The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?
Are you crazy? Every week we get reports about shootings in America! Thank you very much. I am glad I live in provincial Poland where guns are not so easily available.
The newest one:
A fight between two people led to a shooting at a Texas community college, where a maintenance man was caught in the crossfire and wounded, officials said.
One of the people involved in the fight had a student ID, and both people were wounded and hospitalized, Harris County Sheriff's Maj. Armando Tello said. A fourth person also was taken to a hospital for a medical condition, he said.
Poles should enjoy the right to won guns, unfortunately it is not so.
Have you dropped from the moon?
A fight between two people led to a shooting at a Texas community college,
A realistic but at the same time extremely pessimistic comment from the link above:
We already have "Gun Free" Zones and knee jerk reactions to ban certain types of Guns will not solve the problem. No ban is going to clean them all off the streets. Such talk of more Bans is talk from people who cannot think straight and/or don't pay attention to current events.The shootings in these Schools broke your lovely Gun Laws already, Guns are not allowed in these places in case you missed it. Thus we have mass shootings with high casualty counts in these places. These criminals are not idiots, they use these idiotic laws to their advantage, as evidenced by recent Shootings.

Lone Star College System campus near Houston, has gone into a lockdown amid reports of a shooter on campus, Jan. 22, 2013