The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Dirk diggler  

Joined: 9 May 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - B
Last Post: 23 Jun 2022
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Posts: Total: 4452 / Live: 1973 / Archived: 2479
From: A White Wonderland
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Professional kebab remover

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Dirk diggler   
23 May 2017
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Marijuana use to be grown by the older generations (konopja indijska as they called it) as a sort of feed. I remember my grandpa had some homing or racing pigeons or whatever they were exactly and they loved eating the seeds. They still have 2 8 foot plants in their garden but its not really the kind of weed you'd want to smoke. Its extremely low grade and you will not enjoy the high from the few nasty brown buds that you can collect.

Now there is quite a decent bit of homegrown in poland. Before it seemed to be all imports from Holland but now it seems people have started grow ops. There's a video on YouTube of polish police busting a particularly large op with thousands of plants.

I know that marijuana has become way more popular than it was even 10 15 years ago and I believe it's medically legal with a doctors script but are there dispensaries you can purchase marijuana even if you have all the appropriate paperwork? Also are things like wax dab oils or edibles popular? I personally have only seen weed in bud and hash form in poland..
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2017
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Also to the people thinking about growing weed - first off no it isn't a weed nor is it like the poppy plant which requires next to zero care. This isn't a plant where you just put some seeds, do nothing, and reap the rewards. If you want to have good 20%+ THC nugs, you'll have to put in a bit of work and a small investment. For personal use id recommend a beginners 4 plant hydroponic system that comes with lamps and everything you need except for seeds which can be legally purchased and shipped as the seeds themselves contain no thc. There are several easy to read books and pdf files like the cannabis growers bible that can give you more info. It will teach you not only how to grow but also how to harvest dry trim buds and storeage.

Also be aware of the laws in your respective area. Where in one part of world 4 plants is a $250 fine in another it could mean the death penalty. While in poland you won't face the death penalty but perhaps a very large fine, probation or even jail if convicted of distribution (never keep it in multiple bags) rather than mere possession.

Anyway good luck and happy hunting
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2017
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I remember the politicians toying around with the idea of legalization. One particular mp, a former rapper by the name of liroy, was amongst those really pushing for it. There was also one incident where a politician I believe also mp wanted to light a joint in parliament as a protest but upon hearing hed def get arrested opted for symbolic incense. Not sure if liroy or the other guy are still mps..

Personally I think medical cannabis would certainly help those with debilitating conditions. Many patients claim that it is superior to opiods and many other medicines with far less side effects.


Cbd has been shown to be great against seizures and some other conditions. That's probably what they prescribe. In the us its a little different. Cbd oil can be purchased online and I believe it's legal everywhere since there's no thc or banned compounds in it and cbd doesn't get you high. As far as the actual cannabis and things made out of cannibis it depends on the state whether they allow medical use. In Colorado its recreational and can be purchased legally with valid id.
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2017
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I had some gorrilla glue 4 recently its very popular across the board. Amongst youth cannabis in poland is pretty popular but there's still a lot of the 50s style reefer madness amongst previous generations. I recall one study stating that over 20% of youth (don't remember the exact age it was like 17 to 23 or something) used marijuana once within the past year. Back in the 90s that would've been A lot lower. Actually I believe poland has something like the 3rd or 4th highest percent of marijuana users in Europe.

A lot of older generations saw the kompot users of the 80s and 90s and equate that with drug use in general to which cannabis tends to get lumped in. When people smoke they have to be more careful and some people will call the cops on you esp if you're in the bloki and just stunk the whole place up. Its also one of those things that people kind of hide and won't really admit to unless they know you due to the decades old stigma.

True cloning is more popular now but if you're starting a grow to obtain your own source chances are you wouldn't have access to a nice mature female. As far as the seeds being confiscated im kind of surprised by that... And a letter on top of it. To my understanding under the 4th amendment local mail can't be opened up without a warrant. I'm guessing he ordered from Amsterdam and perhaps they happen to scan his package. Pounds upon pounds are sent out of Denver every day via USPS FedEx and ups and very little ends up not arriving to its destination in the U.S.
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2017
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

It was youth rates not lifetime prevalence rates. Also its a 4 year study. Otherwise yes poland falls very low if taking into account the whole population rather than youth.
I do remember that whole.fake Viagra story. Apparently those guys were big timin and making a lot of cash..

