Wypierdalać, spierdalać isn't are insults in general. These are rude words which show that way the requested side is determined and don't afraid for final result.
The mild form of the similar request is "wyjść stąd" - go out.
But that way it could be receicved as bigger insult than first word. Some kind of rude men only respect strongest form of request and any gentle form is not valid for them or received even as kind of insult and could invoice them for greater rudiness or agression.
So the choice of the right form of the request is a form of poker game.
At that context wypierdalać, spierdalać mean a kind of poker and no futher requests will be. You can go out or brute force will decide.
I'm not sure I'd agree. Certainly not with the first one.Speirdalaj is a generic invitation to piss off/fuck off. It doesn't have to have anything to do with space or location.Wypierdalaj , in addition to its other meanings, is an encouragement which has to do mostly with space or location, but frankly, Polish linguists don't appear to devote a lot of time to the nuances in the meanings of either word.
Spierdalaj is a personal request/invitation adressed to given person.
Spierdalać is a the same kind of request invitation to all ppl which are at opposite site than mine.
So between good friends spierdalaj could mean the same as "odwal się" or even "daj mi spokój".
Spierdalać have quite different strengh. It mean i'm extremly angry ( ready for final game ) and it is addresed to my potenitial enemies ( if they deny this request).
Quite different meanings is when i use spierdalać instead of spierdalamy.
The last is invitation/command to my friends of course - we have to piss off / very fast go back etc. as we are in danger now, for example.
So the very important is kind of the ending -ać, could mean quite different than the same word ended by -aj.