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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
22 Apr 2024   #391
You dont kow its a non issue until there is a real vote. Everything else is bull$hit. Anyone not in favor of a referendum on this or abortion is afraid of the outcome.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2024   #392
because some people from across the globe don't like the fact we don't want to follow their laws?

No, because some people from across the globe are tired of spilling American blood on soil of other countries that can't defend themselves.

There is no significant movement to get it changed

So there is a movement but it is not "significant" yet ?

There was about 1.000 abortion a year in Poland before the change in law.

Let me reword that for you, "There were about a 1000 LEGAL abortions in Poland before the change in law.".
How many illegal and how many went to other countries to get them ?
Point is that you cold blood murder far more people in Poland by dismembering them alive then guns do shooting them.
I am starting to see why there is so much domestic abuse in Poland too.
While I don't condone it with women like you Lenka, I certainly understand it.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #393
Asked and answered.... and in legalese force = violence.

You didn't answer.

if you resist arrest, for example, the arresting cops have no right to shoot you. They must use force or tasers but not guns.

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Apr 2024   #394
Anyone not in favor of a referendum on this or abortion is afraid of the outcome.

No, people are not interested. Noone is calling for one.
Even the people pro relaxing gun laws don't call for one And party going into politics with gun laws points were not very successful. Why waste money on that?

While I don't condone it with women like you Lenka, I certainly understand it.

Not surprising coming from an old, screwed up fu*k like you
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #395
They must use force or tasers but not guns.

Depends on how you resist..... force is a larger concept that includes violence.

So get a new trick.... this one is stale and tired (like every other post of yours).
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #396
Hey, Lenka, other than to shoot retired American tourists...Why do cops in Poland carry guns?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #397
Why do

Why do you never any any new or interesting ideas?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #398
Depends on how you resist..... force is a larger concept that includes violence.

Under what conditions are Polish cops allowed to shoot?
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Apr 2024   #399
So ignorant... if you want to know then ask them...

Here's a handy site:

Let us know what you find out!
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Apr 2024   #400
if you want to know then ask them...

I know everything so I don't have to ask.
I asked you and other anti-gun idiots to justify police guns in Poland. I can justify police guns in the US.

But, since every Polak here goes out of his way to tell us how guns are not necessary, it's only logical for me to ask:

If they are unnecessary, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Apr 2024   #401
But, since every Polak here goes out of his way to tell us how guns are not necessary, it's only logical for me to ask:

If they are unnecessary, why do cops in Poland carry guns?

You are missing the point completely Rich....... if the cops have guns, why do we need them?
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Apr 2024   #402
But, since every Polak here goes out of his way to tell us how guns are not necessary, it's only logical for me to ask

Police is at a very high risk of being attacked. They may have to enter dangerous places etc.

Do you know Polish police returns the gun after shift?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2024   #403
You are missing the point completely Rich....... if the cops have guns, why do we need them?

Maybe because it takes the cops twenty minutes to get there and when they do arrive you are already dead.
Are you really that stupid dillweed ?

Do you know Polish police returns the gun after shift?

Is it true that they are only given one bullet to go with their gun ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Apr 2024   #404
They may have to enter dangerous places etc.

Hey, stupid, there is no such thing as dangerous places. Only people and animals can be dangerous.

Do you know why cops often go to "dangerous places"? They go there because people who were in danger called them. Ususally too late. See JR's post 2642 above...

Memo to stupid Polaks:

If cops have a reason to have guns to pick up your dead body, you had a reason to have a gun before you became a dead body. Duh!

Got it? Or was I too fast?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2024   #405
It's easier to nail jello on the wall, Novi.
Do you see why domestic abuse is so high now in Poland ?
(A mixture of Ignorance & Stubbornness)
The United States is already fighting their European war in Ukraine for them.
If we weren't paying for that war $$$$$$ you know damn well Russia would have tanks on Poland's soil by now.
We will really hear the howling start when Poland gets invaded and the people have no guns to defend themselves from rapist and looters.
They will call their "save all cops" to come save them. lol
These milk soppers need a good kick in the ass to get it.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Apr 2024   #406
The US will save our asses attitude permeates throughout Europe and includes their reliance on cops. That's why these bootlicking parasites would rather buy Danish-style happiness instead of weapons.

That is why the Euros don't want to answer this simple question:

Would you pull the trigger to defend your daughter from being raped?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2024   #408
That's why these bootlicking parasites would rather buy Danish-style happiness instead of weapons.

Slow down Novi, Poland is getting nuke's which will for sure put a bullseye on Poland's back now.
News Week: NATO Ally Poland 'Ready' to Station Nuclear Weapons on Its Territory.
You wanted them, you got them, now what ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Apr 2024   #409
You wanted them, you got them, now what ?

Store them at the intersection of Marszalkowska and Aleje Jerozolimskie - Warsaw's zero point.
Thank you. I will show this at the next Current Events meeting.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Apr 2024   #410
until there is a real vote.

Why would we need or want a referendum on a non-issue.

Gun crime is low and we like it thsi way.

guns are not necessary

There's no reason for any civillian except for a small subset of farmers to have access to them.

We don't want things like this:
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Apr 2024   #411
There's no reason for any civilian...

BS. If cops have a reason to have guns, you have a reason to have a gun. The reason: to defend yourself. Duh!

Now, if choose not to defend yourself, don't get a gun. Simple.

In Sydney, they chose not to defend themselves and they are dead now.

Is every Euro a mindless moron?
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Apr 2024   #412

And Europe, including Poland, chooses not to have easy access to guns. Deal with it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Apr 2024   #413
Poland, chooses not to have easy access to guns.

Then don't call on the U.S.A. to come bail your complacent asses out again when you have no way to defend yourselves again.

America has spilled enough of our young boys blood for you woke Europeans.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Apr 2024   #414
No. The ruling class made that choice for you. In Poland, they chose to limit abortions. Western Europe is flooded with migrants because the ruling class so decided.

Don't try to make powerlessness into a virtue. We have a name for this mental disorder. Look up "Stockholm syndrome"

when you have no way to defend yourselves again.

In feudal hellholes, only the King's goons can be armed just in case the subjects may have unauthorized ideas.

That's the only reason why only cops can have guns in Europe. Nobody gives a fvck about safety or they would close their borders a long time ago.
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Apr 2024   #415
The ruling class made that choice for you.

There was a party wanting relaxing the law... Didn't really get that far. So it's obvious people weren't that bothered.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Apr 2024   #416
Look up "Stockholm syndrome"
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Apr 2024   #417
I sometimes wonder, are you that stupid that you don't understand people have different views and needs to yours or are you just acting to be a troll.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Apr 2024   #418
you don't understand people have different views

Did Russians agree with the communist rulers? Did Poles like theirs from 1945 till 1990? Both countries had elections.
What made you decide that Western ruling class would give up power? Because they are trying to be nice?

Who do you think rules the US? The top 100 or 330,000,000 below? If elections mattered they would be illegal.

Why every damn Polak turns out to be a naive moron?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Apr 2024   #419
Because women think with their emotions and men think with the facts.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Apr 2024   #420
Not only this...Men think forward. Women think now.

Man: What do I do when at 2 am a couple of thugs break into my house?
Woman: Don't worry, hon. We will call 911.

Next day:

Woman: I heard noises. Go check it out.
Man: Call 911.

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