Sure sightseeing stoned is fun but you have to do a risk benefit analysis... I sure wouldn't want to risk getting caught smoking in a place like russia or Saudi or something.. In poland eh probably not either. At least back in the day you could easily just bribe the cops. They can really throw the book at you especially if you get some old school judge. Its not uncommon to hear stories getting a year for like a few grams of weed or even less.
Dirk diggler   
24 May 2017
News / PO support drops by 4 pps after tape scandal according to WBJ [18]

Id say most of the people who support po in poland are center left. Yes there are going to be a few far leftists in po just as there are far right people in pis. They're not like the far leftists in the us who torch cars, call for removal of borders, destroying the family unit, unchecked migration, etc.

People in Poland that support po as well as po's policies id say from the lens of an American look pretty centrist. One may even say they're a tad (neo)conservative since even on things like immigration, gay marraige, drug legalization po was very cautious and didn't jump in head first and take the wests example. Id say this is due to a mix of centuries old polish Roman Catholic values which are still extremely strong in Poland mixed with a willingness to maintain a relationship with the west while preserving their own unique identity and not allowing foreigners to determine the fate of poles. Even the younger family and friends in poland that support po I would consider centrist or even a tad conservative based on their views.

Even when po was in power they rather reluctantly agreed to take in some thousand or two migrants with much of polish society in uproar over that decision. It seems the vast majority of polish society wanted to keep poland polish and didn't want to get on the sort of slippery slope that Sweden and Germany experienced. On the other hand when pis tried to make the abortion laws more prohibitive people especially women were in uproar. It seems that poles just want a happy medium. Its a sort of liberalism that when compared to the west's appears open minded but cautious and still centrist perhaps even a tad conservative.
Dirk diggler   
27 May 2017
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

[moved from]

I love polish scammers... They think they're sooo freakin slick...

Especially the young pretty girls who walk around town pretending to not know where they are and ask you for directions, then chat you up and ask you to go for a drink with them at their favorite bar where a friend just happens to be the bartender selling $50 shots of vodka.... Or the hotel receptionist who needs to verify your credit card at 3 am..

The surprising thing is that people fall for this stuff

Anyway ill tell you all a funny story. There were two that always use to do that to unsuspecting tourists from abroad. I played their game with my cousins once to teach em a lesson. The locals knew their gig but apparently the police couldn't really do much about it. Anyway Id pretend to be some guy attending a local conference and didn't know a word of polish. Id walk in their direction (they always stood in a certain corner of the rynek) dressed in a suit speaking english. I overheard one of them say 'him.' and so it began they said they were students from jaggellonian and asked if id want to join them for a drink at their 'favorite bar.' one of the girls spoke half decent English but the other only spoke polish. So Id order shot after shot after shot while texting my cousins keeping them posted on the situation. Then came time to pay the bill I said no problem just add on a beer to settle the stomach down. I think the bartender charged me some $400 for like 8 shots and a few beers. Anyway I excused myself to drain the lizard and out the bathroom window I vanished and into my cousins car parked around the corner. About 30 minutes later the girls are staggering out of the bar totally drunk. My cousins and I pull up in one of those mercedes Vito minivans, put the child lock on, they throw em in the cargo door and i start taking pictures of them and pretending to talk to someone on the other end. Now my polish is suddenly perfect and all they can hear is me saying things like 'no i need 7 thousand for the brunette and 10 for the blonde... I don't care if her teeth aren't perfect get her dentures!... Pakistan? ... Okay well put them on the next outbound crate' of course we released then after about 5 mins. Man they ran for their lives and our stomachs are hurting from laughter lol. I've never seen a girl flat out sprinting in heels except for that day. Well my cousins say they've never seen them hanging out in that corner of the rynek since.

The next day I went to the same bar with my cousins mid afternoon while it was dead and asked for the owner. We told him what his bartender was doing and that their scam is exposed. I offered paid the regular menu price for the drinks ($50 or so), and of course told the bartender and owner off politely. The owner fired the bartender on the spot (although I bet he knew what was going on) and offered us comp meals as well as refunding last nights bill. I insisted id pay the fair menu price though and a couple tyskie for us would suffice. While my cousins wanted to take then up on their offer of free food, I explained wait staff will mess with peoples food they don't like. And so that was that..

