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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jan 2013   #481
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Are you crazy? Every week we get reports about shootings in America! Thank you very much. I am glad I live in provincial Poland where guns are not so easily available.

The newest one:

A fight between two people led to a shooting at a Texas community college, where a maintenance man was caught in the crossfire and wounded, officials said.

One of the people involved in the fight had a student ID, and both people were wounded and hospitalized, Harris County Sheriff's Maj. Armando Tello said. A fourth person also was taken to a hospital for a medical condition, he said.

Poles should enjoy the right to won guns, unfortunately it is not so.

Have you dropped from the moon?

A fight between two people led to a shooting at a Texas community college,

A realistic but at the same time extremely pessimistic comment from the link above:

We already have "Gun Free" Zones and knee jerk reactions to ban certain types of Guns will not solve the problem. No ban is going to clean them all off the streets. Such talk of more Bans is talk from people who cannot think straight and/or don't pay attention to current events.The shootings in these Schools broke your lovely Gun Laws already, Guns are not allowed in these places in case you missed it. Thus we have mass shootings with high casualty counts in these places. These criminals are not idiots, they use these idiotic laws to their advantage, as evidenced by recent Shootings.


Lone Star College System campus near Houston, has gone into a lockdown amid reports of a shooter on campus, Jan. 22, 2013
MoOli  9 | 479
23 Jan 2013   #482
Poles should enjoy the right to won guns, unfortunately it is not so.

Infact not true.Yes it is a bit harder to own a gun in Poland,but I think its good and above all Poles are not much inclined towards guns.As for I remember one has to join a gun club,take safety classes pass a stupid test and one can get a shot gun for hunting.Guns I dont know what the procedure is as this year I will start for hunting.If I ever buy a place in a rural area I would like to own couple for my self defense.
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Jan 2013   #483
wrong thread
Ironside  51 | 13125
23 Jan 2013   #484
Infact not true.Yes it is a bit harder to own a gun in Poland,

It is a lot harder to own a gun in Poland. Needless to say there is no the right to own guns.
Palivec  - | 379
23 Jan 2013   #485
Total firearm-related death rate:

Poland: 0.26
USA: 10.2

I don't know why Poles would enjoy the right to live in a much more violent society.
Ironside  51 | 13125
23 Jan 2013   #486
I don't know why Poles would enjoy the right to live in a much more violent society.

The USA is much more violent society anyway. Weapon has nothing to do with it.
A knife crime is not ripe in Poland either and there is plenty of knifes on hand.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
23 Jan 2013   #487
Poles lived in a "much more violent society " during the years 1939-1945. Obtaining firearms against tyranny was a primary objective. That is the reason for Americas Second Amendment.
Rysavy  10 | 306
23 Jan 2013   #488
(quote:MoOli: Infact not true.Yes it is a bit harder to own a gun in Poland) It is a lot harder to own a gun in Poland. Needless to say there is no the right to own guns.

How much harder? expense? security check?
As for right to own gunns..what kind of history of the Polish govt selling the citizens out is 16th century?
also how many generations of "guns are bad-citizens don't need guns : have been raised to present day voter age?
How much do Poles trust your government as a whole regardless of dislike of party choice?

I do not trust mine regardless of party in power. I firmly believe that if some of the more serious final safeguards were removed...we would have a Presidente' for life within 10 years. Or lose our sovereignenity in silent paperwork by some unremovable administrator.

I know my Honey is a little unsettled, in his plan to live here, on the ease of obtaining and hiding firerams here. And boggles at the number of various weapons in my possession.

As for me..I will keep mine.

And I will do all that is required to legally obtain a modest pistol, a shotgun and a hunting gun when we move (if we move) to Poland.
pip  10 | 1658
23 Jan 2013   #489
oh for feck sake. How about you keep yourself and your paranoia right where you are. Poland doesn't need any more unwanted invasions by idiots.
Ant63  13 | 410
23 Jan 2013   #490
modest pistol

I can understand guns for hunting but a pistol no.

They should be taking the guns off the Police in Poland and they might attract people with better personalities into the force. Full of idiots that were bullied at school taking revenge on the innocent. They might even speak to you in the street instead of expecting the crowd to part like the sea. Not nice people in my experience. Thats just mine though.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Jan 2013   #491
They should be taking the guns off the Police in Poland

Sorry but that sounds ridiculous.

and they might attract people with better personalities into the force.

By taking the guns away ? Where's the logic behind it ?
peterweg  37 | 2305
23 Jan 2013   #492
How much harder? expense? security check?

To become a hunter you have to join a club (and attend the hunts I presume), go on training every year and pass exams (in Polish). You would be able to buy a hunting rifle, I doubt a handgun is an option as its useless for hunting. If you are interested in guns, not hunting I suspect the hunters in your club can refuse you.

My brother in law has spent years getting his license.

As for right to own gunns..what kind of history of the Polish govt selling the citizens out is 16th century?

