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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8798
9 Jan 2023   #1681
Hey, Euro-holes, we have 400,000,000 million guns out there already. What do you suggest? Have you heard about Gennie and the bottle?
Before you say something really stupid, how do you defend yourself when the perp has a knife?
Until you answer those questions you are as smart as my cat.
In the meantime, since our gun culture is so abhorrent to you, my dear pussies, why don't you kick the US out of NATO and send every American back home to the land of violent, gun-loving nuts? Deal?
Tacitus  2 | 1274
9 Jan 2023   #1682
Have you heard about Gennie and the bottle?

Australia managed to get rid off its' guns a few years ago. Just make it illegal to own a gun with mandatory prison sentences and offer a buy back program and you'd be surprises how fast people will give away thir guns. And how fast public shootings an hun related crimes and violence decline.
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1683
you'd be surprises how fast people will give away thir guns

You do not understand American values....
jon357  72 | 23706
9 Jan 2023   #1684
Which ones?

There seems to be quite a buffet of different mindsets there.
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1685
There seems to be quite a buffet of different mindsets there.

Yeah, one American value is that a broad variety of different viewpoints is a good thing.

Guns are a part of American identity and contrary to stereotype gun violence in the US is actually very rare given the amount of firearms around.

The great majority of gun violence is gang related and suicide (Smith and Wesson retirement plan).

In recent years party shootings have become a thing but are mostly restricted to Blacks and/or Latinos... there's a big party and someone gets upset for some stupid reason and they go out get a gun and start shooting wildly.... (also happens now at some black funerals).

But the 'gun nuts' are overwhelmingly responsible and not about to give up guns.... for anything.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
9 Jan 2023   #1686
Or so they claim. Most of them are probably insecure p*ssies who need guns to feel tough. Faced with the prospect of getting into legal trouble, they'll fold quickly.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jan 2023   #1687
When I see the word "probably" I know that the rest of the sentence is "most likely" just a meaningless projected opinion.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
9 Jan 2023   #1688
More like trying to not paint everyone with the same brush.
No doubt there are some hardcore believers among those gun nuts, but I see no reason why they would form the majority.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jan 2023   #1689
but I see no reason why they would form the majority.

They don't !
How many times does it have to be posted in this thread, Five of the largest Liberal Democratic crime ridden cities in America is where the gun crime is.

Take those 5 cities out of the factor and America would rate 186th or whatever in the world for gun violence.
There is no gun violence in most of America as these gun grabbers want to project.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
9 Jan 2023   #1690
Just restrict gun ownership to police officers, hunters and athletes (with thorough background checks and regular checks if guns are atored safely) and your society will be much better off. Less gun violence, suicides, mass shootings and children killing others accidentally.
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1691
Liberal Democratic crime ridden cities in America is where the gun crime i

yes, gang violence.... the problem is that the gun grabbers want to take guns from urban blacks and latinos but are too embarrassed to say so, so they make a big point of talking about restricting guns among rural whites (where gun violence is extremely low)

Also, remember suicide is official counted as gun crime and suicide by gun is the most common among elderly men in the US (I personally know of an example or two).
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2023   #1692
party shootings have become a thing but are mostly restricted to Blacks and/or Latinos

Serious school shootings that I read about were in mixed areas. And victims were also white kids. And many perpetrators were frustrated whites who felt rejected.
Novichok  4 | 8798
9 Jan 2023   #1693
Just restrict gun ownership to police officers,

Read my post 1681 and quit talking fascist Euro bs.

Five of the largest Liberal Democratic crime ridden cities in America is where the gun crime is.

Spot on. Without these hellholes, murder rate in the US is the same as in Canada and France.

The lowest murder rates anywhere are at the police stations where everybody is packing. Why? Because they are not "gun-free zones". Schools are and the criminals know it.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2023   #1694
Five of the largest Liberal Democratic crime ridden cities in America is where the gun crime is.

I see. And one of those five is Uvalde in Texas (22 victims of school shooting) and the other is Santa Fe (10 victims) in Texas too. Amazing that you consider towns of 10 thousand population as largest in the USA.
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1695
Serious school shootings

school shootings are not party shootings..... school shootings are a problem (and have been around since before WWI IIRC) but are based on deeper problems and not a problem of guns per se.... they are the symptom of something more profound that has gone wrong...
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2023   #1696
but are based on deeper problems and not a problem of guns per se

No, of course it is never a problem of guns, it is problem of people who use them.
However, their guns are perfect for mass shootings.
No guns, no mass shootings. Simple.

the symptom of something more profound that has gone wrong...

You mean Americans are completely fekked up in their minds???

You can be right but what if guns contributed to such deplorable mental state? I believe they did, considerably.
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1697
You mean Americans are completely fekked up in their minds???

Pretty much... school shootings are mostly carried out by mentally ill people and/or psychopaths, often by people who've fallen through the cracks of systems that should be able to get them help before they become dangerous.

No guns, no mass shootings. Simple.

The right to own guns is in the constitution and that can't be just changed... Unlike Europeans Americans regard their Constitution more or less like a religious text (this is no exaggeration) and changing it is a very, very big thing (technically nothing can be taken out, only added, the amendment that made alcohol is still in the constitution, just superceded by a later amendment.