I imagine these po and pis scams were more elaborate albeit not as funny. Also evicting old ppl from their homes is just messed up. Apparently this has been occurring in Germany and Sweden quite a bit due to a housing shortage to make room for the migrants.
Dirk diggler   
27 May 2017
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Ya its unfortunate. It shows desperation amongst these young girls and I don't think they're like some organized group at least in this case it just seemed to be 3 friends.

There were always pick pockets in busy areas like around the train station but now you really have to be careful with your credit card. Staff working at businesses like bars hotels strip clubs taxi drivers will try to get one over on you if they can. Sometimes the owner doesn't know but sometimes the owner gives his or her blessing to do such activity in exchange for a cut. Not just in Poland but almost anywhere throughout the world its just in different forms. Luckily I've never had credit card charges I didn't make or my identity stolen but I know plenty of people who have and it was a huge hassle fixing everything.

I think its like an ingrained thing in many polish people to be a cwaniaczek. If they can get one over on you and you let them, they'll keep doing it all while pretending to be your friend. But if you call them out on it they'll respect you and not try to pull some bs in the future.

Personally I think it's wrong and very short sighted. You can make plenty of money honestly, ethically and over the long term instead of pulling some stupid crap just to make a bit more today. There's a saying for it 'krotkie nogi' meaning such activities have short legs.
Dirk diggler   
27 May 2017
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Yes apparently if the card owner is present in the establishment while charges are being added to their card the police can't really do much. I've heard cases where British guys and other males who are travelling for business would get their credit cards charged to the point of being maxed out over the course of a few hours. Also a lot of people aren't too familiar with the exchange rate so they think a 300 zloty drink is fairly priced.

In Miami this practice was very pervasive and the bar owners would hire pretty Russian girls for the specific purpose of overcharging a customer's card. In the us its fairly easy to get the company to refund your money in such a scenario but apparently in Europe its much more difficult to get the card company to issue a refund.

I know for a fact that the girls get a cut of each drink sold in such places. If they can sell say 1 drink an hour on average and make a $12 cut I could see how polish girls could be enticed to do such work especially if they have few other prospects.
Dirk diggler   
2 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Eh poles will get use to Ukrainians it just takes time. Poles are pretty set in their ways and hesitant to change so when a million Ukrainians come in it may raise alarms amongst some - namely the ones who don't understand that more often than not these 1 or 2 mil Ukrainians are a net benefit to poland. Most of the jobs that Ukrainians are taking are ones that poles don't really want to work anyway.

This would be like if Mexicans beat up some Guatemalens for mowing lawns in Mexico city suburbs when all the local Mexicans moved to the us to pursue similar low wage low skill entry level type work. But yes poland does a labor shortage for low wage low skill type jobs as the polish workers have left to pursue similar type work abroad especially in the us and uk.

I don't see though why your saying the government is complicit in this and has blood on their hands. First off. Polish citizens were killed in uk along with dozens others which united politicians from the deceaseds' home countries - the article says no one was killed and none of the injuries were life threatening. Should the polish government also come visit me whenever I get in a fight too? Maybe if szydlo comes to visit me I can turn her nasty frown upside down. Shell have to wait till I'm done with the interns though.

Typically the saying 'blood on hands' is used when someone was killed directly or indirectly because of a persons or people's decisions. Second, drunken idiots yelling 'you took my job' can be found all around the world under all sorts of administrations - US under Obama towards Mexicans, 70s Germany when Turks started coming, post 2004 UK towards Poles, Romanians, etc. Even in Mongolia locals are wearing swastikas as a protest to the Chinese rapidly buying up prime mining real estate. I don't recall any of the politicians from these countries telling citizens flat out to kill people or even intimidate them or beat them up. Hell I've been accosted before for speaking polish

Actually, the polish government continues to allow Ukrainians to work in poland and continues to issue work permits. You're comparing a terrorist attack where dozens died - not just injured by a beer bottle - to a couple drunks with an iq equal to their shoe size.

Also the police were called, arrived, took ids, fingerprints, etc. I skimmed the article but I didn't see where it said they were actually arrested anyone though it sounds like they were only detained. Well they should 've been arrested. This isn't really the governments fault but more the local cops for not doing more. I highly doubt the local police captain has a direct line to Kaczynski or the minister of justice.

