Yes ironside we see the school massacres and lots of other public places. All the time. You can lie to each other if you like about your failed society. As for civilizwd us you are insane and you bs proves it. I hope you and your family are massacred next. Some other nut will come on and say it was gangsters. You utterly deserve it.
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?
As somebody in the United States, I know my country is very divided on this issue. I am in support of the right to own a gun for several reasons. One of which is I believe I have the right and freedom to own a weapon for recreation (Hunting for example), as well as self-defense. The thing that is important to remember for my context, is the fact that people who would want to have a gun for criminal intent, already own the weapons. So, if somebody breaks into my house and intends harm on my family, if all I have is a knife or a baseball bat, I am at a serious disadvantage. Everybody talks about the number of deaths because of gun violence a year, but nobody talks about the number of lives saved or break-ins prevented because a law-abiding citizen had a gun handy.
Ultimately it is not a gun issue, it is the issue of evil in the world. People will find a way to harm others, and commit crimes, if they have a gun or not. I know that I want the right, and the ability to protect my family, in the situation where somebody means to cause them harm.
Take that for what it is, I know your context is different and I am honestly not as familiar with it.
Ultimately it is not a gun issue, it is the issue of evil in the world. People will find a way to harm others, and commit crimes, if they have a gun or not. I know that I want the right, and the ability to protect my family, in the situation where somebody means to cause them harm.
Take that for what it is, I know your context is different and I am honestly not as familiar with it.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
14 Feb 2017 #1113
But there are no guns in Poland and it works AWESOME. We have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world. Why would some crazy guy from the states FORCE us to have guns?
Guns possession works for you? Fine. Poland has 45 TIMES LESS MURDERS BY FIREARMS. Maybe having no guns works for us?
But there are no guns in Poland and it works AWESOME. We have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world. Why would some crazy guy from the states FORCE us to have guns?
Guns possession works for you? Fine. Poland has 45 TIMES LESS MURDERS BY FIREARMS. Maybe having no guns works for us?
Everybody talks about the number of deaths because of gun violence a year
Rightly so. In 2013, there were over 33,000 gun related deaths in the USA. Multiply that by 10 and you have a larger city that gets wiped out every decade just because the GOP and their master, the NRA, ignore the will of the majority of the people to put tougher gun controls in place. If you take a closer look at the numbers you will find out that the highest numbers of deaths per 100,000 total population are to be found in the red states. Exactly those that complain the loudest about taking away their little killer toys.
Want the same happening in Poland?
Well there is one more thing worth considering, and that is foreign relations. Part of the reason Japan didn't want to invade the United States during World War II, was the fact that pretty much all of the citizens were armed, and I image they didn't fancy wanting to get shot in the back at every turn. If you are wanting to invade a country, you will think twice about doing so if all the people in that country are armed and could fight back. Worth considering, or at least throwing into the pot of things to think through.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
14 Feb 2017 #1116
the red states
I ain't familiar with the Yankee slang but are we talking about Redneck States? :)
are we talking about Redneck States?
The states that are currently under the control of the Republicans. Many of them are also redneck states... ;)
johnny reb 49 | 8003
7 Nov 2017 #1118
because the GOP and their master, the NRA, ignore the will of the majority of the people to put tougher gun controls in place.
What majority are you talking about and just what tougher gun control would you like to be put in place ?
You are always using the term 'gun control' but never give a definition of it.
What is your definition of gun control ?
I hope you and your family are massacred next. Some other nut will come on and say it was gangsters. You utterly deserve it.@ Marsupial
tsk tsk another progressive hatemonger comes out of his shell and tell us what he is really like and what most of t hose commie 'people' think. Nicely done. Showing people what a dark evil force you really are.
All for the good of humanity and human kind I suppose.
No thank you!
What is your definition of gun control ?
Well no one would be allowed to own a gun except for him and his cronies.
Here in Canada everyone has the right to own handguns or rifles. But there are some hoops that you must go through in order to purchase them. For most that actually do own such type of firearms use them mostly for hunting. As for the Americans, as you have heard on the news in the last 20 years that have been a lot of mass shootings with the latest one at a church in Texas and there was a couple of schools in different states as well. If you want gun ownership, the American system is the wrong way to go on all accounts Since 1980, we have had only 2 major incidents of major shooting that I can remember here in Canada. The 1st one in Montreal at Ecole Polytechnic and the other one in Quebec city.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
13 Nov 2017 #1121
Since 1980, we have had only 2 major incidents of major shooting that I can remember here in Canada.
And what does this have to do with Poland ?
Nothing is the correct answer.
