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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #151
The reason why you didn't answer it is

Spot on Novi, excellent post #2387.

It's in the check-mate category and you know it.

Of course it is Novi however you know these Euro's M.O. of doubling down again and again until they can take it in a direction to argue something in their favor, that is irrelevant, to avoid your question.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #152
I am not done dealing with the Euroscum yet...

I have two at home to be able to protect my wife and myself when two drugged-up morons decide to break into my house. If that should happen, I have 10 seconds to lock the door to my safe room - if I am lucky and quick enough - and shoot the first azhole who breaks it. No, I will no ask about his childhood or if he wants coffee. Or retreat upon the roof.

You, jon, and other Euroscum can only pray and beg for your life. France did it - and waited for the cowboys to come to the rescue.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #153
I just read some good news. Across the whole EU, obviously including Poland, gun control laws are about to be tightened further.

Americans can live how they wish in their own country. In Europe we will also do as we wish and have a higher and safer quality of life.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #154
gun control laws are about to be tightened further.

Fine with me. Just don't call DC when you get into another one...We really hate guns and shooting people so DIY.

I will ask the DoD to stop buying tanks and artillery. Even they know we have no use for them other than to save Euros again...

Now, if you decide you need help, call Hassidic Jews in NYC. They all carry AR-15s under those disgusting black robes.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #155
get into another one

Another what?

to stop buying tanks and artillery

Good. It'll help our defence industry not to have Raytheon etc sniffing around for business.

save Euros

From school shootings? We don't really have them. Unlike you.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #156
From school shootings? We don't really have them. Unlike you.

Our school shootings are 100% caused by pussified azholes who look up to pussified Euro scum for guidance.
Real men and women solved this problem easily with a beautiful wall and teachers like this one:

On the other hand, do you see how terrified those kids are? Israel should disarm everybody. Especially teachers, police, and Hamas.

Talking to morons is a great exercise in patience...

  • Teacher1.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #157
It'll help our defence industry

Is that the one that makes guns and other weapons to protect Poland from the bad guys ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #158
Those guns magically turn into playdough in civilian hands.

As under KGB and Gestapo, the EU will allow only their brown shirts to be armed. Soon, they will be registering men with big fists.

Without a permit, you will not be allowed to use them.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #159
makes guns

Don't be silly.

It makes tanks and artillery, for sale to anyone.

In Europe we tend not to buy guns. Poland has 2 guns per 100 people, the U.K. has 4.

Nobody wants to change that to a situation like you have where there are more guns than people.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #160
there are more enjoyable ways to spend time

de gustibus....

Some people just live in a permanent state of semi fear.

you misunderstand.... it's less fear and more trying to tie their personal taste to rational reasons..

Not that it's necessary for people in developed countries.

it's a very deep human drive.... drives don't go away with changes in infrastructure....
Lenka  5 | 3548
12 Apr 2024   #161
it's a very deep human drive

Noone I met had this deep drive...
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #162
It's called sublimation.... and it's stronger in men generally. Video games tie in to male drives for combat and hunting which is why they're so popular.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #163
Don't be silly.
It makes tanks and artillery, for sale to anyone.

Are you trying to insinuate that Poland does not produce any small arms.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #164
Video games tie in to male drives for combat and hunting

A nice game of football usually assuages that. That or the satisfaction of a weeks's work well done, a good pay packet and a shag.

And of course there's always video games however most of the people I know who play them either do fifa or driving games.

Poland does not produce any small arms.

What a silly thing to say. Stop trolling; it just makes you look like a jerk.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #165
A nice game of football usually assuages that.

different strokes.... golf is also said to be related to the hunting instinct...

but substitutes don't work for everyone.... I'm not into hunting but I don't have any desire to stop people from hunting (within reason).
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #166
Don't be silly.
It makes tanks and artillery, for sale to anyone.

Are you trying to insinuate that Poland does not produce any small arms.

What a silly thing to say.

I didn't say it, you insinuated it which was very desperate of you.
It should be a requirement that all Polish citizens own a gun in case of an invasion of hostile people.
That way you wouldn't have to depend on people who own guns to protect you from them.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #167
Stop trolling; it just makes you look like a jerk.

The only troll here is you. To make it more irritating, without any logical arguments. So let me help you to snap out...
Now, pay's going to be profound...almost biblical...

A man who is not prepared to put his life on the line to defend his woman is either a faggot or a trembling pussy.

Here, we hate both as useless...

That way you wouldn't have to depend on people who own guns to protect you from them.

The first thing the SS and Gestapo did was to provide the death penalty for possession of guns. The EU is turning into the SS and Gestapo.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #168
They expected you to call 1-800-GET-LOST if you were in trouble.
Soon to be implemented here with all the police defunding insanity.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #169
Hey, jon, I have an easier one for you...I have been here for like 50 years and haven't seen a single house with a "Gun-free zone" sign on it. That includes rabid gun haters like you.

The question is: Why?

BTW, there is a sign for every occasion in America - including "we love faggots" - but no "Gun-free zone" signs to show how peaceful, friendly, and progressive the homeowner is.

You want to take a stab at this, jon?
Alien  26 | 6543
12 Apr 2024   #170
didn't see a single house with a "Gun-free zone"

This is some sick society.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #171
Hey, azhole, how many Americans died in Europe unfvcking your sick ideas?
Alien  26 | 6543
12 Apr 2024   #172
, how many Americans

What does this have to do with 2409#, azhole.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #173
The same as...

This is some sick society.

...with Gun-free zone signs...

See a moronic post 2409...
Alien  26 | 6543
12 Apr 2024   #174
Gun-free zone signs...

Well, healthy societies are gun-free.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Apr 2024   #175
Agreed completely, American society is anything but healthy....... you need to have a gun to live there!!!!
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2024   #176
you insinuated it

Don't be silly.

It should be a requirement that all Polish citizens own a gun

A requirement from whom? The government and people are happy with the status quo, 1 guns per 100 citizens.

American society is anything but healthy

On an obvious downward trajectory.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
13 Apr 2024   #177
Well, healthy societies are gun-free.

Did I mention that the healthy unarmed European invaders were scalped and fried for dinner by the natives?

This told the rest of the European illegals to get armed or at least shave their heads. Hence, the "gun culture".

Also...With a gun, I have options. Without a gun, you can only beg for your life. Personally, I like shooting more than begging. I don't speak Spanish.
Feniks  2 | 858
13 Apr 2024   #178
Would you pull the trigger when an intruder breaks the door to your upstairs bedroom?

I know you don't like these type of articles Novi, which is why you try and ignore them.

only you and your wife are in the house and she is with you.

Real life doesn't work that way. I wonder how many kids or other family members have been shot when parents mistake them for an intruder.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
13 Apr 2024   #179
Real life doesn't work that way.

That's exactly my life: my wife, me, Mr Smith, and Mr. Wesson. Kids are grown and gone.

I wonder how many kids or other family members have been shot when parents mistake them for an intruder.

You should wonder how many times armed homeowners prevented a crime by merely showing that they were armed. The estimates are from 500,000 to 3 million cases a year but those are seldom reported to the police and when they are, seldom make it to the pages or the air.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
13 Apr 2024   #180
which is why you try and ignore them.

The article doesn't offer much beyond son shoots mother.

Was he intoxicated?
Did she say "I am home"?
Did he have a license to own a gun?
Is he sane?
Any criminal record?
Does his gun have a light to help ID target?
Did he ask: Mom, is that you?

None of this is in the article for a very simple reason: Because the shooter was black.

If the shooter was white, we would know the color of his underwear by now.

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