The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by tygrys  

Joined: 28 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Jan 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 290 / Live: 64 / Archived: 226
From: San Diego
Interests: humans

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11 Jan 2014
Life / Do Poles have a problem understanding American English? [76]

know that there is a very large Polish population in Chicago and most of them speak English very well.

No they don't. They have a terrible accent you can't understand hardly anything, but you probably have an accent too, since you're from Armenia. And also the Poles in Chicago have this made-up language, where half the words are Polish, half English. That stuff really messes with your head. It takes a lot of creativity and imagination to understand that language.
3 May 2013
Language / Busha and JaJa [140]

Jajas are balls.
Or eggs.
Or as in: " ale jaja"
24 Jan 2013
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

Uneducated, immoral, unintelligent Poles say that word. It is considered vulgar. In english it's a$$, and you get sent to the principals office in school for saying it.
13 Jan 2013
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

They would look better if they would grow some hair and not walk so nervously, and if they would relax and smile once in a while. Most of them are mad looking. And once they come to America, their personality changes for the worse. They become greedy and treat other like sh!t. Same with the Polish women. I think in Poland they have this mentality that everyone in America is rich, and when they come here they step all over you to get to the top.

Just my observations.
4 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Typical Polish Eye Color [77]

When one parent have brown eyes and the other blue, there's a great probability their child will have eyes like you do.

Depends how many children you have. One will have blue, the other brown.
18 Nov 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

lol most girls prefer a beautiful circumcised penis over a smelly uncut cheese-covered schmeckle

Wrong!. The normal penis gives more pleasure than the naked, deformed one. Plus the foreskin protects it from abrasion and other injuries. Only the naked penis owners will think up of stories that sound good because their parents did that to them as babies and they had no choice to stop them.
27 Sep 2012

Here is what I found out about "Gomula". "Gomulka" could be a feminine form of "Gomula", a pet name or an endearing term.

The meaning of Gomula come may come from a trade, such as the name "Brewster" which refers to a female brewer. A lot of these profession-based family names might be a profession in some other language. Many names like Gomula originate from religious texts such as the Bhagavadgītā, the Quran, the Bible, etc. Often these surnames relate to a religious sentiment such as "Favored of God".

Kicinski could come from "kici, kici" meaning "here, kitty kitty"

My mom wants to know what the meaning of "Zemkoski" (her boyfriend's family's surname) is. Thank you in advance, sorry if it's already been asked. :)

It could also come from the word "Zamek", as in Zamkowski, which means "castle".
8 Sep 2012
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [128]


What's a pidgeon?

The way you think is the way many illegals think when they come to America. Animals here have rights too but many foreighners don't understand that and abuse animals.
24 Feb 2012
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

What do you mean "what do you mean"? Polish people are very pushy at the airports, they complain about the baggage, they push with their elbows not allowing you to get near the carousel, they look at what you're wearing and criticize your clothes, they are loud, rude and seam very uncivilized. You can tell right away they are Polish. In O'hare they have 20 huge suitcases, they wear leather jackets, women have high heels, they look like they are better than everybody else and get mad if you accidentaly touch them or smile to them. They never smile and always look mad about something.

Went to London last year, a very unpleasant Polish woman worker at the airport was very rude and snotty and didn't want to help with anything.
19 Jan 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Polish chicks are by FAR in better shape,

No they are not. You never see Polish girls jogging, rollerblading, mowing lawns and other activities we do in America. Someone here said once that Polish women feel like cottage cheese.
19 Jan 2012
Love / How to make a Polish guy happy? (we're moving to Mexico) [51]

he gives an eye... and i dont know why. maybe he just wants sex

Polish guys aren't the smartest in the world. Once they leave Poland and their wives, girlfriends, their eyes start roaming. Keep away from them.
19 Jan 2012
News / Polish People STILL denied US Entry [96]

Because the Polish Government cannot control Poles immigrating to the EU but they have a good relationship with the US Government.

That's the whole idea. Once the Poles are free to travel to the US, they will leave Poland. And knowing how they don't follow the rules about returning, they will stay here illegally, they will hook up with some Polish illegal company, who will pay them cash so they won't need a SS card and avoid paying taxes. Once they lose their job, they will be living behind a dumpster and drinking themselves to sleep. Sorry, but see too many illegal Poles living this way. It would be a disaster for Poland to allow Poles to travel to the US. I hope they never abolish the visas because that is the only way to control their population.
19 Jan 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

He's actually right on.
Polish women change when they come to America, they become snotty, ******, unbearable and they think they are better than everyone else. They never smile and always keep some kind of secret from you, they don't tell you everything, they have poor communication skills and always complain about everything. They should stay in Poland because Soda hits their brains when they come to UK or US. Most are ugly but they think they are beautiful. Once they get an illegal job at a bar or as a nanny they go and buy the most expensive clothes to look better than everybody else. As they age, their complaining gets worse and they get fat and uglier than the ugliest of the ugly.
19 Jan 2012

Glowski is more likely short for a very popular name Głodowski. "Głód, głodny" means hunger, hungry.
Zwolinski could come from the meaning "Z Woli" (from Wola), which is a region of Warsaw

"Stasiu, Staś" is a popular Polish name from "Stanislaw", (Stanley, Stanislaus). Therefore the origins
11 Jan 2012
News / Polish People STILL denied US Entry [96]

Go to England, or Ireland, or Austria, its closer, besides we got enough Poles at Belmont and Central and Harlem and Archer - the Chicago Poles know what I'm sayin'!!!

Great suggestion. Why do Poles so badly want to come here anyway? Is it for the fact that because it's harder for them to get here, they want to come here even more? Why do they look at others, saying "they can do this and "we" can't?" Why don't Poles do something in their own country instead of moving to other countries? All the Poles I know in Chicago are thieves, liers and they steal. They are dishonest and don't respect our laws, like going back when their visa expires.
6 Jan 2012
News / Polish People STILL denied US Entry [96]

"Poles being denied entry for suspicion they may overstay their Visa, they become disqualified from the VWP"

Duh. doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Too many don't return like they should, they are harming themselves. They don't learn the language when they get here and lie their way to stay.. Geez
6 Oct 2011
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

Now,I didn't know they have to ask that when they can't find US visa in Polish passport and I was in a bad mood that day so I told this women that it's none of her bussines

You are really stupid. They can ask any question they want, specially when they see arrogant Poles like you, when they fear the country is invaded by illegals and on high alert. Too bad they didn't arrest you, maybe you'd learn something.
18 Sep 2011
Love / Do Polish men make good husbands? [107]

hahaha.... please, they don't even know how it looks like! hahahaa....

Depends where you live. In the country 70 year old women mow lawns and it's normal. My mom is 72 and she still likes mowing lawns. All my female friends love mowing lawns. If you live in the city, of course they won't know what a lawnmower even is.

And everybody has to shovel their sidewalk. Men, women, makes no difference.
It seams like people who are surprised women mow lawns, must be from Poland, which makes perfect sense because Polish women are lazy..