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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

pgtx  29 | 3094
5 Nov 2013   #811
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

no. not everybody is cut out to own a gun. you don't want to be affraid to go to a movie theater or shopping. America has its problem, do not let it happen in Poland:
Meathead  5 | 467
6 Nov 2013   #812
no. not everybody is cut out to own a gun. you don't want to be affraid to go to a movie theater or shopping. America has its problem, do not let it happen in Poland:

pgtx, those shootings are staged, intended to intimidate the people. They pulled off the same thing in Nazi Germany in the 1930's, and as for "don't let it happen in Poland", it did happen in Poland in the 1940's.
jon357  72 | 23706
6 Nov 2013   #813
those shootings are staged, intended to intimidate the people

Meathead  5 | 467
7 Nov 2013   #814
No, the paranoia is that guns cause violence. They're inanimate objects.
jon357  72 | 23706
7 Nov 2013   #815
They're inanimate objects.

It's the cretins who use them that are the problem. Fortunately in Europe their access is severely restricted - and gun crime is low.

And the paranoid inadequates who believe in 'staged shootings'.
EdwardC  1 | 10
7 Nov 2013   #816
I think it's a shame that any country doesn't allow their citizen's the right to own firearms if they have no history of violence.

Then again, it's their country and if the super-majority doesn't want them, they can live with the consequences.

To each their own.
Barney  19 | 1763
7 Nov 2013   #817
I think it's a shame that any country doesn't allow their citizen's the right to own firearms if they have no history of violence.

Most countries in Europe allow for that and most European countries have sensible safeguards in place to protect the public.

We have been over this countless times the simple fact remains more guns means more gun deaths.
jon357  72 | 23706
7 Nov 2013   #818
they can live with the consequences.

Like far lower gun crime and a far lower murder rate.
EdwardC  1 | 10
7 Nov 2013   #819
We have been over this countless times the simple fact remains more guns means more gun deaths.

Only simple to the simple-minded.

EdwardC: they can live with the consequences.

Like far lower gun crime and a far lower murder rate.

And feeling less safe, go figure. [Explore Nationmaster sometime.]
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Nov 2013   #820
I dont see the point of an American arguing with Europeans about this to be honest.
We don't have all that frontier spirit crap and right to bear arms rhetoric here cos (get this) we have a different history to America!!

so some Yank coming along and suggesting that we are "simple" because different from them is er....offensive....actually
you know where the airport is right?
EdwardC  1 | 10
7 Nov 2013   #821
Actually Roz, it was my response to the question asked.

Then some folks felt like responding back, then I responded in turn.

As for the "some Yank" comment, thanks for showing your colors!
jon357  72 | 23706
7 Nov 2013   #822
And feeling less safe, go figure

Oddly enough, we don't. Perhaps that's something to do with the far lower gun crime rates. That and the free healthcare.

As the poster above says - if you don't like the way we do things here, Lotnisko Okęcie and a flight out of Europe is but a cab ride away.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Nov 2013   #823
that is no problem "Edward"..tbh i find aging perves who attempt to chat up teenagers online and who frequently change their user names rather creepy and 'showing their colors' themselves.

but hey, there ya go.
7 Nov 2013   #824
I would support it of course.
I dont believe that the citizen should trust and hand his own fate into the hand of a government.
Polson  5 | 1767
7 Nov 2013   #825
Poland's new motto: In Gun We Trust.

Dunno, doesn't sound so good (and Catholic) to me.
EdwardC  1 | 10
7 Nov 2013   #826
Oddly enough, we don't. Perhaps that's something to do with the far lower gun crime rates.

Obviously you don't care about real facts. Safety perception is lower in Europe than in the US, argue with the people doing the stats.

Oh, jump out the window, it's only a step or two away......
jon357  72 | 23706
7 Nov 2013   #827
argue with the people doing the stats.

I wouldn't trust them - the murder and robbery rates, far lower in jurisdictions where dangerous weapons are controlled, say it all.

Oh, jump out the window, it's only a step or two away......

The high level of Tea Party-esque debate.

This is good - much better than some of the NRA crap that's been polluting this site:
13 Nov 2013   #828
I wouldn't trust them - the murder and robbery rates, far lower in jurisdictions where dangerous weapons are controlled, say it all.