Hence I wouldn't say it isnts 'this governments' fault but more so the local cops for handling it inappropriately. Ukranians aren't being attacked daily, I haven't heard of any hate crimes against Ukrainians resulting in murder, or things of the sort which would then be escalated to the appropriate levels. Keep in mind there were plenty of racist attacks and marches against Islam when po wanted to take a thousand or two m.e./African migrants with some dark skinned people beat up too. You can hardly blame po for the fact that some Turk Moroccan or Ghanaian was attacked just because they held the presidency or whatever.These type of incidents happen everyday all over the world regardless of who is in charge. By that logic, Merkel has blood on her hands because some locals burned down a migrant center. On the other hand, the other side would argue that Merkel has blood on her hands because of her migrant policies but that's for a longer discussion and outside the scope. A small scale attack isn't something the government can really prevent (aside from perhaps establishing martial law) and certainly pis, po, merkel, etc don't encourage such violence. The government can barely stop murders let alone attacks. Don't believe me? Come to chicago. It may not be Ukrainian vs pole but rather disciple vs psycho vs maniac vs deuce vs king vs gangster vs royal vs Gaylord vs 100 of others. You guys are lucky you don't have to deal with that in Poland. You don't even know how many times I've been on the highway and two cars will seemingly randomly start ramming and shooting each other. I don't think anyone would say its trumps, Rahm emmanuel, etc or anyone else's fault except for these idiots. However if the cops pulled them over and merely detained them without a charge and arrest then its a big policing issue.
If pis wanted Ukrainians gone they would stop issuing work permits, cancel the permits of those who have them, deport those individuals, and quietly allow for people to assist them in these actions. That has not happened so I don't quite see how pis has blood on its hands or what it can do aside from perhaps recommending to the regional authorities to increase police patrols.

If the Obama administration held a press conference or if congress met each time some red neck attacked a Mexican or Muslim or whoever nothing would ever get done.. Then again it appears they dont get much done either. However, when some idiot murders people of a different sex, race, religion etc within their country politicians are the first to publicly denounce such violent actions regardless of their personal feeling about such a situation.

Btw nice to see u back why'd u get banned anyway?
Dirk diggler   
2 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]


Hahaha that's awesome. Like they say never judge a book by its cover. Nothing better than when someone gets their a$$ kicked when they deserved it. The worst is that the same pu$$ies will call the cops on you crying like a lil baby.

Ya I get that same routine when I travel around the us to places where there aren't many foreigners. The funny part is that its usually like a cashier or guy mopping a floor who says something like 'this is America - speak english' or 'go back to your country' ill usually ask them, in perfect non accented english, if they're wordly enough to know a language besides english and offer them a brief history lesson on how unless you're a native american, you too are the descendant of European immigrants.
Dirk diggler   
2 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

I wish i had enough liquid capital during the Ukrainian fire sale... Ukranian government was selling state industrial assets for pennies on the dollar to raise money for the way. I.e. a $100 mil steel refinery being sold for $3 mil with say $1 upfront rest on credit...

You can bet those factories have been totally scrapped with all the more expensive equipment being shipped abroad and the rest sold for scrap
Dirk diggler   
2 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]


While some things in wyborxza aren t that bad and some of their reporting is pretty fairly balanced, the Adam michnik character is another story... He is a anti polish council of foreign relations social Marxist one world zionist piece of crap. People like him are why the rest of the world continue to think of poland as the armpit of civilized Europe.

Pis has been criticized for making media less fair and unbalanced. If they were the big boogeyman they would've appropriated wynorcza and made michnik a persona non grata for life. Anyway that's what id do if I were Kaczynski. Get some incriminating info or pictures of him or even trump up some charges on his organization and walah. Its still way more humane than what russia would've done in this case. Michnik would've been given a cup of polonium 210 black tea of a few slugs in the back if Kaczynski acted like Putin.
Dirk diggler   
3 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Any incriminating info michnik has on kaczynski or any other polish politician has already been published.. Much during the election season.

Also Kaczynski is supposedly rather un familiar with technology and doesn't use a computer.
Dirk diggler   
3 Jun 2017
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

Yea I don't think the government event kept statistics on hiv/aids during the commie years. Much of the hiv that was spread though was due to drug use namely kompot. A dealer would walk around with a big syringe and sell doses out of that large syringe. Oftentimes people shared the liquid which would have some blood in it or share a needle.

Also polish girls may find foreigners unique and exotic and all but will typically settle down with their own kind. They may sleep with a foreigner for the experience just as men do with foreign women. I don't think that's unique to poland though but rather the world at large. People are generally intrigued by things and people that are different.

