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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Oct 2020   #1021
Dać komuś zimne ramię.

Wonderful! No idea what it could mean. Very English, I would say.

On a side note. I've just started to read Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Study in Scarlet" in English. An amazingly modern language and a very pleasant to follow. Is anyone here fond of Sherlock Holmes?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
4 Oct 2020   #1022
Somebody or something is true and authentic?/ something or someone big is now being controlled by someone or something smaller


s anyone here fond of Sherlock Holmes?

I read all stories as a boy and then read the best ones to my kids. Good reading, indeed.
Lenka  5 | 3535
4 Oct 2020   #1023
Dać komuś zimne ramię

To make someone feel unwanted/unwelcomed?

to not sleep pears in the ash
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Oct 2020   #1024
read all stories as a boy

I did too, but not in English. In the 1990 I bought myself a volume in English, but then I found the language too hard for me. Now I am reading the Kindle version where it is so easy to look up the meaning of every word in the Oxford Dictionary of English attached to the Kindle.

Simultaneously, I am reading Marshall B. Davidson's "The World in 1776", a brilliant account of trends, events and main actors of the 18th century and the Age of Enlightenment in America, Europe and the UK. And I found the language of several passages excessively complicated.
4 Oct 2020   #1025
To make the situation worse.

I missed your answer! Yes, adding fuel to the fire/flames is indeed to make a bad situation worse.

Wonderful! No idea what it could mean.

I'm surprised, I thought it would be easy!

To make someone feel unwanted/unwelcomed?

Yes :) To give someone the cold shoulder is to intentionally ignore or snub someone,or to be unfriendly towards them.

@ Ziemowit. I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes but it was a long time ago now. I admire your dedication to reading in English :)

to not sleep pears in the ash

To not neglect things that might be urgent? To always take advantage of opportunities?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
6 Oct 2020   #1026

I'm surprised, I thought it would be easy!

Ziem is an honest guesser, he never googles.

to have a strong head
7 Oct 2020   #1027
To be able to hold one's drink ( alcohol ).

Coś kosztuje ramię i nogę
OP pawian  225 | 27283
7 Oct 2020   #1028
Yes, alcohol.

You can obtain/achieve sth but it will cost you dearly?
8 Oct 2020   #1029
Yes, basically it means that something is very expensive.

A new one, although I'm not sure if my translation is correct:

Nie można osądzać książki po jej okładce.
Lenka  5 | 3535
8 Oct 2020   #1030
Good teanslation. Don't judge book by it's cover. To bot judge someone/something by it's look or first impression.

To eat horse with hooves
8 Oct 2020   #1031
To bot judge someone/something by it's look or first impression.

Perfect :)

I'll have a think about this new idiom.
10 Oct 2020   #1032
To eat horse with hooves

Does it mean to eat like a horse? To be very hungry and eat everything?
10 Oct 2020   #1033
Uderzyć gwozdzia w glówkę.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Oct 2020   #1034
Does it mean to eat like a horse? To be very hungry and eat everything?

Yes but I've heard more commonly bym zjadl konia or zjadlbym konia.. haven't heard the part with the hooves included though
mafketis  38 | 11149
10 Oct 2020   #1035
Probably American influence, in Poland the hooves are usually included...
OP pawian  225 | 27283
10 Oct 2020   #1036
Yes, never heard or read it without hooves - they are an indispensable part of the ho.... that is saying.

Uderzyć gwozdzia w glówkę.

To utter a perfectly correct statement.

Reminds me of:
to knock on one`s head.
OP pawian  225 | 27283
10 Oct 2020   #1037
Before I forget: to wait for a little star from the sky.
11 Oct 2020   #1038
never heard or read it without hooves

It's a good idiom. There is a saying with a similar meaning that I heard a long time ago now, that the only thing you can't eat of a pig is it's squeak.

To utter a perfectly correct statement.

Yes, perfect answer for to hit the nail on the head.

to wait for a little star from the sky.

Not sure about this. I've heard to want a star from the sky before and that means to want too much, to ask for the moon.
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1039
Check this picture - it shows a lot.

  • 1307124958_by_lol210.jpg
11 Oct 2020   #1040
Never give up on your hopes and dreams because anything is possible?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1041
Unfortunately no. Look what the person is doing or more importantly, not doing.
11 Oct 2020   #1042
Waiting for something that will never happen?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1043
Warmer, warmer. :):)

Not quite, I didn`t suggest "not doing" about the star, I meant the person.
11 Oct 2020   #1044
I know, but I'm still stuck. The person has one hand reaching out.........the person is waiting for some help, a chance?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1045
Warmer, warmer

the person is waiting for some help, a chance?

Yes, waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting??
Come on........

11 Oct 2020   #1046
Still waiting??

Waiting for the stairway to heaven lol! I can't get this.
Ironside  50 | 12937
11 Oct 2020   #1047
Unfortunately no.

Well, as a teacher you are not doing your job properly. That polish doesn't make sense? what a twerp wrote it? Dokonac celu?

I can't get this.

Don't worry I don't get it either?
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1048
Waiting for the stairway to heaven lol! I can't get this.

No, I can`t tell you yet, it is too simple. Just concentrate better, you can do it!
So, I suggested it is not "doing" but "not doing" that matters. Stop thinking about that waiting and move to other options. :):)

Don't worry I don't get it either?

That`s a shame that after 30 years in a foreign land you forgot your Polish. Chemikiem is excused coz she is just learning but you aren`t as you were born in Poland. :):)

That polish doesn't make sense? what a twerp wrote it? Dokonac celu?

Are you drunk again???? hahahaha Do you drink coz you realise what a loser expat you have become? hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12937
11 Oct 2020   #1049
Are you drunk again????

Drunk my ass, How that even make any sense - dokonac celu? It doesn't. Are you telling me people are talking like that/?
I mean I get what it suppose to mean but that is not a proper Polish.
OP pawian  225 | 27283
11 Oct 2020   #1050
We are talking about waiting for the star from the sky, darling, not about some silly phrases. Stop twisting and trolling, it is stupid. HA!

Better think about the star.

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