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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

cms neuf  1 | 1846
26 Feb 2020   #1471
How are we losing the debate ? - next time you come to Poland wait outside Biedronka ask 100 Poles old and young, rich and poor, urban and rural if they want looser gun laws

ask them if they think teachers should be trained in firearms
johnny reb  49 | 7974
26 Feb 2020   #1472
if they want looser gun laws

Better yet, ask them if they would like to have the privilege to own a gun for their home for self defense without a bunch of red tape by the government.

That is the Topic here.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1473
for their home for self defense without a bunch of red tape by the government. the crime stats and freedom from prosecution if they didn't very politely ask why Mr. Perp is in their home: Mr. Perp, would you like a glass of water, to use my phone or the bathroom?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
26 Feb 2020   #1474
Ok - ask 'em

You will get the same answer
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1475
Asking Poles about freedom and the attributes like private guns is like asking my cat if he would like to learn how to drive.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1476
Not sure I get the analogy, Rich. Perhaps I'm just slow.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1477
OK. Asking Poles about freedom is like asking asking a 70-yo prisoner on the day of his release - having served 50 years - if he likes browsing the internet. A hint: Poles have no idea what the American-style freedom is just like that prisoner has no clue what is internet.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
26 Feb 2020   #1478
Poland has higher levels of literacy, math and language skills than the US.

Thought you as a trained engineer would know that

So people are quite able to make up their own minds about dumb guns
Tacitus  2 | 1264
26 Feb 2020   #1479
It is rather amusing that those gun nuts come back even though their only argument boils down to an irrational fear, while gun advocats have all the facts on their side. Then again, Rich is also irrational influenced by fear in his other views, so I guess it is pathological in his case.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1480
Rich, 'fraid we gotcha this time!

How can you argue that Poles don't understand "American"-style freedom, when in fact our freedoms have been ever so slowly whittled away not much past 9/11?

cms neuf's on the money.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2020   #1481
There's no need for guns in Poland for now in all honesty. If the amount of blacks and muslims increased and thus crime dramatically increases, that'd be a different story. For now though even in the worst areas in Poland you can walk around at night without fear of being shot at. At worst you'll get accosted by drunks or maybe mugged, but definitely not shot. That's a big difference vs the USA.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1482
I suppose no homegrown, ethnic Poles commit violent crimes, right?

Same fallacious reasonings as I can remember when I was a teen, back in the late '70's. "Let the blacks and the PRs in and crime will rise in the burbs!"

In fact, often just the opposite was the case. Need I remind you further that gang violence in the '50's was usually committed by local white Christian boys with too much dead time on their hands 'cuz mom and dad were sleepin' at the switch.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1483
when in fact our freedoms have been ever so slowly whittled

...only by the privately owned and always so PC "social media" and academia - the propaganda outlets of the US fascists.
The freedom to carry has, in fact, been expanded with the last state, Illinois, being forced to grant us that freedom.

Talking to Euros about guns is like explaining colors to a blind person. Poles have been under someone's boot like forever. Possessing a gun would get them executed under Germans. Under the Judeo-Soviet control, owning one would mean prison. At the same time, the iron fist of the Polish rulers would keep the crime low. No wonder that Poles connect guns only with dire consequences with no plus side.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1484
The broad swath of Middle America appears to me as an American to be mired in her Wild West past, often to the detriment of effecting positive change. The "What was good enough for Daniel Boone, what was good enough for the Duke's good enough for me"-mentality is merely sign of our thickheadedness and inflexibility.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1485
positive change.

What "positive change"?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1486
Remembering the simple truth that if people didn't have the guns in their hands, guess what, they wouldn't go off!
"Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE....." If the people didn't reach for their semi-automatics, it's a lot easier to stop a knife or a club than it is a Saturday Night special:-)

Can't blame the rank-and-file American. Much of the middle of the country still needs to develop and finally see herself as connected to both coasts.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Feb 2020   #1487
I suppose no homegrown, ethnic Poles commit violent crimes, right?

Not nearly as many as blacks and muslims. Facts speak for themselves. Everywhere you go in the world blacks and muslims commit a disproportionate amount of crime - no difference in the USA as proven by FBI stats and its the same thing in Europe.

fallacious reasonings as I can remember when I was a teen "Let the blacks and the PRs in and crime will rise

And it definitely did where they congregated in large numbers.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
26 Feb 2020   #1488
If the tables were turned and it were the white, Christian, industrialized Europeans who were forced to migrate to foreign lands and face constant discrimination because of simply who they were, how do you think any normal, frustrated human being would react?