But since we are on the subject let's put it into perspective.
The United States population is 10 times that of Canada's.
So if Canada has had 2 major incidents then proportionately the United State should have 20 incidents which is about equal.
Point being that Canada has stricter gun laws then the U.S. yet the same amount of incidents proportionately which only proves stricter gun laws do not work.
Thanks for your concern Canada but please let the citizens of the U.S.A. decide what is best for us. ;-)
So if Canada has had 2 major incidents then proportionately the United State should have 20 incidents which is about equal.
USA has 365 mass shooting per year, which is about 3650 times as many as the UK with 5 times the population. Thats a guess because there has been two mass shooting in the UK in 1996 (when automatic weapons were banned) and 2010.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1123
And this has what to do with Poland ?
Nothing is the correct answer.
And before you ejaculate all over yourself Petie we were talking about Canada and not the UK.
Thank you for your concerns on how you want to govern America but best you stick to governing Britain and it's bomb problems as things are going to get a lot worse then it already is in the next generation.
Seems foreigners are more concerned about America's guns then America is. lol
Must be because they are jealous of the freedoms we Americans have.
In fact I am cleaning and oiling mine up as we speak and it hasn't killed anyone all year.
Nothing is the correct answer.
And before you ejaculate all over yourself Petie we were talking about Canada and not the UK.
Thank you for your concerns on how you want to govern America but best you stick to governing Britain and it's bomb problems as things are going to get a lot worse then it already is in the next generation.
Seems foreigners are more concerned about America's guns then America is. lol
Must be because they are jealous of the freedoms we Americans have.
In fact I am cleaning and oiling mine up as we speak and it hasn't killed anyone all year.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1124
Here some interesting reading Petie.
In the U.K. guns are not the problem, knives are the weapon of choice.
Knife attacks up 13% this year in the U.K. which means the U.K needs more knife control. lmao
In the U.K. guns are not the problem, knives are the weapon of choice.
Knife attacks up 13% this year in the U.K. which means the U.K needs more knife control. lmao
And this has what to do with Poland ?
It has everything to do with Poland if you want to argue whether Poland should have strict gun laws like the UK or less strict ones.
Frankly there should be any discussion since the USA is the best example why the right to own guns without very strict limitations is a very bad idea.
Knife attacks up 13% this year in the U.K. which means the U.K needs more knife control. lmao
Now imagine if those people had access to guns... Things would be way worse.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1126
Just the opposite, some punk pulls a knife on pull your .380 out of your pocket and put one right square in his forehead.
Problem solved permanently.
Someone with a gun is seldom attacked by someone else with a gun.
Notice these mass murders are taking place in gun free zones like schools, churches and concerts by the mentally ill ?
If Poland chooses not to have the freedom to protect themselves with a gun then have at'ter, here in America we choose to keep our freedom to.
The U.K. chooses knives for a weapon of choice then ........oh wait, you are not allowed to carry a knife to protect yourself in the U.K. either.
Seems just the bad guys do that just like the bad guys in America carry guns but at least the law abiding citizens have the freedom of the option to level the playing field by carrying one too.
The bad guys are not allowed a gun license so when they get caught with one they go to prison.
Most gun violence is gang related involving drugs.
One of these yo yo's break in my house looking for drugs at 2 a.m. and want to hurt me then they will be meeting their maker.
I am to old to run or defend myself with a broom stick anymore.
Problem solved permanently.
Someone with a gun is seldom attacked by someone else with a gun.
Notice these mass murders are taking place in gun free zones like schools, churches and concerts by the mentally ill ?
If Poland chooses not to have the freedom to protect themselves with a gun then have at'ter, here in America we choose to keep our freedom to.
The U.K. chooses knives for a weapon of choice then ........oh wait, you are not allowed to carry a knife to protect yourself in the U.K. either.
Seems just the bad guys do that just like the bad guys in America carry guns but at least the law abiding citizens have the freedom of the option to level the playing field by carrying one too.
The bad guys are not allowed a gun license so when they get caught with one they go to prison.
Most gun violence is gang related involving drugs.
One of these yo yo's break in my house looking for drugs at 2 a.m. and want to hurt me then they will be meeting their maker.
I am to old to run or defend myself with a broom stick anymore.
Notice these mass murders are taking place in gun free zones like schools, churches and concerts by the mentally ill ?
Do you also notice that those mass shootings take place in the USA far more often than in any other Western country, even if you take the population size into consideration.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1128
No, I did not notice that.
Like I said, personally I am to old to run or fight with a broomstick so I prefer my freedom to protect my life if necessary with my .357 judge.
