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Polish Language Exchange Thread

antoni slawek - | 2
4 Sep 2017 #121
My name Sławek I learn english and loking for person to write
Regards Sławek
ricardocameron - | 3
3 Dec 2017 #122
Hi! My name is Don Ricardo Jr. I hold a TEFL certificate and am interested in teaching English in Poland next year. I am a beginner learning Polish language. I would be interested in trading conversation by Skype in the near future. Skype id: ricardocameron1 Forgive me for using google translate. I don't speak Polish very well yet!

Wesołych Świąt!

email: Dricardo1@gmail
Cześć! Nazywam się Don I posiadam certyfikat TEFL... - English only please
jakub_a 1 | 13
13 Nov 2020 #123

Learn Polish

Can anyone help me find a tutor or teacher so I can learn Polish?
22 Nov 2020 #124
I am making a gift for a polish friend, I would like to write his name in the proper format (font). Can someone advise me of the respectful manor to write "Edward Jaworski"?
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Nov 2020 #125
Hmm, Poles do not use any special fonts for signing gifts.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
21 Jan 2021 #126
I recently received a birthday card from a Polish female friend and saw some unusual calligraphy, it's true. Perhaps it's a gender question.
Lenka 5 | 3526
21 Jan 2021 #127
The fact a female wrote to you in that way in no way implies it has anything to do with her being Polish or female.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
21 Jan 2021 #128
One can never be too sure, Lenka:-)
WinBren 1 | 3
3 Feb 2022 #129
Hello there! I am going to be spending some time in Poland soon, and while I am slowly learning formally through virtual classes it would be great to have a language partner to reinforce my learning. In exchange, I can teach English. We can converse about art, psychology, daily life, travel (these are just some of my interests!). Even better if you are living in Warsaw.
2 Apr 2022 #130
Start with free Polish Course - masterslanguage
27 Nov 2022 #131

Looking for someone learning Polish

Hello. I'm from Poland and learning English language. Looking for someone who learning polish language. We can help each other. My English level is between b1-b2. I prefer FaceTime or Skype or just chat at the beginning. Hope to find someone.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
27 Nov 2022 #132
If you are looking for a tandem partner, I'd be happy to volunteer my services.
I have an intermediate to advanced intermediate working knowledge of Polish while English is my "first" language although technically German is my mother tongue:-)

Looking forward to hearing back from you under or here in PF, whichever you'd prefer.

Czy pan szuka tandem partnera, ciesze sie bardzo na wspolprace.
Mam znajomosci polskiego na dobrym poziomie, choc angielski jest moim "pierwszym" jezykiem a niemiecki jest moim jezykiem ojczystym:-)

Moja e-mail: Ale czy pan chcialby skontaktowac do mnie w PF, pan ma optcje.
SheHelp - | 1
10 Apr 2023 #133

I teach you Polish - Bradford, UK

I teach you Polish

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