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Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations.

overrisk99  - | 4
6 Aug 2012   #151
Tell me , did you "open and apply" this acc online or in branch ?
If online , What is the url address ,? Which kind of account? Do I need a calling with The bank clerk?
irishguy11  6 | 157
6 Aug 2012   #152
I went into a branch in Katowice and opened the account, and I had to go back 2 days later to get my visa debit card
overrisk99  - | 4
6 Aug 2012   #153
Is there any solution to open a bank acc "without going into the branch" by internet?
polart  - | 1
26 Aug 2012   #154
Stay away from Alior Bank if you live outside of Poland. Their "procedures" are so customer unfriendly, verification questions tricky and lacking common sense.

I'm very sorry i opened an account there, can't wait togo to Warsaw to close it. Yes, it has to be done in person as another "procedure to protect my accont security and interest" is so cumbersome, it is not even worth doing.

No phone numers to call but info line, where so called consultants are reading back scripts and are useless.
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #155
Merged:Bank account for foreigners

I would like to open an online bank account in Poland, but all banks i tried require a PESEL and/or Polish ID.
Is it possible to open an account in Poland as a foreigner without visiting a branch in Poland?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
13 Nov 2012   #156
Is there a reason you can't go to a branch? Probably could open one there.
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #157
I dont reside in Poland. ;)
Richfilth  6 | 415
13 Nov 2012   #158
The answer is no.

Considering the scrutiny banks are under at the moment, why on earth would they open an account for a person with no valid ID number, no registered address, and not physically able to visit the office? Perhaps you'd like an account in the name of Casper F. Ghost?
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #159
Cause they want my money?

And who said i dont have and ID, address etc..?
I have all that, but not in Poland.

Reason im asking is, i have done this a few years ago and it was no problem to do it online, but nowadays found no option.

Maybe some Poles living abroad would be more inclined to help...
ShawnH  8 | 1488
13 Nov 2012   #160
Are you trying to launder money or get a better rate on your savings?
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #161
Poland has better rates than Germany and im hoping to gain on the PLN/€ exchange rate.
Richfilth  6 | 415
13 Nov 2012   #162
Banks have no interest in your deposits; they want you to buy their products; take out loans, use their credit cards. A few thousand PLN deposited in a current account is of no value to a bank.

And if you don't have a Polish ID number or a registered Polish address, then you don't exist in Poland, and therefore can't use Polish banking products. It's that simple.
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #163
Thats why they have "Konto oszczednosciowe" and "lakaty", right?

The question is not if one is able to have an account as a foreigner without residence, but where its possible to open such an account online.

Stop spamming if you dont have anything useful to add.
Richfilth  6 | 415
13 Nov 2012   #164
Your question was "is it possible". I gave you a clear answer with reasons. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it spamming.

As for savings accounts and loans; not only are they completely different to current accounts, but you will find the application requirements even stricter.

But if you just want to play the PLN/EUR game then you may be able to sign up for Alior Sync. Although feel free to consider that information "spam".
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #165
Your answers are simply not correct, i could walk into almost any bank and have an account within 20min:

Tried Alior already:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Nov 2012   #166
And if you don't have a Polish ID number or a registered Polish address, then you don't exist in Poland, and therefore can't use Polish banking products. It's that simple.

Unless it's changed, that's not quite right - a few banks will accept a declaration that you're resident at a certain address. Millennium and mBank certainly did - and my friend opened an account with Multibank with just his passport a few months ago. But it's all in person.

but where its possible to open such an account online.

It's not. Every bank in Poland will require either a physical visit or proof of living somewhere.
berni23  7 | 377
13 Nov 2012   #167
That sounds right, thx.
irishguy11  6 | 157
13 Nov 2012   #168
I opened a BZWBK account in Katowice without a Polish address. I just had to list the branch address and my Irish address.
Wroclaw Boy
13 Nov 2012   #169
And if you don't have a Polish ID number or a registered Polish address, then you don't exist in Poland.

Ive opened bank accounts with foreigners, who don't have Polish addresses or Polish ID's.
berni23  7 | 377
14 Nov 2012   #170
I have written to most major banks, and for future reference thats the conclusion:

Most banks will accept accounts by foreigners, even without Polish residence, but it is no longer possible to open such accounts online.
peterweg  37 | 2305
14 Nov 2012   #171
A few thousand PLN deposited in a current account is of no value to a bank.

There is a good reason for this. Current accounts have to be paid back on demand, as such they are a liability as they don't add to the fractional lending ability of the bank and have costs associated.

Millennium and mBank certainly did - and my friend opened an account with Multibank with just his passport a few months ago. But it's all in person.

Yes, I did this.
Tlum  12 | 309
1 Jan 2013   #172
Merged:Opening bank account in Poland (having only a Polish passport and no residency in Poland)

Is it possible for a Polish citizen living abroad who:

1. Doesn't have a valid 'dowod osobisty' (lost).

2. Doesn't have a permanent residency address ('zameldowanie') in Poland.

3. Has a valid Polish passport.

to open a bank account in Poland? :)
Wroclaw Boy
1 Jan 2013   #173
Its 100% possible for foreigners to open an account with only a passport, I can tell you that.
Tlum  12 | 309
1 Jan 2013   #174
Hm, so it must apply to Polish citizens too? And no problem if a person doesn't have Poland residency / mailing address?
Wroclaw Boy
1 Jan 2013   #175
And no problem if a person doesn't have Poland residency / mailing address?

Yes, ive personally opened accounts with foreigners that only had overseas addresses. at BZWBK
Tlum  12 | 309
1 Jan 2013   #176
Great, thanks. It's still a shame that it normally takes 3-4 weeks in Poland to get 'dowod osobisty' (which, I had thought, was a must to open a bank account in Poland).
berni23  7 | 377
1 Jan 2013   #177
Its possible to open a bank account in most banks without a Polish ID, you just need your foreign ID.

You dont need a residence(mail forwarding) in Poland to open an account.
The only drawback is that you really need to open it in person.
Conservatist  - | 3
22 Jan 2013   #178
Try mBank - it's a Polish virtual bank, although nowadays they have offices, too. You should apply for "eKonto" which is just a regular account. For Poles it can be all done without a visit to the bank - the way they work is they courier you all the docs you need, you sign them, make copies of your passport, national ID card or whatever they require and send it back. That's how it works for Poles and Polish residents. I'm not sure if this will work abroad, but from my experience with mBank - if anyone can do it, they can. Another virtual bank (which I have never worked with and have no experience with) is Alior Bank with their Alior Sync account.

With respect to the virtual office - if you Google "biuro wirtualne" you will get many, many offers from various Polish cities and the pricing is far from 150USD/mo. That should be the easy part.
simpix  6 | 27
15 Feb 2013   #179
Merged:Opening a Bank account in Poland ??

I'm moving to Poland in a couple of weeks.
Can anyone advise what documentation is required to open a bank account (PLN) in Poland ?
It will be, primarily, a Savings a/c..
AmerTchr  4 | 201
15 Feb 2013   #180
I showed them my passport and that I was registered at my address. Other than opening deposit of 1000 zl, that was it.

Home / Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations.

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