Poland didn't exist until 1918. Although I would be interested in known how guns have any bearing on whether the government can sell out its people.

also how many generations of "guns are bad-citizens don't need guns : have been raised to present day voter age?
How much do Poles trust your government as a whole regardless of dislike of party choice?

Thats not really am concept anybody understands outside America, its a political fantasy concocted to justify gun ownership.

obtain a modest pistol,

What are you going to rob a 'modest' bank? murder a 'modest' citizen?

Why on earth would you think you need a pistol in Poland? There is no chance you would ever need it.
Wroclaw Boy
23 Jan 2013   #493
Without them we are nothing but slaves to the government masters. Guns are good for freedom!

check this delusional chap out.
MoOli  9 | 479
24 Jan 2013   #494
I suspect the hunters in your club can refuse you.My brother in law has spent years getting his license.

Yes the can only if they suspect some troubles.They have meetings almost everymonth.I went to one in Siedelce in a bar where they were all like ole time commis watching who goes for a beer or tea or coffee.All your actions etc are carefully watched and consent given for renewal but just for shot Guns to hunt.LOL one cant be shooting deer and bear or quails with a MODEST PISTOL!

I can understand guns for hunting but a pistol no.

Now here I agree with you with my heart!

And I will do all that is required to legally obtain a modest pistol

Agreed 100%(not with my heart)...But if you in Poland, I do expect you to live among the people who own modest weapons like yourself and STAY THERE.aND WE WILL WATCH THE SURVIVAL OF THE BEST:))

PS:Couldnt resist to add Pistols should be allowed to keep for English teachers only.!(Wink Pawian)
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #495
Why on earth would you think you need a pistol in Poland? There is no chance you would ever need it.

Statistically, yes.

But if she is in the wrong place at the wrong time? Yes, it happens one to million, but you never know.

PS:Couldnt resist to add Pistols should be allowed to keep for English teachers only.!(Wink Pawian)

Mowli Owlie, don`t start again! Instead of getting a gun, you should get more education! :):):):)
MoOli  9 | 479
24 Jan 2013   #496
Mowli Owlie, don`t start again! Instead of getting a gun, you should get more education! :):):):)

Calm down batty boi!I dont need a gun:)))) for camera raising nincumpoops:))
Oh! dont worry my education sunshine I am already a kindergarten drop out:(
OH! and what will I do if I get education? Teach engish?Gimmi a Break Pal ...will u?
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #497
You have been provoking me for a few weeks now. Do you really want me to buy an AK 47 rifle in the black market and do you??? :):):):)


Oh! dont worry my education sunshine I am already a kindergarten drop out:(

I see, shooting you will be a waste of ammo, anyway. :):):)
MoOli  9 | 479
24 Jan 2013   #498
Dont worry I can afford a bullet proof gear!Tell me how stupid can one get on net or a forum to get provoked?I have been on line over 20 years and love em monkeys dance on my figure tips:) call me a key board warrior:))) now calm down!Mr camera toting THUG:)
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2013   #499
Dont worry I can afford a bullet proof gear!

Don`t you know that AK 47/74 bullets can penetrate all vests at a short distance ??? :):):)

I have been on line over 20 years and love em monkeys dance on my fingure tips:) call me a key board warrior:)))

Ooos, you must be older than me then. :):):)

If that`s the case, I am sorry. My upbringing forces me to show respect to you. ):):)

now calm down!Mr camera toting THUG:)


OK. :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13125
24 Jan 2013   #500
How much harder? expense? security check?

[Practically it is up to a local commandant of the police.
MoOli  9 | 479
24 Jan 2013   #501
OR how much you now them or donate locally:))))))))))
Wroclaw Boy
24 Jan 2013   #502
How about you keep yourself and your paranoia right where you are. Poland doesn't need any more unwanted invasions by idiots.

AmerTchr  4 | 201
24 Jan 2013   #503
Good for you MoOli!

Surprisingly, there are a bit over half a million guns owned by civilians in Poland. In fact, there are about 3 times more civilian-owned firearms than the Police have.

DO the training though, can't be too safe.
Ant63  13 | 410
24 Jan 2013   #504
Sorry but that sounds ridiculous.

Why? We have a different kind of Police over here. They don't carry guns (yes I know some do), they are approachable and don't have a problem arresting people. Explain why you think they need to carry them. I thought they were there to protect and serve not kill people.

By taking the guns away ? Where's the logic behind it ?

I grew up with guns. My friends had guns. Some of them shouldn't have been allowed near them. In fact one of them shot his girlfriend by accident. Lucky for her it wasn't to serious. With a gun in their hands they became 'powerful' Guns have that effect on people. They turn from loser to boss in an instant. Another point. The Police are not exactly well paid in Poland, so there not likely to attract the best of people either.
24 Jan 2013   #505
I thought they were there to protect and serve not kill people.