A very large percentage of Americans will never accept changing the constitution except through the amendment process and that will never succeed. And remember the overwhelming majority of gun owners are no problem whatsoever.... the prohibition mindset (very common in Europe) is rarely that effective, especially in the US.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2023   #1698
school shootings are mostly carried out by mentally ill people and/or psychopaths

There are also such people in Poland, like everywhere.

Yet, I can`t read about any mass shootings in schools here.

Tell us why???

own guns is in the constitution and that can't be just changed.

Constitution is by people for people. Anything can be changed. It only requires some national wisdom. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11287
9 Jan 2023   #1699
Yet, I can`t read about any mass shootings in schools here.

they do happen in Europe (more in Germany....)

Amending the constitution is theoretically possible but practically impossible (and won't stop school shootings since those determined enough will find guns).
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2023   #1700
(more in Germany....)

Exactly! What are the statistics for gun ownership in Germany and Poland? Did you check them? Let me tell you: 19 vs 2.5 (two point five) irons per 100 citizens.

It seems these statistics prove my point - more guns, more shootings. :):)

theoretically possible but practically impossible

Exactly! Like a / the voyage to the moon..... :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8798
9 Jan 2023   #1701
Few things are more despicable than a man who can't defend his wife and his kids when a couple of scumbags invade his home.

You, Euros, can't defend your wives and your kids when a couple of scumbags invade your homes because you abdicated your roles as protectors and depend on your masters to do it for you.

Therefore, you, Euros, the always obedient bootlickers and slaves, are despicable men.
Joker  2 | 2468
10 Jan 2023   #1702
You, Euros, can't defend your wives and your kids

How could the Eurps protect their families when they hear a loud crash at 3am, grab a broom?

I feel much safer with a 9mm or shotgun in my house.

  • guns.jpg
jon357  72 | 23706
10 Jan 2023   #1703
19 vs 2.5 (two point five) irons per 100 citizens.

Another reason Poland has such a low rate of gun crime. There is always a correlation between gun ownership levels and gun crime.

work at strip clubs and get gangbanged

To be fair, they can probably fire a pistol with it or at the very least ping pong balls and darts..
mafketis  38 | 11287
10 Jan 2023   #1704
always a correlation between gun ownership levels and gun crime

So, explain Chicago, with its out-of-control gang violence problem (and strict gun control laws)?

amiga500  5 | 1550
10 Jan 2023   #1705
So, explain Chicago, with its out-of-control gang violence problem (and strict gun control laws)

Cuz guns are avaible to buy just down the road duh. The fact is americans are a backward and primitive people and they dont deserve to be playing with violent toys.
jon357  72 | 23706
10 Jan 2023   #1706
and strict gun control laws

So there are no guns to find anywhere near Chicago?

So, explain Chicago, with its out-of-control gang violence problem (and strict gun control laws)?

So, explain why most residents of Venice have driving licences (when there are no roads).
Tacitus  2 | 1274
10 Jan 2023   #1707
protect their families

Our families are already much safer than yours because there is no chance of our children shooting each other accidentally with a gun. They also do not have to practice emergency drills for mass shootings.

The American fascists

The American fascists have recently stormed Capitol and tried to overturn an election. Not like any citizens with guns tried to stop them.

Australia has shown that it is easy to get rid off the guns. Just follow their example and you will be much safer down the line. More guns do not deter crime or violence, they enhance it.

You would also have less police violence because your officers would not have to be on edge all the time.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Jan 2023   #1708
More guns do not deter crime or violence, they enhance it.

Except for those damn statistics that say otherwise.

they are the symptom of something more profound that has gone wrong...

That would be the immoral self-serving Woke agenda that our children are being indoctrinated with by sick Liberal teachers.
They have taken God, respect, morals, manners, shame and dignity out of the equation.
And their way isn't working so well is it.
Just look at the mess we didn't have before this Woke mentality showed up.

Are the facts I am mentioning too hard to swallow?

It's not that, it's more like your Woke propaganda that you are trying to pass off here is vomit inducing.
You have no idea what you are talking about and only regurgitate what you read on Liberal news media sites to have someone to argue with.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
10 Jan 2023   #1709
Except for those damn statistics that say otherwise

You mean statistics that show the USA leading in gun related violence and mass shootings in the Western world?

read on Liberal news media sites.

He is simply saying what any rational outside observer thinks. The only people who believe otherwise have been brain-washed by this American gun cult that defies rationality.

Common sense dictates that people should only have access to guns when they are mature (say at least 21 years old), pass thorough background checks, are mentally healthy and need them for a special task (as hunter, police officer or athletes). Those guns should be stored safely, so that no children get their hands on them.

If you live in a war zone, it may be prudent to own some hand grenades. But if not, you are usually not allowed to. People in Western countries do not live in lawless jungles that require weapons. In fact people who own guns are more likely to hurt their family than to protect them.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
10 Jan 2023   #1710
Comparing Australia, Europe and other gun control countries makes zero sense. While the US Constitution and its subsequent amendment's guarantee rights for gun ownership, States also have gun laws. Even if the US were able to pass a federal gun law, they could not overrule State laws. So Australia may do one thing, but it would never happen in the US.

People kill people. Guns do not fire themselves. The problem is mental health, irresponsible gun security in many homes, and illegal gun sales. Legal gun sales account for a small portion of gun crimes. Mental health is the biggest issue concerning gun safety.

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