If you choose to stand and watch helplessly as your wife or daughter gets raped at knife point when there was something you could have done about it if you where a law abiding citizen with a gun then that is not my monkey and not my circus.
I guess you have the option in the U.K. to call the police and have them investigate the crime after it has has been committed and your wife or daughter have been exposed to H.I.V., syphilis or an unwanted pregnancy.
Where would you rate your femmy political correctness then ?
Like I said, personally I am to old to run or fight with a broomstick so I prefer my freedom to protect my life if necessary with my .357 judge.
If you choose to stand and watch helplessly as your wife or daughter gets raped at knife point when there was something you could have done about it if you where a law abiding citizen with a gun then that is not my monkey and not my circus.
I guess you have the option in the U.K. to call the police and have them investigate the crime after it has has been committed and your wife or daughter have been exposed to H.I.V., syphilis or an unwanted pregnancy.
Where would you rate your femmy political correctness then ?
You are in more danger to your life if everyone owns guns, than if access is restricted.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1130
You have been brainwashed very well in your youth by the gun grabbers.
Notice they are the only ones with armed gun toting security in the U.K.
Notice they are the only ones with armed gun toting security in the U.K.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1131
mass shootings take place in the USA
When you are Googling for statistics please tell us how many of them were committed by law abiding citizens that own guns.
Then tell us how many were committed by mentally ill people, terrorists and people that are not allowed to own guns.
Not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.
You are in more danger to your life if everyone owns guns
I agree, EVERYONE includes the bad guys because those are the people committing the crimes with guns, not the law abiding citizens that are exercising the Constitution Right to bear arms.
See you have been brought up with guns being evil and bad and I have been brought up that guns are a life saving tool if used correctly.
So I guess it boils down to if you don't want to own one........don't.... but just because you don't want one doesn't mean I should not be allowed to have one.
Each to his own when it comes to law abiding citizens.
14 Nov 2017 #1132
Not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.
Prove it. Show us the membership list of the NRA so we can check that nobody on that list has been involved in a mass shooting.
Unfortunately you no longer have the credibility needed for people to just trust what you say, not after you got caught lying about no NRA member ever having murdered anybody by shooting them.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Nov 2017 #1133
Prove it.
Those days are over Harry as I have nothing to prove to you or defend myself against you.
Therefore you will have to prove to me that I am wrong about not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.
no NRA member ever having murdered anybody by shooting them.
Self defense does not count.
Law abiding gun toting citizens are seldom charged with violating the gun laws.
I doubt very much that you would qualify to get a gun license in the U.S.A. Harry with the violent temper that you sport.
Maybe that is why you are jealous that I have one and you don't. :-)
14 Nov 2017 #1134
Therefore you will have to prove to me that I am wrong about not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.
Firstly, you are the one making the claim, so it is for you to support the claim. Secondly you are the one with form lying about the criminal acts of NRA members: you claimed that no NRA member has ever murdered anybody by shooting them when the reality is very different.
Self defense does not count.
We aren't talking about self-defence, your laughable lie was about murder. Would you care to repeat it so I can once again point out you lying?
I doubt very much that you would qualify to get a gun license in the U.S.A. Harry with the violent temper that you sport.
Funny you should say that, but I'm already qualified for a licence in Poland, which is a little more restrictive about who can and cannot have a gun licence, for example your comments here about pre-pubescent children would most probably disqualify you; how fortunate for us here that you'll never come to Poland
Funny you should say that, but I'm already qualified for a licence in Poland
You'd definitely fail the psycho test.
Frankly there should be any discussion since the USA is the best example why the right to own guns without very strict limitations is a very bad idea.
Well, we argue here that individuals have a right to own firearms.
This right is significant as the right to own firearm is based on the right of self-defense. The right to self-defence is in itself a self-evident implication of a general principle of a basic human right - the right to life.
We want to educate people in Poland as many of them had been brainwashed by a commie totalitarian propaganda.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
14 Nov 2017 #1137
If you don't like guns, don't own one... but don't bother people who legally want to buy a gun...
14 Nov 2017 #1138
If you don't like guns, don't own one...
If you don't like slaves, don't own one, right?
oh I have heard so many times "if you don't like abortions, don't have one"
johnny reb 49 | 8003
15 Nov 2017 #1140
so it is for you to support the claim.
Wrong Hairy, you challenged it so it is up to you to support your challenge.
I no longer waste my time on your challenges and lies.
I'm already qualified for a license in Poland,
Driver's license maybe but certainly not a concealed carry gun license.
If you don't like slaves, don't own one, right?
Didn't you go to Ukraine to get one ?