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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation

jon357  72 | 22778
11 Oct 2020   #1051
If you're waiting for a star to fall from heaven, you'll be waiting for something that never arrives.

Like Godot, or in Poland, pears from a willow tree...
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Oct 2020   #1052
Waiting for something that will never happen?

Yes, of course, but .....

If you're waiting for a star to fall from heaven, you'll be waiting for something that never arrives.

Yes, of course but ........

There is still another explanation connected with "not doing sth"

A hint: The title of the article about a known Polish actor: He wasn`t waiting for a little star from the sky:
jon357  72 | 22778
11 Oct 2020   #1053
Not seizing opportunities when you can?

Not sitting back and waiting for things just to maybe happen?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Oct 2020   #1054
No, it isn`t about accidental opportunities.

Another hint: I remember my mother reproaching me with the phrase a lot when I was a boy. What were typical situations when it occured? oops, another riddle. hahahaha
jon357  72 | 22778
11 Oct 2020   #1055
A bit like the English phrase "waiting for Christmas". Waiting for someone to do something and the wait seems endless. Waiting and waiting and it still hasn't happened yet.
11 Oct 2020   #1056
There is still another explanation connected with "not doing sth"

Is it not expecting something to just fall into your lap? That you have to put the effort in and work if you want to succeed?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Oct 2020   #1057
No and yes!

By "not doing sth" I meant not doing what you are supposed to do. When sb is idle and doing nothing, we might ask them: what are you waiting for ? A little star from the sky?? Get down to work at last.

When I mentioned my mother saying it, she asked it in an ironic tone when I procrastinated with some chores, e.g, cleaning my room or sth else before Christmas.

The article about the actor suggests he wasn`t waiting for a little star, counting only on his inborn talent, but also he worked hard and developed his skills through laborious practice.

The person in the mem was pathetically waiting for a star instead of doing sth constructive with his/her miserable life.

That was a bedtime story about a little star from the sky, dear kids, I hope you enjoyed it. hahahahaha
mafketis  38 | 10868
11 Oct 2020   #1058
By "not doing sth" I meant

When you kept harping on what he wasn't doing... I got stuck on "He's not playing a saxophone version of 'Hotel California'" and it was hard to move on... though "He's not making models of scarabs to sell to tourists in Egypt" had some purchase on my mind....
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Oct 2020   #1059
He's not playing a saxophone version of 'Hotel California'"

Exactly. He/she wasn`t practising before the concert, only waiting for the star.

He's not making models of scarabs to sell to tourists in Egypt

Exactly! The lazy boy was daydreaming about the star instead of modelling scarabs to maintain his family.
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Oct 2020   #1060
to fly with a head in the sky
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Oct 2020   #1061
Do you meanto walk with the head in the clouds?
jon357  72 | 22778
11 Oct 2020   #1062
head in the clouds

Same in English.
13 Oct 2020   #1063
Pensa za twoje myśli.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
13 Oct 2020   #1064
Only a penny??? Most of our thoughts here are golden, they are worth much more.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Oct 2020   #1065
Pensa za twoje myśli.

In Polish we would say - what are you thinking of (so hard)?

the knife is opening in the pocket
14 Oct 2020   #1066
what are you thinking of (so hard)?

Yep, that's what it means.

the knife is opening in the pocket

Anger levels are rising, blood boiling etc. Someone is outraged?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Oct 2020   #1067
Someone is outraged?

Yes, many Poles when they see how PiS is dealing with pandemics. hahaha
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Oct 2020   #1068
I have just told sb:

not to be in the sauce
to get up with the left leg.

mafketis  38 | 10868
15 Oct 2020   #1069
not to be in the sauce

Out of sorts .... ('nie w sosie' is a very weird expression imho)

the second is 'get up on the wrong side of the bed'
15 Oct 2020   #1070
to get up with the left leg.

It sounds similar to ' to get off on the wrong foot' which basically means to make a bad start at something.

Out of sorts

Or under the weather..
OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Oct 2020   #1071
Yes, Chem and maf - correct guesses.
Maf, stay a moment

('nie w sosie' is a very weird expression imho)

No, it is not - it goes back to times when people invented the idea of the four humors, or fluid substances: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. This theory was closely related to the theory of the four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. E.g., Earth was represented by black bile, fire by yellow bile etc.

In old Poland, humors were also called sauces. Today wa say humor for mood.
17 Oct 2020   #1072
siedzieć na płocie.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
17 Oct 2020   #1073
The same as to straddle on the barricade??
17 Oct 2020   #1074
I haven't heard that term before but it sounds like it might mean the same as to sit on the what does it mean?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
19 Oct 2020   #1075
I wanted to asnwer according to the Polish barricade saying which means to try to be on good terms with two rivaling sides, but decided to make sure and Bang1 it is not the same: sit on the fence means to delay the decision.

Do yuo remember the known saying: a scythe hit the stone? How about: to sell sb a scythe.
jon357  72 | 22778
19 Oct 2020   #1076
isn't it to stab somebody?

With the idea of doing it particularly brutally and quickly.
20 Oct 2020   #1077
sit on the fence means to delay the decision.

Yes, exactly.

Polish barricade saying which means to try to be on good terms with two rivaling sides

Interesting, sounded like they might have the same meaning.

isn't it to stab somebody?

I would go with that too.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
20 Oct 2020   #1078
Yes, to stab sb with a knife. A slang expression popular among soccer hooligans.

Another one from those circles: to have a scythe with sb.

Before I forget: two idioms with fly motive.

to fall like flies
some heads are gonna fly

22 Oct 2020   #1079
to have a scythe with sb.

To have a fight or quarrel with someone?

to fall like flies

It sounds similar to 'dropping like flies' which means to die or fall down in large numbers, or to stop doing an activity in large numbers.

some heads are gonna fly

Sounds like 'heads are gonna roll'. Basically means that someone will pay dearly and be held to account for a failure or wrongdoing.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
22 Oct 2020   #1080
Yes, yes, yes!

Now it is your turn. :)

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