For Poles, English is a nightmare as is Polish for the average Anglophone:-)
you are completely wrong - English has a very gentle learning curve compared to Polish (thanks to quite straightforward grammar: no declination to speak of of nouns and adjectives,no grammatical genders, maximum of 4 different forms of verbs with a whole lot of them being regular ie following a simple pattern) - the biggest problem with English is getting the hang of the spoken language (with understanding the spoken language being the bigger obstacle than speaking it well enough to be understood) - I wouldn't count English ortography as a problem because, from my experience, you mostly learn new English words in written form (well at school it is both written and spoken at the same time actually) - well, OK, there is also the vast and nuanced vocabulary which you need to master the language (I will probably never master English tbh, which only proves that it is not that difficult to attain intermediate level if you have average memory)