During communism and even the early 90s there were hardly any Africans or other foreigners in poland. There were some students from the young pioneers club from other commie/socialist countries or allies of such countries. In general though poland was even more homogenous than it is now and even now its well over 90% polish.
Dirk diggler   
5 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Poland still isn't a country where everyone is treated fair under law.. However its gotten far better though. Now its more related to business and property disputes rather than violent crime. Many poles including myself still feel there is a bit of corruption and bribery in Poland. As one poster said before 'kombinowac' is a favorite past time of poles.

As far as Ukrainians go, I wonder if the Ukrainians will continue to come to Poland and remain there now that they have visa free travel. Id say yes because the culture is similar and many Ukrainians feel very much at home in Poland. However the permits the government issued are temporary so they could be asked to leave in the future. Personally I think the Ukrainians are a net benefit to Poland and its economy. Plus its a good bargaining chip with the eu since Poland can say it took in a million plus Ukrainian migrants/refugees.
Dirk diggler   
8 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Ukranians came to Poland asking for work and a new country to live in, not the other way around. Besides, id think most Ukrainians and poles in Poland are on the same page as far as migration from distant cultures and religions is concerned.

That's one thing though that szydlo is doing wrong. Instead of making a speech on how Europe is falling apart due to migrants, how Poland won't be blackmailed, how Poland will rather be sanctioned than take migrants, etc she's just begging the eu to impose financial penalties or at the very least cut off eu funds. This language doesn't appeal to her more liberal counterparts in the eu and they make seek to punish Poland just because of her language.

If she was smart she would instead explain how Poland has taken in a million refugees/migrants despite having a far smaller population and economy than Germany. No one could say 'no you didnt take in any migrants/refugees' because the 1 mil work she can then counter by calling those people racist for not considering Ukrainians as migrants or refugees when they too are escaping a protracted war and fleeing poverty - just like Syrians and Iraqis. To further illustrate her point she can state that Poland did allow in a large number of Chechens also - far more than the 2k or whatever the eu is demanding.
Dirk diggler   
8 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

I'm not saying that she isn't smart. If she was stupid she would have never made it to the post of prime minister. However, the rhetoric she used when addressing parliament is not going to sit well with her counterparts in western Europe. For one, an ardent supporter of migration quotas can be upset by szydlos language and use his or her power and influence to sway his colleageus, especially those with similar views, to act against Poland and szydlo. Thus she will have to look towards the visegard for allies, which is fine, while deterring how to come up with billions of dollars that can suddenly vanish from polish coffers, which isn't fine.

Is taking in 2,000 migrants from Muslim and African countries worth losing billions of dollars in eu funds worth it? I don't know.. That's for the polish voters and their elected officials to decide. However, I predict that they would rather not have migrants than keep the tap flowing. Many Poles complain that they personally haven't benefited from eu funds but nonetheless this money definitely helped build up a modern road and rail system.

Hence I think szydlo could've been more diplomatic in her language and point out that the Ukrainian migrant crisis is overlooked and under reported. She can explain and have her staff write a report explaining how Poland took in ukranians, chechens, a few Georgians, as well as a few Iraqis (most of whom left for Germany) and issued them work permits and list any other ways that Poland or even ngos and charities or even the church helped these groups. She can equate Poland with german policies and point out that despite having a far smaller population and far smaller economy, they opened the door to a million foreigners. Then she can turn the tables by gently implying that these countries didn't help the Ukrainians but Poland did and that itd be wrong to not consider certain Ukrainians as refugees when they too are fleeing war and poverty. Not all Ukrainians are fleeing war - only a small percent are just like the migrants that came to Germany. Its said that less than a quarter are from Syria. (Why there are able bodied men running away to Europe instead of fighting for their country is beyond me but whatever) She can say that's fine - Germany and the west chose to help those from Africa and the middle east, while Poland made the deicion to help those from ukraine, chechnya, georgia, etc.
Dirk diggler   
9 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

It was a theoretical number - 2k 5k 7k whatever.. Plus numbers can always be negotiated.

Second, macron along other with leaders from germany, belgium, etc threatened many different things all related to economics - issuing a per migrant fine, cutting off eu funds, economically sanction Poland We are discussing theoretical ramifications. What actually happens is anyone's guess. They've also thrown around many different inconsistent unclear punishments but all of them are economic.

