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Polish Language Exchange Thread

8 Jun 2015   #61
Hi guys . Anyone want to learn Polish ? I would like to improve English . I am happy to help you with Polish as much as I can .

I live in England .
Lyzko  41 | 9545
8 Jun 2015   #62

Did you get my reply to your e-mail already? I sent it off less than twenty minutes ago.
Thanks:-) Not too many English errors on your end, by the way!
23 Jun 2015   #63
Anyone needs some help with anything related to Polish may PM me. Will do my best to clarify things for You.
Joon  - | 1
23 Jun 2015   #64
Hi, I am a teacher and I can prepare individual Polish lessons (grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking and listing). I really need help in learning English. Please feel free to email me if you are interested.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
23 Jun 2015   #65
My principle problem is the need for constant practice! I always communicate with Polish native speakers in Polish, as it's easier for both of us. I DO appreciate correction.

Glad to see the feeling is mutual:-)
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2015   #66
My principle problem is the need for constant practice! I always communicate with Polish native speakers in Polish, as it's easier for both of us.

That's always the best way.

I DO appreciate correction.

Certainly when it's constructive. One tip from a very competent Polyglot is to aim to make 100 mistakes a day. Doubtless I do (and don't much care) however worth remembering that Poles are generally less used than you and I to hearing their language spoken by a foreigner - they don't often appreciate sequential learning.

This can be a big problem with Language Exchange; it generally becomes very one sided and the meta-language of the 'lesson' is almost always English.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
24 Jun 2015   #67
A good point, jon. Yet it needn't be that way! On the one hand, I always accept correction of my Polish. On the other hand, I give as good as I get and am never shy about correcting the English of my respective tandem partner, regardless the language:-)
Anivlam  - | 1
17 Jul 2015   #68
Hi I'm from Poland. If you want to learn Polish, write to me, I can teach you :) In exchange I would like to write with someone in english to improve my english skills.

Best regards for everyone :)
jon357  72 | 22778
18 Jul 2015   #69
Anivlam, or perhaps Malvina, which city are you in?
Lyzko  41 | 9545
19 Jul 2015   #70
Believe her bio says Kraków, but that could always be misleading:-)
buczok  - | 1
31 Jul 2015   #71
Merged: Koszalin - I am looking for native speaker from UK

Dzień dobry / Good afternoon,

I am Polish and I would like to find native speakers from UK to conversation in Koszalin. I wanto to improve my English to fluent level. In return I can offer conversation in Polish. If you are interested please contact me.

Pozdrawiam / Best regards,
ryno sorozec  - | 1
7 Aug 2015   #72
hi my names ryan, from cornwall England. have started to learn polish and have little knowledge, willing to learn and I can offer help with English maybe???

teach me :)
13 Aug 2015   #73
Merged: Language exchange, need to learn polish, fluent in ( English - Arabic ) can teach you either one :)


My name is Sara I am 25 years old, working as a preschool teacher in Krakow, I'm looking for someone to help me learn Polish, have been trying to learn it for some time, I already had a few private lessons and I'm looking for someone just to chat with need to learn how to pronounce the words correctly.

kubust  - | 4
17 Aug 2015   #74
Merged: Polish lessons in English

I'm new at this forum - I registered because I would like to travel to USA and I've found that there is a lot of useful information here.

I've seen also that there are a lot of people here that would like to learn polish. It surprised me that most of the topics are in English.

That is why I would like to offer You polish lessons. For my there are two options possible - I would like to make it as small Job (because I'm student - but I have also 2 years experience learning polish) and the second option - it is also possible for my to learn You Polish and You will learn my English in exchange. I it's interesting for someone just send my a message.

Merged: Answer on Your language questions

Hi everybody! I noticed that You have quite a lot of questions concerning Polish language - I would like to help You - in exchange You can simply correct my when I will writting not correct (that will for sure happen)
Vincent  8 | 793
17 Aug 2015   #76
Am I correct in thinking that English is not your first language?
kubust  - | 4
17 Aug 2015   #77
Of course Vincent, as I mentioned I would like You to correct me (that You Wulkan) so of course English is not my first language I hope it's not prohibited here :) But my first language is Polish that is why I'm able to answer some questions.
Vincent  8 | 793
17 Aug 2015   #78
But my first language is Polish that is why I'm able to answer some questions.

