is special" might as well be the national motto....
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #510
My apologies Maf. I should have said 'some' Americans on the forum.

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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