In the case of the USA, that's not really accurate, because "control" is on a state by state basis. Take a look at Illinois. Chicago is rife with homicides by firearm. Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws and regs in the country but some of the worst gun violence in the country. If you're a criminal living in Chicago, the solution is simple: go to another state where you can easily obtain one. And then there are the gun shows. No federal regulation requiring them to run background checks. This means that a raging homicidal maniac can walk into a gun show, point to an AK-47 and walk out with it.....legally. If you want "control", the control needs to be nationwide, not just in the state you live in. The police can keep catching criminals and seizing their weapons but it's like a fish tank with a hole in the bottom, placed underneath a running the water runs out the bottom, more water keeps on coming in from the top.

Take a look at this article:

"According to the most recent available gun trace data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the percentage of out-of-state guns used in crimes in New York City has been increasing in recent years. In 2009, 85 percent of crime guns came from out-of-state. In 2010, that proportion was 86 percent, and in 2011, 90 percent of crime guns came from outside the State of New York."

New York has very strict gun regulations, on par with Illinois, yet, as the article states, 90 percent of crime guns in 2011 came from outside the state of new york.

Whether you're arguing that guns are good or bad or whatever, laws and regulations on guns must be universal in the USA before we can truly see if gun restrictions have any effect. Common sense might say that it most certainly would have an effect but as long as criminals have planes, trains, and automobiles and can cross state lines at will to obtain firearms, we really don't have any statistics yet to make such a claim.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Nov 2013   #829
Why would any government or authority figure want to take guns away from 'law abiding citizens' while simultaneously realizing that criminals will retain theirs'? Hmmm
13 Nov 2013   #830
Could it be so as to reduce the number of people who are shot every year?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Nov 2013   #831
I did note "law abiding citizens" who, by definition don't shoot each other.
13 Nov 2013   #832
a) Yes they do.
b) They also shoot themselves.
c) Their guns can be used by persons who are not law-abiding citizens.
sobieski  106 | 2111
13 Nov 2013   #833
I dont believe that the citizen should trust and hand his own fate into the hand of a government.

No you believe in the tea party nutters. Far worse.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Nov 2013   #834
a) Yes they do.

The U.S. has millions of legal gun owners and it is very rare to hear of a gun incident involving them.

b) They also shoot themselves.

People are responsible for their (own) suicides. They commit them in a variety of ways.

c) Their guns can be used by persons who are not law-abiding citizens

Well, that's true for anything. If someone stole your car and proceeded to run a pedestrian over then you would be for banning automobiles, right?

you believe in the tea party nutters.

Can you be more specific? I've been to 4 Tea Party gatherings and the only nuts I saw were a small group pretending to be Tea Party people. They hoisted phony signs but were escorted out after it was realized they were lefties attempting to embarrass the rally.

Tea Party people picked up their garbage and left the place(s) cleaner then when they arrived.
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Nov 2013   #835
The U.S. has millions of legal gun owners and it is very rare to hear of a gun incident involving them.

Yeah, maybe all those mass shootings are just pretend.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Nov 2013   #836
Mass shootings almost always occur in "no gun" zones where the perp takes advantage of unarmed citizens. Deaths are less than 1/2 of 1 percent of all gun murder victims and half the time the killer possesses illegal weapons. Indeed, some 90%+ of all murders are done by perps who are barred from owning them. That's one reason why honest citizens should arm themselves.
sobieski  106 | 2111
13 Nov 2013   #837
This is all redneck crap to justify a society where 1. showing a nipple on TV gets you damned, filed away and shot 2. and having a semi-automatic shotgun to shoot at squirrels in your backgarden is looked upon as being manly. I do not buy any of this tea-party crap.
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Nov 2013   #838
Mass shootings almost always occur in "no gun" zones where the perp takes advantage of unarmed citizens

A so-called 'no gun zone' sounds pretty damn useless if some guy can just go next door and get one. Unless you're suggesting schoolteachers etc should be armed!

Indeed, some 90%+ of all murders are done by perps who are barred from owning them

They find them easily enough due to the prevalence of guns in that country.

This is all redneck crap to justify a society where 1. showing a nipple on TV gets you damned, filed away and shot 2. and having a semi-automatic shotgun to shoot at squirrels in your backgarden is looked upon as being manly. I do not buy any of this tea-party crap.

Surreal, isn't it. They get upset if they hear the word c unt on TV, have counties where alcohol is banned but they can pop to a 'gun fair', buy a lethal weapon and blow each others brains out.
sobieski  106 | 2111
13 Nov 2013   #839
Surreal, isn't it. They can't say **** on TV but they can blow each others brains out.

And making a story of buying a beer before you are 80, but buying a gun over the counter, hey no prob! I remember watching a documentary on Flemish TV about boy-scout camps having gun-initiating courses...Boy....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
26 Dec 2013   #840
Maybe this woman needs to go to a gun range but nevertheless she did okay.....

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