As a pole, born and raised, I'm well aware that poland would rather pay than accept migrants from the middle east or Africa - I wrote that in my last post. Its up to poles and the polish people to decide what happens in our country and more than likely well chose some financial burden over bringing in people from a totally different culture, religion, and language. We can tighten our belts if need be to protect the homeland. I'm not denying that.

Yes the eu commissars do know about the war in ukraine but they care more about sanctioning Russia rather than the migrants that came out of this crisis. Politicians undoubtedly watch tv and read the news much like anyone else. The migrant crisis from ukraine and even the war itself was rather under reported. The whole focus was and continues to be the war in Syria and Iraq and the refugee crisis from Africa and middle east. They simply didn't care all that much about it - like you said - and I think its simply because it wasn't on the top of their agenda. The leaders in the eu tend to be ignorant (or simply don't care) on many things pertaining to the east whether its our culture, our history, our desire to remain a homogenous catholic country, etc. However, szydlo could've taken the opportunity as a world leader to put some more focus on the Ukrainian conflict as well as all migrants coming from it and explain how much Poland has helped refugees already.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

When I've visited Poland I've found poles are generally accepting of them but some poles kind of view them as 'the help.' Its mainly though because they tend to have lower income type jobs that immigrants have when they first arrive in a country just like poles who settled abroad . I've met very kind ukranians and they speak better polish than me after being there under a year lol
Dirk diggler   
24 Jun 2017
Life / Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc. [10]

I would highly recommend networking with some fellow poles and visit first. You don't want to jump right into such a big decision especially if you don't have the funds or prospects for work just yet. Be prepared to make a fraction of what Canadian jobs pay even with a bachelor's but then again many things are cheaper. I can give you the names of a few corporations that pay decent by polish standards in my city but never really looked outside of it and even then it was more out of curiosity.

Also private practice medicine in poland (outside of zus of course) is great from my experience in the sense that its cheap and the medicine is holistic. Not sure about psychiatric care but general practice and dental is great from my experience. Maybe they can help you get off the strong ssris and maois or find some more appropriate meds with less side effects.

I have my ups and downs too. Such is life. You find something that you enjoy and move on with your day to day responsibilities. For me it could be kayaking, travelling, riding the hog, going on a date, sparring at the gym, drinking at the clubs whatever. Find a few hobbies and people who are interested in them. Its a great way to meet people, network, make friends, meet a significant other, etc.
Dirk diggler   
27 Jun 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

There's a lot of hybrids I.e. Toyota auris especially. People seem to drive cars with either a small often turbocharged diesel or will run their car on lpg. Gas is ridiculously expensive in Poland. Its perhaps the only common everyday item that's pricier than in the us.

However as far as electric cars I haven't seen one yet in poland. Perhaps a few wealthy people have them but i haven't seen one yet. Tons of hybrids diesel and lpg though
Dirk diggler   
28 Jun 2017
Love / Egyptian guy with Polish girl - is it normal? [18]

Maybe she just didn't want to have a long distance relationship

Also polish women value their independence much like any other European woman. When you try to confine her or try to like plan her future out it makes her crazy. You were most likely going out a year or two and you were exotic fling to her or a rebound, then you screwed up by falling in love w her talking w her about ur family and all this stuff and u scared her off. At least that's my theory...

Also you know very well that in Muslim society if a Muslim man wishes to marry a non Muslim she must convert. I don't know how traditional and religious your family is but to many egyptian families conversion would be a requirement for them to accept the bride and marriage.
Dirk diggler   
1 Jul 2017
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

At least young polish men dont wear their pants half way down their butt in poland unlike the youth in the us
Dirk diggler   
1 Jul 2017
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]


True but you have some us brands like tom ford Tory Burch kors etc entering the euro market. Nonetheless I prefer euro fashion esp Italian over American French etc.

Also don't forget the brits. The guys dress really nice actually oftentimes better than the women.
Dirk diggler   
2 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]


Ahh i understand now. I wasn't aware this was a every 10th of the month ordeal for him. That's a bit excessive.. That should be a private matter. He can encourage people to lay flowers or light candles on the 10th but mourn in private. Once a year on April 10 is totally understandable but not every month... For years and years...
Dirk diggler   
2 Jul 2017
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

Well when I was at the London exchange I can tell you that the men wore far better quality and stylish suits. No European trader would be caught dead wearing tennis shoes with a suit yet many people do here in the pits.