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Short Polish<->English translations

29 Jan 2022   #961

The non-prefixed infinitive "Czyt(-yw-)ać" means "To read (occasionally)". All the prefixes you listed, they all change the basic meaning of the non-prefixed infinitive into a different variation of that basic meaning. The same applies to non-prefixed infinitives which have only one basic meaning, other examples of such infinitives are "Pis(-yw-)ać = "To write (occasionally)", "Pi(-ja-)ć" = "To drink (occasionally)", and "Jeść"/("Jadać") = "To eat (occasionally)", etc

All the prefixes you listed, except for the prefixes "Wy-", "Roz(e)-", and "Prze-", are also standalone prepositions (For example, the preposition "Za" means "After"/"Behind"/"For" eg. "Godzina za godziną" = "Hour after hour", " domem" = "...behind the house/home", and "Dziękuję Ci/Wam za coś" = "I thank you/yous for something"...The preposition "Do" means "Up to/until a certain time frame" and also means "Mode of transportation to/towards/into name of location" eg. " jutra" = "...up to/until tomorrow", and "Jeżdżę do miasta" = "I travel by vehicle to/towards/into the city/town",...etc)
kie  13 | 42
30 Jan 2022   #962
dzieki wielkie
31 Jan 2022   #963
Proszę bardzo (You're welcome) kie.

Hope this can help further, here's a list of Polish prepositions (most 1-syllable Polish prepositions are also used as infinitive prefixes):

...Plus a list of Polish prefixes (some of which are also standalone prepositions, most commonly prefixed onto Polish infinitives):

(Note, some Polish prepositions are not infinitive prefixes, and some infinitive prefixes are not prepositions)

Click each 1-syllable standalone preposition in the 1st link above to read the standalone Polish preposition meaning, then click each prepositional prefix in the 2nd link above to read the Polish prefix meaning...Either that, or as shown in both links below, replace za in 1st link below with 1-word Polish preposition of choice, and then replace za- in 2nd link with 1-word Polish prefix of your choice. (Don't forget "dash" at end of prefix):

Standalone Preposition:

Prepositional Prefix:
Lyzko  45 | 9749
1 Feb 2022   #964
Prepositions in any language which uses them are almost never, if ever, translated verbatim.
Frequently, it will appear as if they track with the other language, e.g Polish-English, but instances of an exact equivalent are rare!

Examples of some differences in prepositional usage between Polish vs. [American] English:

w piatek = ON (rather than "in") Friday
pod wieczorem = TOWARDS (rather than literally "under") evening
nad Renem = ON/ALONG (not "over" or "above") the Rhine
na krzesle = IN (preferrable to "on") the chair

16 May 2022   #965
Is there Polish-language equivalent of the phrase "Suck it up, buttercup!"? (such as an informal/slang Polish phrase?) Or only a Polish literal phrase?...Maybe something like "Wytrzymaj/Wytrzymuj to jak mężczyzna, Ty bekso!" ("Take it like a man, you crybaby!")?
pawian  225 | 27283
16 May 2022   #966
Is there Polish-language equivalent of the phrase

Yes, it is used by Nikoś Dyzma to his boss: Dymam Cię, chamie jeden!

Watch and listen to it in action:

Lyzko  45 | 9749
16 May 2022   #967
"Trzymac (sie)" means literally "to keep", as in the expression though not directly translated,"Trzymaj sie!" or "Take it easy!", word for word, "Hold/Keep yourself strong!".

@ForumUser, always remind yourself that it's not the case in every instance to say something differently in another language, but to say different things because we think different thoughts when communicating in any other than our mother tongue:-)
mafketis  38 | 11149
16 May 2022   #968
"Trzymaj sie!" or "Take it easy!"

I think of it more as "Take care!" an informal way of saying bye and expressing goodwill toward the person.
Lyzko  45 | 9749
16 May 2022   #969
Exactly, much as in English. Lexically, "Take care!" or "Take it easy!" are essentially interchangeable.
jon357  72 | 23405
16 May 2022   #970
In which variety of English?

In mine, from the middle of the place that likes English so much we named our nationality and country after it, "take care" means goodbye and "take it easy" means "don't get stressed" or "don't work so hard" or "dont drink too fast" or don't show yourself up".

In Polish, "trymaj się" is goodbye in the same way and "take ot easy" has several possibilities, most related to peace or speed.
Lyzko  45 | 9749
16 May 2022   #971
I chalk it up to British vs. American, jon. In the States, no significant difference there.
jon357  72 | 23405
16 May 2022   #972

I prefer just calling it English.

Scotland, Wales and NI have their own variations. IOM and CI too.

Or just call it Standard English, as defined by OED usage. The Yorkshire form of which is of course the prestige register of the language.

