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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Lenka  5 | 3531
31 Mar 2023   #2131
Why is there no mention of how many people were polled?

Because it's not their poll. It's been ordered by Rzeczpospolita. They are just reprinting the biggest points. It has been done however by well known polling agency. The same poll has been quoted by pro relaxing laws websites.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
31 Mar 2023   #2132
Even PiS polls have baseline numbers. A press outlet knows better than to publish this without numbers unless the sample size is so small it would not be taken seriously. 57 out of 100 or 570 out of 1000. Which is the more impressive and worthy number? Really, if this were a poll about people being against abortion you would want the numbers too or you would think it was taken at a PiS meeting.
Lenka  5 | 3531
31 Mar 2023   #2133
Clutching at straws imo.
The fact that Onet doesn't give the numbers doesn't mean the original source didn't.You have to subscribe to access Rzeczpospolita and I'm not paying just to convince you. And the agency is well known one so I would rather trust their poll than your observations
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Mar 2023   #2134
. It has been done however by well known polling agency. The same poll has been quoted by pro relaxing laws websites.

Quite. He's trying to attack the (solid and respected) poll in the absence of any other argument.

Like the poll and your opinion.

It still doesn't mean that people in PL want to weaken the existing very safe situation. No matter how much you wish they would, no matter how you weakly argue.
mafketis  38 | 11137
1 Apr 2023   #2135
trying to attack the (solid and respected) poll

A country will Poland's cultural profile will always poll in favor of restrictions and a network of hard-to-navigate rules. So polling data on this issue is kind of... not the most relevant.

And.... people in a country with Poland's cultural profile.... will not pay attention to rules that they find inconvenient and/or burdensome.

A better poll. Go to outdoor markets when/where they sell military 'collectibles' and discretely ask around how difficult it would be to get a handgun and ask how much it would cost....

The guys selling this stuff could probably hook you up if you asked nice and don't mind paying...

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PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Apr 2023   #2136
Every respectable poll highlights the number of people polled, and usually cites the demographics between men, women and age groups. Your cited poll shows nothing and is therefore irrelevant.

This is the scene in Kazimierz and Hala Targowa every Sunday. If it is not on display, just ask. It would take less than a half hour to have an AK in my living room getting cleaned. Want something newer? Just ask around the ranges.

I am not even doubting that a small majority want to keep the rules the same. I am doubting that the overwhelming majority does, and that there is not a growing desire for gun ownership. The actions of the people simply do not reflect those thoughts. But hey, who cares about actual numbers when you can simply repeat the same old bull$hit over and over.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2137
Go to outdoor markets

Stadion used to be a bit like that.

That's a law enforcement issue however, something for undercover cops to deal with.

Crime rates are low in Poland and firearms crimes are lower yet.

There simply isn't any support for weakening that, no gun lobby, no 'nra', no petitions or campaigns. Nothing.
Lenka  5 | 3531
1 Apr 2023   #2138
A country will Poland's cultural profile will always poll in favor of restrictions

So maybe, just maybe, that is how they prefer it.

will not pay attention to rules that they find inconvenient and/or burdensome.

Mostly true but the lack of access and price pays a role. How hard/expensive is it to get an illegal gun in USA vs Poland?

Every respectable poll highlights the number of people polled

If you subscribe to the newspaper that ordered the poll and published it I'm sure you can find that data. I'm not paying for that.

who cares about actual numbers

Obviously not you since you didn't show any yet

Please cut down on your quotes per post
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Apr 2023   #2139
How can I show any when there are no polls that show any? Time to pull your head out of your a$$.

We have no idea whether or not a lobby is forming or exists. Like Strike Kobiet it could be a very fast moving thing at some point. Right now, you, me and everyone else is speculating because there are no polls with real numbers and demogrphic breakdowns. You say the "government". I ask Who? When and where? No answers. Who is the government who makes these findings? Where are they published? I know it sounds strange that people wouold want proofs and real records instead of your opinion.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Apr 2023   #2140
You are confusing the issue with those facts PolAm.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2141
We have no idea

Exactly. An absence of any sort of lobby. And even if there's a 'lobby', that is far from being the same as majority consensus.

it could be

But isn't.

your opinion.

Or yours.

There's not one jot of evidence that the majority are unhappy with the status quo.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Apr 2023   #2142
1there is not one jot of evidence that there is a real majority without a referendum or a poll with numbers and demographic support. When you post real verifiable number then you have something until then your opinion, like mine means nothing. But you are certainly not an authority capable of answering questions that I and others are asking. Proof is in numbers, not opinions.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2143
1there is not one

And no suggestion whatsoever that the population are unhappy with the status quo.

questions that I and others are asking.