You're simply rationalizing your own incorrigible prejudices.

Concerning your last comment, there were as many instances of same as there were flagrant exceptions to the "rule".
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
26 Feb 2020   #1489
CMS and Milo keep taking this thread Off-Topic constantly when they are losing the debate of the right to own guns in Poland

We are not taking this off topic, stop with your BS.
And we are winning the argument, not losing it.
You Americans seem to have some kind of mental block when ot comes to guns.
Not shared by women or the young..... gun control is coming in the USA....
Despite all the evidence against freedom of ownership of guns, you choose to ignore it all....
This says to me that you are nothing more than boys playing with deadly toys.
Thinking with your hearts instead of your brains.
If your gun is safely locked up and your bullets locked up seperately then your gun will not be able to defend you.
If your gun is locked and loaded and ready to go then you are a maniac......

There's no need for guns in Poland

Thank you Dirk.
Joker  2 | 2390
26 Feb 2020   #1490
middle of the country still needs to develop and finally see herself as connected to both coasts.

Spoken like a true left coast elitist! Just remember this is the attitude that caused you lose the last election and you haven't learned a darn thing! lol

Were all deplorable and were going to win the next election as well:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 Feb 2020   #1491
Not shared by women or the young..... gun control is coming in the USA....

You have murder control. And how is that working for you?

Thinking with your hearts instead of your brains.

Only the leftists and women do that.

You Americans seem to have some kind of mental block when ot comes to guns.

The only people with a mental block are you, Euros, and refuse to acknowledge two things:
1. You DO have home invasions. You lied when you wrote that you don't and ignored my post providing the evidence that you do
2. You are clueless what to do when that happens. Which makes you no better than teenage girls.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
26 Feb 2020   #1492
Spoken like a true left coast elitist

I may be wrong, but I thought Lyzko was a New Yorker..... last time I checked that was on the East Coast.....
But hey, the USA is nuts, so anything goes, right?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
27 Feb 2020   #1493
I am and yet try to connect with my neighbors in the Mid West.
Pity it doesn't cut both ways:-)
Joker  2 | 2390
27 Feb 2020   #1494
This says to me that you are nothing more than boys playing with deadly toys.

Its not the law abiding gun owner, who has taken classes and had training that is the problem. Its the black market, where these thugs and mental defects easily buy guns off the streets to commit crimes.

I may be wrong, but I thought Lyzko was a New Yorker

Yes, the East Coast (NY) and the West Coast (CA) are ground zero for libtard Dems. They view all of the other states in the middle as "fly over" and look down upon us calling us "rednecks, "deplorables" and other condescending names. Yet, all their sanctuary cities are a socialist dystopia while the heartland prospers:) Go Trump!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 Feb 2020   #1495
...where these thugs and mental defects easily buy guns off the streets to commit crimes.

All we need to do is make guns illegal. Like heroin, murder, and rapes. So simple...Poof and gone because it would be against the law.

Debating brilliant people is a challenge. Debating idiots is a lot harder. Debating leftists - the ultimate act of masochism.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
27 Feb 2020   #1496
You can't "legalize" crime, you can only punish it...swift and sure!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
27 Feb 2020   #1498
It's worse:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 Feb 2020   #1499
Any gun debate should start with this critical question: can YOU pull the trigger to kill? Period. The rest is bullsh*it and verbal noise.

The Euros - weasels by default - can't. So, what is left for them is justifying why they don't need guns and how stupid the US laws are as a way avoiding that question above.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
27 Feb 2020   #1500
A gun, firearm, pistol or assault rifle, belongs one place and one place only: Locked inside a gun rack, either in the den out of harms way, or perhaps in the shed! Dad or mom should be the only ones with a key.

This might be considered the "East Coast elitist" way of handling gun violence. Maybe then there'd be less of it:-)

Why label thinking people as "weasels"? Are you perhaps not projecting your own masculinity issues?
Notice I, Tacitus, Miloslaw and others here aren't out to prove on a regular basis what "tough guys" they are.

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