Tek care!
17 May 2022   #973
"Trzymaj sie!" or "Take it easy!", word for word, "Hold/Keep yourself strong!"

The non-prefixed infinitive "Trzymać" (minus the "się" part) means "To hold (onto) something" and "Trzymać się" means "To continue doing something as before". The Wy-prefixed infinitive "Wytrzym(-yw-)ać" means "To withstand something" or informally/slangly "To suck it up"

Yes, it is used by Nikoś Dyzma to his boss: Dymam Cię, chamie jeden!

Does Polish language use names of flowers/plants in name-callings? (eg. "You buttercup/pansy!" etc = "Ty jaskrze/bratku!" etc?)
Lenka  5 | 3535
17 May 2022   #974
I can't say I came across it.
jon357  72 | 23405
17 May 2022   #975

Bałwan (snowman) is sometimes used. Hunchback too, however that's very rural.
kie  13 | 42
20 May 2022   #976
Czesc! What is 'porąbać kogoś - does this mean fk someone up, but in what way? physically or mentally? Dziękuję
21 May 2022   #977

The literal (non-slang) translation of the infinitive "Porąbać" is "To axe/chop/hack/lacerate/slash etc someone or something", and has no present tense conjugation (as in, a "Perfective" infinitive, many of which are commonly prefixed with prepositional prefixes such as "Po-", "Za-", etc).

The non-prefixed counterpart "Rąbać" has the same non-slang definitions as mentioned above, plus is also (informally/slangily) "To beat/hit/kill/shoot/steal/throw/toss/trash etc someone or something" (Another informal/slang definition of "Rąbać" is "To chow down foods & drinks"), and has present tense conjugation (an "Imperfective" infinitive).
kie  13 | 42
21 May 2022   #978
super, dziękuję bardzo
pawian  225 | 27283
21 May 2022   #979
has the same non-slang definitions as mentioned above, plus is also (informally/slangily) "To beat/hit/kill/shoot/steal/throw/toss/trash etc someone

Actually, it still has another slang meaning. I will never forget how I came to a big garage looking for an old colleague of mine who was working there as a car mechanic - I stood at the door and yelled: MAAAREK! MAAAREK! a few times. Eventually he appeared and said: Porąbało cię???

What did he mean??? It was 20 years ago. I haven`t seen my colleague since then.
Alien  25 | 6360
21 May 2022   #980
You haven't seen him since 20 years....Porabalo go?
pawian  225 | 27283
21 May 2022   #981
since 20 years.

For 20 years. Porąbało Cię with English grammar? :):)
Alien  25 | 6360
21 May 2022   #982
Thank you doc. Every little helps.
pawian  225 | 27283
21 May 2022   #983
Thank you doc

Excellent, gov. :):):)
So it is high time to explain the latest meaning of porąbać kogoś: the simplest one: . to go nuts.
kie  13 | 42
25 May 2022   #984
cześć, what is narozrabiać please?
Lyzko  45 | 9749
25 May 2022   #985
"Narabiac" off the top of my head without checking in my dictionary
means "to earn", I think.
Wonder if it's somehow a related verb w/"(z)robic". What with perfective vs.
imperfective verb stem changes ("f.ex. "mowic"/"mawiac" etc.), I often get confused as a foreigner still
perfecting his Polish:-)
Lenka  5 | 3535
25 May 2022   #986



To do something bad/naughty/ stupid
Lyzko  45 | 9749
25 May 2022   #987
Doskonale, Lenko!
27 May 2022   #988
The doubly-prefixed "Perfective" infinitive "Narozrabiać" means "To do a bad/wrong thing" or "To misbehave"...Doubly prefixed as prepositional pre-prefix "Na-" onto non-prepositional prefix "Roz(e)-".

The non-prefixed "Imperfective" counterpart "Robić" means "To do an activity/chore/task" (including "To prepare a meal"). The prefixed infinitives' meanings ranging from a slight change from non-prefixed meaning, to a completely different meaning altogether.

Non-prepositional prefixes such as "Prze-", "Roz(e)-", and "Wy-" (as well as prepositional prefixes such as "Do-", "Na-", "O-", "Po-", "U-", "Za-", etc) are prefixed onto both "Robić" (making it Perfective) and "-Rabiać" (Imperfective counterpart of Perfectively-prefixed "-Robić" "Rabiać" is otherwise nonexistent unless prefixed. But here "Narozrabiać" is Perfective only, and there's no "Narozrobić" counterpart).
Lyzko  45 | 9749
27 May 2022   #989
Most informative, ForumUser!

Then the "robic"/"rabiac" example is comparable (if not exactly equivalent) to
"mowic"/"mawiac", if I'm not mistaken.
27 May 2022   #990
Yes correct, except that the infinitive "Mawiać" can be both prefixed and non-prefixed, while "Rabiać" cannot be non-prefixed

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