Only you are asking that here.

Crime rates are low in Poland, and gun ownership is 166th in the world.

Let's keep it that way.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Apr 2023   #2144
You will be one of the first begging for your life if the Orcs come to your neighborhood. Not me.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2145
if the Orcs come to your neighbourhood

And if my aunty had bollocks, she'd ne my uncle.

You're really paranoid. If r*SSia were to invade Poland or any other NATO state, do you think having a firearm at home (to use against an army??) would make the slightest bit of difference?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
1 Apr 2023   #2146
As someone who has been shooting all of his life, yes, a long gun will make a world of difference if everyone has them. Just like they are making a difference in Ukraine.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2147
if everyone has them

That's not going to happen though is it?

Pure fantasy.
Barney  19 | 1733
1 Apr 2023   #2148
a long gun will make a world of difference if everyone has them.

I can tell you from lived experience that that is a pile of horsefeathers.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Apr 2023   #2149
I can tell you from lived experience

What country did you live in where everyone was allowed to own a gun and it got over run by another foreign country ?
Barney  19 | 1733
1 Apr 2023   #2150
@johnny reb
I live in Ireland and I can tell you that if there were more guns nothing would have changed except more dead civilians.

Now you can frame a question in many ways but its rare to frame one in such an egregiously stupid fashion.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Apr 2023   #2151
Bombs are for offense, guns are for defense !
Barney  19 | 1733
1 Apr 2023   #2152
I don't think anyone is advocating for more bombs in Poland. No one appears to be advocating to relax safety laws in Poland either if they are they are quite invisible.

People appear to be content with the present system, those who want a gun can apply for a permit. I don't see the problem. People who want a gun and want it now! would appear to be a bit suspect.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Apr 2023   #2153
. No one appears to be advocating to relax safety laws in Poland either

We are not talking safety laws, we are talking the right to own guns in Poland without being treated like a terrorist.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
1 Apr 2023   #2154
Stop trying to impose American values on Europeans!
It doesn't work!!!!
The reverse is also true.
Americans and Europeans have polar opposite views on gun ownership.
End off!
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Apr 2023   #2155
without being treated like a terrorist.

Nobody is 'treated like a terrorist' unless of course they are one.

People can have firearms provided they've applied for a licence, been assessed by a psychiatrist, have no criminal record, join a shooting club, pass an exam and been interviewed by the police.

If people don't want to apply or aren't eligible to but stiil want to shoot, they can do so at a shooting range.

Americans and Europeans have polar opposite views on gun ownership.
End of!

Exactly. And I prefer our much lower levels of gun deaths.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
2 Apr 2023   #2156
There is no way you could turn up at an open market now in Poland and get an AK47 or any sort of firearm.

The last thing the few remaining shady characters there would want is for some random American to turn up and start asking for a weapon and ammo. They would probably snitch to the police or at best sell you a fake and wait for you to take your complaint to UOKiK.
4 Apr 2023   #2157
I prefer our much lower levels of gun deaths.

Only the Yanks on this forum are arrogant enough to think that changing the gun laws would be an improvement. Rational people see the increase in mass/school shootings and the absolute carnage guns cause and don't want that for their own country.

no way you could turn up at an open market now in Poland and get an AK47 or any sort of firearm.

My only surprise is that someone is dumb enough to think that's even possible.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Sep 2023   #2158
Recent shootings in Poland.

A forsaken broken hearted man killed his ex-fiancee`s new partner in the city of Poznań. Then he shot himself in the head.

The murderer supported the wide access to gun ownership. He wrote in 2012: "The common right to bear arms is necessary. An ordinary person should be able to defend himself against a bandit who will snatch a gun from somewhere anyway,"

According to PAP, Mikołaj B. was supposed to have a permit to possess weapons for sporting purposes from 2018, but it was withdrawn last year. He was then supposed to appeal, undergo tests and get his permit back.

  • StrasznaStrzelanina.jpg
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2023   #2159
ex-fiancee`s new partner in the city of Poznań. Then he shot himself in the head.

Ex Girl friends* fiancee*,The video went viral in July.Whateva..but he was not supposed to own a firearm.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Sep 2023   #2160
The video went viral in July

Yes, quite a recent case.

he was not supposed to own a firearm.

He had lost the permit due to mental problems, then regained it through the court ruling. It was a mistake.

Now imagine all psychos have a free access to guns in Poland. That would be a massacre. Slaughterhouse No 5.

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