The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Dirk diggler  

Joined: 9 May 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - B
Last Post: 23 Jun 2022
Threads: Total: 10 / Live: 5 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 4452 / Live: 1973 / Archived: 2479
From: A White Wonderland
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Professional kebab remover

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Dirk diggler   
14 Jun 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [144]

Niestety jest ich sporo ale sie chowaja. Wiekszosc czlonkow UB/SB to byly parchy - kazdy Polak z starszych generacji to wie. A dzis sa w lewicowych partjach, finans i media - tak jak stanach... Duzo ich zmienilo nazwisko pod koniec PRL aby trudniej ich odroznic od Polakow. Moga zmienic nazwisk, ale zyd zawsze bedzie sie zachowywal sie jak zyd.

W mojej opini naj wiekszy zydowski polonofob to ten jebany parchaty grubas Michnik.

Stare zydowskie przyslowie:

"Wasze ulice, nasze kamienice"
Dirk diggler   
9 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Why do people here fight so much? [128]

"dumb Polack"

This was maybe in the 70s and before, now you don't hear it at all. I've never been called a dumb Polack.

Sometimes people will hear me speaking Polish (outside of Chicago since there everyone knows a Polish person) and ask where I'm originally from. Or they'll ask something stupid like is that French you're speaking? German? Sometimes a sharper person may ask if it's Russian. But French or German... come on... they sound nothing like Polish.

A few times people, mostly the **** kicking redneck dually pick-up driving types who think it's appropriate to wear overalls out in public, will say something to the extent of "This is America, speak English!" To which I usually respond something like do you know any languages besides English, are you bilingual let alone trilingual, to which they reply no, and I'll answer something like I pity your lack of culture and world experience, that's really unfortunate all you've experienced is America, or something similar.

40% of Americans don't know who the veepee is now.

There's a few youtube movies of people being asked simple questions like how many states are in the US, where is Iraq, what's 10 squared, etc. My favorite is "if you're going 80 miles per hour, how long does it take you to travel 80 miles"

Watch two black guys try to figure it out:

Answers include:
"80 miles"
"8 hours"
"10 hours"
"... it could be 6 though"
"I give up"
"80 hours"
"8 hours"
"a minute and a half"
"That'll take like a minute" ("a minute" being slang for a really long time)
"This **** crazy"'
"I need the formula"
"Like right around 80"
"80 hours"
"8 hours"
"or 50"
"I say 2 hours"
"I say 80 hours"

American high school education...
Dirk diggler   
1 Jun 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

And by your illlogic, you'd punish a young couple, guilty of nothing other than the poor judgement of callow youth?!

It's not like condoms or other contraceptives are unaffordable and inaccessible. Imo, there's no excuse to have an abortion simply because one doesn't want kids. The only excuse is stupidity and laziness.

Nonetheless, like I said, it's a necessary evil. If we didn't have abortion we'd have far more crime, far more people living off government, etc. since the people who have abortions in USA at least belong to certain cohorts.
Dirk diggler   
1 Jun 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

If either couple is earning only $15 per hr. at a McDonald's, Walmart (same difference)

Then they shouldn't have kids in the first place... there's already enough bums living off the government, we don't need more.
Dirk diggler   
1 Jun 2022
News / Strip clubs raided in Poland [20]

I'm surprised this is just now making the news. There's two of these clubs in Wroclaw, one with a worse reputation than the other. This isn't anything new though. These have been in operation for years if not decades.

well we kombinonujemy out of your pounds. slap em, drug em, get the skinheads to beat them to an inch

That's what I love about Poland. We are a nation of kombinatory.

Personally, I think if you're dumb enough to get drugged by some slut and all your money taken, you deserve it. It seems the police up until recently agreed.
Dirk diggler   
25 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Life and development start at conception though.

Which again, I don't understand why it's okay for a woman to kill her own child and that's a-okay, totally legal, but yet if a person kills a pregnant woman they're charged with 2 counts of murder, not 1.

What I found ****** up too is that if let's say a couple is doing an at home abortion, the woman won't get in any trouble but the man will get charged with manslaughter or wore. But when a woman goes to a doctor's office, no problem.

In which case you'd be barren and disenfranchised :)

Seeing as I have a graduate level education, good career, a good side business, speak 3 languages, etc. I must be doing something right. The average westerner can't say the same. Hell most people are having trouble just paying their rent right now. I may not have a 180 IQ but every standardized test I've taken i.e. ACT, GMAT, etc. I've always scored in the low 90 percentile. And that was with a bad short term memory as I was a daily marijuana smoker back then.
Dirk diggler   
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Well just as you do with others, I respond to your posts sometimes even though they're trolling

I would go a step further and subsidize ghetto abortions.

We pretty much do...
Dirk diggler   
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Maybe slutty cows don't deserve to be mothers.

They don't. If I were in charge of a country then I'd make people undergo testing and receive licenses in order to vote, reproduce, etc. I believe that if someone is stupid, sits on their ass all day, doesn't work or contribute to society, etc. they shouldn't be allowed to have a say in the future of the society or be allowed to have offspring that's likely to be just as stupid and idle.

