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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2

mafketis  38 | 10813
25 Jul 2024 #31
quality clothes which you and me buy take a long time to turn into rags. Hence the idiom. :):):)

I read that actually it's that the original meaning of szmat was a large area:;16810.html
pawian  220 | 24842
25 Jul 2024 #32

And with this positive accent I call it a day coz I have run out of riddles. See you!
OP Feniks  1 | 458
25 Jul 2024 #33
Stoke means adding fuel to the furnace

That's what I meant. Hair splitting you are.......
johnny reb  46 | 7426
26 Jul 2024 #34
That's what I meant.

Then you should have said what you meant.
Pawian was simply correcting you.
Hair splitting you are.....

Kettle / Black
pawian  220 | 24842
26 Jul 2024 #35
Hair splitting you are.....

Yes, but only into two while the proverb of Polish bees is splitting hair into 4 ! Ha!
pawian  220 | 24842
4 Aug 2024 #36
Feniks, you should take care of your thread better than that. You are responsible for it sort of.

E.g, what is the special meaning of cupcake???
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
4 Aug 2024 #37
My Polish grandmother called my aunt something like "poopka"

Little bum.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
5 Aug 2024 #38
Thanks Novi as we always thought it meant a fancy little doll of some kind.
mafketis  38 | 10813
5 Aug 2024 #39
As I wrote in comment #12, it might well be a polonization of the German word Puppe (doll). could also mean 'little butt'... only the person who said it knows what the intention was....
pawian  220 | 24842
10 Aug 2024 #40
Novi says things which remind me of sucking sth from a finger. What does it mean?
OP Feniks  1 | 458
10 Aug 2024 #41
What does it mean?

Pulling something out of thin air?

you should take care of your thread better than that.

Than what?
pawian  220 | 24842
10 Aug 2024 #42
Novi says things which remind me of sucking sth from a finger. What does it mean?
out of thin air?

Exactly! Like Novi babbling about Ukrainian losses. :):):)

Than what?

Than visiting it once or twice a week. :(:(:(:(
OP Feniks  1 | 458
10 Aug 2024 #43
Than visiting it once or twice a week. :(:(:(:(

I have been away and don't like posting on a mobile, it's effort.
OP Feniks  1 | 458
15 Aug 2024 #44
What is meant by ' to have eaten a barrel of salt together?
pawian  220 | 24842
15 Aug 2024 #45
a barrel

To know sb very well and be good friends.

Big barrel- what`s the idiom in Polish??
OP Feniks  1 | 458
17 Aug 2024 #46
To know sb very well and be good friends

Yes. No idea about your barrel idiom though.
pawian  220 | 24842
17 Aug 2024 #47
Big barrel is BEKA which means huge amusement.

Home / Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2

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