My mistake, I thought you said in another thread, that you have two years experience learning Polish.
30 Aug 2015   #79
Merged: A Polish Language Skype Group


I was wondering if people would be interested in setting up a Polish language exchange skype group.
I personally am less inclinced to moderate as I do not have a lot lof free time, or we can get a team of mods. Anyone interested in helping set up a skype group, PM me on skype (Vininn126) and we'll get to know each other.
Chris447  - | 1
4 Sep 2015   #80
Merged: Looking to learn Polish in exchange I will help you learn English.

Cześć Everyone,

I am an English male and I am looking for people to help me learn polish. In return I will help you learn English. We can chat on Facebook, exchange emails and maybe speak on the phone. Please email me hooligan447@hotmail. Hope to hear from you. Dziękuję Chris
13 Sep 2015   #81
Merged: Language exchange meet up

Hello all, my friend can't post it by himself , because he's from India, so he asked me about it :) It's a content of his message, I'm only a mediator

You can find his email below this message.

"Hello polish speakers, I'm Gautham from India! I'm going to pursue my masters degree at Warsaw university. Through the help of language exchange websites, I have found good polish friends and started to speak with them through Skype. I'm so keen to learn polish as I'm about to move to Poland for my studies. Many of my polish friends complained that ,they haven't got much chance to practice their English conversational skills . I'm thinking about creating a meet-up in Warsaw for language exchange! It will help polish speakers to practice their English and in the mean while I can practice my polish language skills. If any one is interested, please let me know !" - can you post this is some polish forum and see what the response is ? "

His email : gauthamsuresh1107@gmail
Mark_the_teache  1 | 7
26 Sep 2015   #82
Hi all,

My name is Michael and I am a native English speaker. I would like to improve my Polish (it is so poor) and in exchange, I could help you improve your English. Please email me on michael.aduski@gmail and maybe we can arrange an initial chat on skype.

Speak to you soon.

daim  5 | 24
27 Sep 2015   #83
I can only imagine that posting your email address here will lead to years of people mailing you for language exchange. Instead, go here:
27 Sep 2015   #84
i am Julia, 20 years old
studying DDS at PUMS
can anyone help me to learn polish language?
if yeah, CONTACT ME
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Sep 2015   #85
can anyone help me to learn polish language ?

Sure, come to Bunuba Cafe, ul. Szewska 20a on Thursdays from 7pm - there's our weekly language exchange meeting there, and plenty of people will help you with Polish there!
7 Oct 2015   #86
Hello! I have made a Polish language/culture skype group partially based out of Reddit. message me on Skype at Vininn126 if you are interested in joining
Tanya81272  - | 3
15 Dec 2015   #87
Good day, I am Polish, of American born who is looking to learn Polish. In exchange I can teach you English. I have printed material we can email one another - and learn off that together.

If interested, email me at We can set up a time to skype and also email one another phrases/words and such.


Good day, I am Polish, of American born who is looking to learn Polish. In exchange I can teach you English. I have printed material we can email one another - and learn off that together.

If interested, email me at We can set up a time to skype and also email one another phrases/words and such.

sakis  - | 1
6 Jan 2016   #88
anyone exchange polish with greek?
David575  - | 1
23 Jan 2016   #89
Hello! I lived in krakow a few years back and learned some Polish there. However, i want to keep using it and improve it a lot. Im 28/m from belgium and my english and dutch are excellent. I installed gadu gadu for this purpose and my number is 57587526. Feel free to add me and maybe we can chat and learn stuff from each other.
Labrador  2 | 50
23 Feb 2016   #90
Merged: Hello everyone.

Hello everyone / Dzień dobry!

My name is Franz and I am a German living in the UK. I am 23 y.o and I live here since about 3 years. I recently started to learn the Polish language ( I am using memrise,youtube and sometimes write and speak to Polish people, online ). I am a total beginner, so I wont be able to say more than dzień dobry, witam and how are you in Polish ( for now ). The reason I learn Polish for is because I find the country interesting, like the language, the food and because my great-grandfather was from Poland ( I've never met him though, it just raised interest ).

However, I am here to find some Polish friends in the UK and maybe even in Poland. Would be nice to talk ( write first ) to someone who's mother tongue is Polish.

Please note that I'm married and not looking for any relationship.


Would be nice to hear from you :-)

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