How can they protect people if they don't have anything to protect with?
MoOli  9 | 479
25 Jan 2013   #506
DO the training though, can't be too safe.

LOL,the training classes are useless mostly chatting about hunting and almost no safety taught.They dont even teach you to put child safety locks on your guns..go figure that.Mostly is who likes who and who knows who.

With a gun in their hands they became 'powerful' Guns have that effect on people

Not when they are unsure that other party might have a gun also?so it leads them to behave rather then show there packing of power.And one doesnt pull out a weapon to show like police that they might shoot...rather in personal life one pulls out a gun to shoot to kill for self protection, not to scare or warn.
Rysavy  10 | 306
25 Jan 2013   #507
oh for feck sake. How about you keep yourself and your paranoia right where you are

You know for a canuck you can be one of the most baiting trolls on this forum. I'm glad the first Canadians I met were nothing like you. And do you live in Poland now? or even in past year? Hmm think not. Were you born there..if I recall...No.

And my attitude on my own government where I was born (which as someone close to her tsalagi family has extra distrust of) has no bearing on my view of Polish government which I really do not have an opinon on nor comment on here. I don't judge my opinion of foreign governments on media hype, So in general do not make strong opinions about governments where I did not see local politics in action or live under the rule of. I commented here becuase it seemed rather more about teh US policies than about why Poland should or shouldn as it's own entity. I still couldn't say if Poland would benefit or not from a "right to bear arms" type of law.

I sure don't need no frou frou liberal making foam at the mouth insults at me just because it send them to an insane rage that someone thinsk a different way about a subject, when I said nothing to invite such. >: (

Should we marry as is planned..(becuase spending more time togethe always has chance to reveal an imcompatibility) , chances are he will want to go back to Poland when his parents need him. Which is why I orginally (Oh LOL was I wrong) came here to see what Polish people are like. For when in Rome do as the Romans do. There is everyone but native Polish it seems. Or they lurk.

To become a hunter you have to join a club (and attend the hunts I presume), go on training every year and pass exams (in Polish). You would be able to buy a hunting rifle, I doubt a handgun is an option as its useless for hunting. If you are interested in guns, not hunting I suspect the hunters in your club can refuse you.My brother in law has spent years getting his license.

What are you going to rob a 'modest' bank? murder a 'modest' citizen?Why on earth would you think you need a pistol in Poland? There is no chance you would ever need it.

Statistically, yes.

But if she is in the wrong place at the wrong time? Yes, it happens one to million, but you never know.

^--------------------------------^ this ^ and C'mon Peter you 'rebeing exaggeratingly silly and obtuse with that part one statement. I am an avid hunter with gun and bow.

I do like hunting, mostly large game that isn't simply 3 bites worth. I do not know what Poland's crime rate is in a realistic term other than much lower at present. I do not know what it will be in 5 years or so. Since there is not a rampant drug problem or cartel/gangs at present, I may very well not wish to have a handgun once I am there and settle.Specially since he really wants to live in the country.

Realistically, the only people I'd need a handgun against are those who would use their own, likely illegal handgun to accost me in some way with. any other weapon it would take a big man with equal skills to take me down.

But I also have personal reasons to prefer to have a legal personal sidearm. I know people can be evil and sometimes unexpectedly so. Ever been dead? I have. Unfortune for my Ex and his (stil standing) life insurance policy- I was revived after he drown me. One of many reasons I have church permission to remarry as I please.
MoOli  9 | 479
25 Jan 2013   #508
the only people I'd need a handgun against are those who would use their own, likely illegal handgun to accost me in some way with. any other weapon it would take a big man with equal skills to take me down.

I agree with you Ry but here you have to keep a low profile and dont let your passion rule what one can legally and live with it.This is a issue like abortion and family immigration so...........NO COMMENT. FLOW WITH THE FLOW.
Rysavy  10 | 306
25 Jan 2013   #509
buthere you have to keep a low profile and dont let your passion rule what one can legally and live with it.

You mean Poland, yes?

My passion to own firearms here in US are motivated by things that would be moot in Poland as I understand.
I never intended anything illegal on my own part. ^_^ Never have and don't intend to change that.
As I said ... once/if/when I live in Poland ..I may very well not even desire or miss a handgun
(except the antique piece handed down thru my family in it's capacity as memorabilia)

As for passion in temperment..meh. My daddy said never handle your guns, stay in an arguement or correct your kids when your dander's up.
MarcinD  4 | 135
25 Jan 2013   #510
USA still has guns today because this is a declining sh*thole (Which I am in the process of finishing school and escaping)

Americans mistrust the government, hate their co workers and neighbors. The gun is the right for Americans to protect themselves from America. It is truly an astonishing culture to live in, one that cracks me up as the drum continues to beat ''THIS IS THE GREATEST & FREEIST NATION EVER'' .......but make sure you own a gun for protection.

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