The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 834
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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3 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Apparently this has become some sort of another right wing Polish nationalist day like that march with anti gay banners for all the world to see:

no wonder biden and kamala are backing otua nd selling poland at yalta again with nordstream. Makes sense the cancel culture being involved.

Lol at these guys crying:

When you have a country full of nationalists and who discriminate against others trying to get kamala harris and biden to not sell them or cancel culture them you got to be stupid. What is crazy listening to these old people talk saying poland for only polish people same shet hitler and nazis were saying and they act like they're victims lol because ukrainians now live in poland or some immigrants or some ****. You really think Poland would not be betetr off today Jon if they die off?
28 Jul 2021
News / TVP producer fired for allowing rainbow flag on the air... [244]

ask yourselves this if LGBT and rainbows etc and feminism is so good why are all us game companies and overall all tech companies being sued by women or pro female ass kisser males within these organizations from the top like now activision blizzard being the latest and in Poland i have not heard of a single company this happening to in tech or anywhere? isn't it a take over by females to push their agenda and be the new rulers of the us and west?
27 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

well then you agree the focus should not be harassing Ukrainian migrants in Poland and on UPA or the, than? that this recent constant focus on them makes no sense?
27 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

hey mafkeis besides the video above of kik the historian co paring the German rapes to Soviet you should watch this before you judge them these warriors these brave men who won it for us all saying theyre rapists etc look at the mortality rates they suffered in German captivity worde than even the Japanese or Asians did to Americans or anyone and at a colossal scale. roughly 50 percent mortality so these Poles you see in Poland or hear talking crap on this forum have no idea their mortality rate in captivity was really low nothing what people of the east suffered and why the Red Army needed to exact their revenge: (watch from 4:25)

watch this video to compare:
22 Jul 2021
News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air [528]

you shouldnt play hardball with the us or they just may play hardball with you. morons ar eobsessed over 80 yr old ukrainian crimes on polish using retard hooligans and narionalists now they want to be friends with ukraine? lol pol-s.

" Now maybe you will see that PiS has a bit more intelligence and planning in bringing up this TVN problem now that you give them credit for."

you are literally retarded. nobody gives w flying f about poland or its tv stations.
21 Jul 2021
News / Polish universities for Polish students (only?) [47]

id really like to see blacks how theyd react to this if they were here or allowed from Africa instead of the pola-s taking Ukrainians in. wed see how tough those cowards would be then against guns. or against sucker punches in behind from the head without care for landing or repercussions like blacks are always known to do in u.s. just like the Turks punk them in Germany or Berlin due to always using knives.

Inhooen those polaks are treated the same by the British and Germans and the whole EU.
21 Jul 2021
UK, Ireland / Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison [99]

well thats how they do it in the u.s. when cops dont like you there thy shoot you or look for any excuse to shoot you such as claiming the camera didnt see you make w sudden movement or something when they tell you to take your license out or open the glove compartment. ive seen even them do it to white guys like redneck types on the shoemcope and it is laughed at or accepted there by other whites. what i dont get is why dont the Ukrainians just use guns or cops as well to shoot those nationalists like the blacks Hispanics from mexico or Latin america or no go zone Muslims would do to them to shut them up? they cancel events same with the lgtbs due to their threats but why not just act like no go zoners and bring guns or guys like novichook would do?
21 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

more to bird brain polish wannabe and propagandist mafkeis:

A great read:
21 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

Hey Mafkeis,

I was banned from this forum again for like a week and was every day itching to finally reply after I discovered the video below for ifnal proof what I always knew was right.

Do you even physically exist right now?
For all I know you haven't even been rendered yet and what I'm responding to is a disembodied mishmash of assorted data coded to seem organic and living.

All of you are probably A.I. and this whole website is a psyop.
The entire internet is probably artificial.

Here is some real news for you:
10 million soviet women were raped on the eastern front vs a total of 1.5 million of all nationality rapes by soviets:

Watch and inspect it closely you priagandist. You are repeating the same Poilish lies all over again they spew and no one outside its borders cares about besides starch russphiles like americans during the cold war or Germans to protect their reputations. Watch what he says (this is a british historian btw) from start to finish.

Another video to watch (your not a Po-ak so why do you care who treated them and not their jews who they dont consider po-aks better lets talk about overall figures here why dont we?):

comparing soviet pow to even japanese pow or german by soviets and you see who was the worse of the worse. dont worry about the po-aks and who hurt their feelings more why dont you. They would have been a slave race to the reich anyway.
15 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

if you think polaks are less violent than Ukrainians or didnt do the same shet your retarded. or as upa. secondly, i seriously must be a daint. for what Americans amerikkkka s did to me so many yrs so many times i should be killing their tourists here by now if i was same person as those Ukrainians in upa or polaks in ak at the time. trust me i have way more excuses fir hate if u study what hapoened to me and how i suffered than any of them by the hands of the us of a. imagine being thrown in a California cdcr gular for simply fighting back against pathology and a garbage human gypsy wielodzietny named raphael luciano and tortured for yrs on end. wouldnt you do what upa did to their tourists later? i must be a real humanist for letting it go and not doing what everyone else would have.

" They killed only this polish communist traitors of jewish community, collaborating with Sowiets.
Unhappily, They d'dn't chance to kill Poles jews, Bielski Brothers, communists, almost very brutal bandits, comparing to Ukrainian UPA atrocity towards ethnics Polish cithizen - the genocide subject all time officially forbidden"

you know nothing of history. thos polaks ak members and others collaborated with sovietsnjust like jews but to right upa retard. look up how your polish buddies collaborated with soviets because they were too scared of upa including your great hero ogien.

@ Strzelec35
15 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

"It wasen't primary or secondary. All this jews was polish citizen, right? But special jews, killing, stealing, dispossessing ethnic Poles and denouncing them to the Soviets to send them to the Gulags.Well, it's clear."

no ethnic poles wwre sent to gulags for being polaks morons. they also like the juden you hate had dirt under their fingers scum. yea upa did that so did the fuking umericans younpolaks lick thwir ******** to indians and blacks lame. google trail of tears and sedond wounded knee only like 40 yrs ago lame.
15 Jul 2021
News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air [528]

"Poland can not muscle anyone. Sorry, they are simply not strong enough. Without the EU money, and all the US support by way of business and military, and Poland is barely above Ukraine without it."

They arent above ukraine without it. In fact in the 90s or when Pland and Ukraine were equal no eu or nato Ukraine had a higher gdp. Sure it was only like three yrs but still:
10 Jul 2021
History / Pokłosie (film on Jedwabne) [36]


Today is 80th anniversary of Jedwabne

worth remembering.
9 Jul 2021
UK, Ireland / Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison [99]

i already told you man in Lodz it is literally full of bums and vagrants drunk in the middle of the street touching and harassing people. if i end up laying one of em out i better not be the one taken in while they tolerate such scum. look what liberal California did to me believing the fst unemployed wife of raphael luciano and his gypsy more than 10 truant kid ilk. so who fuking knows in this world whose side they take on as teuth is stranger than fiviton and never believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
4 Jul 2021

please make it with actual pinto beans. you cannot get pinto beans or real sour cream anywhere in this country in any Mexican restaurant. you'd be king.