I remember hearing about a court case where a judge ordered a man to not have any more kids because he already fathered a ton and wasn't providing for them. I'm pretty sure you can guess the color of his complexion, but that's another topic. Anyway, I wish something like this was enacted throughout society. If you can't properly care for your kids and they then become society's burden, you shouldn't be able to have kids.

But in a way that's why I believe abortion is a necessary evil. If abortion were illegal, at least in the USA, the populations of the ghettos would grow exponentially and as a result even more tax funds would be diverted to feeding, housing, etc. them. On the other hand, it would make the more middle class and up women think twice about being promiscuous while in high school and college and men to step up instead of having their partner take the easy way out.
Dirk diggler   
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

knows that a fetus isn't yet a sentient being.

Well, if you kill a pregnant mother you'll get charged with 2 murders, not one. For some reason, a fetus is considered a human being, a life in such a situation, but not when some slutty woman wants to get out of a responsibility.
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I think the father should have as much say as the woman... I think it's bullshit that you can have a couple, they want to have a kid, guys all happy to have a son/daughter, then the woman can get an abortion without any input from the man? That's B.S. imo...

That's why there's certain things that are good about muslim culture. If westerns were as protective of their traditions, culture, women, etc. things would be a lot different and we wouldn't have all this degeneracy in society.
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

You guys gotta be more PC.... remember, they're called "birthing people" in the degeneracy that is western culture, men can become pregnant too. They now even have their own emojis on the iphone
Dirk diggler   
23 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Reminds me of a South Park episode...

I think abortion is a necessary evil, kind of like the 2nd Amendment or jewish lawyers. If there wasn't abortion there'd be exponentially more people on government aid.

Polish women aren't as slutty as most of their western counterparts so it's only a big deal in the left leaning circles. You can still get an abortion in cases of rape, incest, health problems, etc., but not because of being a stupid slut. Various polls show that the majority of Poles believe abortion is inappropriate and should be reserved for only certain circumstances. A minority support "on demand" (the 21% most liberal of society) while 71% were against it. At the same time though, the majority supported it if the child was handicapped, it threatened mother's life, rape, incest, etc.

In 2005, a guy performed an abortion on his gf. She couldn't get one due to being 5 months pregnant at the time. She tried to give herself one, miscarry, but it didn't work out. Eventually she asked dude to kick her/step on her which did the trick. He got 40 years. She got nothing since a woman can't be charged with killing her own fetus in their state.
Dirk diggler   
5 May 2022
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Poland will never become like Germany or France, it simply wont happen.

Thank God.

Even PO are smart enough to know that mass third world immigration is unpopular in Poland even among the left leaning.

My concern is the flood of Ukranians. Pretty soon they're going to demand more represantation, gain more power, and as a result it'll marginalize some Poles. I worry that it's going to be a situation similar to mass immigration from Mexico to the USA.

Yes, at first they're going to take the jobs that Poles don't want to do but sooner or later there's going to be so many of them where you can't walk down the street without hearing Ukranian. It's basically like that in Wroclaw now. You call an uber or taxi or go to a coffee shop and 9/10 times you're going to be served by a Ukranian.

Sooner or later though they're going to demand more and more and more though.
Dirk diggler   
4 May 2022
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

No. The majority of Polish people don't want any part of that. Thankfully Poland has a government that actually supports the people in this matter.

The only foreigners that are going to come to Poland are Ukranians and a couple thousand students from places like India, Pakistan, S. Korea, W. Africa, etc.
Dirk diggler   
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

That's how Gaddafi ran Libya but with "committees." It only worked out well because Libya had a ton of oil and sold a ton of it to pay for other ****-ups. I don't understand why some countries who have respective reserves and yet other places with huge reserves like Venezuala, Nigeria, etc. are screwed.

There are some cooperative farms and businesses here. They tend to do quite well. Some people use the farms to grow extra vegetables, fruits, etc. that they can't fit in their garden or simply want fresh farm food and they take turns caring for the crop. The businesses tend to be a bunch of hippies living together and selling branded products. They pitch in and split the profits.

History shows that democracy is by far the most efficient way of administration.

I disagree. Parliamentary systems will always have infighting, competing interests and most of it is a waste of time. An authoritarian dictatorship has proven in modern history to be the most efficient administration - Germany, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Dirk diggler   
21 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

even when both countries are paying the same costs for the same oil.

You know, I'd think that with your supposed business acumen you'd realize that every country and even within individual countries gasoline prices vary greatly. There's a lot of ancillary costs than just the price per barrel. It's no different in the US, UK, etc. the price of oil may drop yet gasoline prices remain the same or even go up depending on other circumstances. Oil fell down to $20 a barrel for a period in spring 2020 yet there was no significant change with the price at the pump.

Gasoline is always far more expensive in Europe than USA. For one, there's very limited oil exploitation and what does occur is out of very small reserves i.e. even with the decrepit state of Libya they produce more oil than Romania. Gasoline is more expensive in Norway than Poland despite Norway being the largest producer in Europe after Russia. Meanwhile in Russia it's cheap.

It all has to do with taxes, logistics, refinery costs, politics, OPEC, etc.

But in the case of pawian and others it's all PiS fault...

stupid socialist benefits

I doubt the families living in near poverty consider the extra 500 z's they're receiving to be "stupid."

investing in renewable energy sources.

See now that would be stupid. One only needs to look at the billions Obama wasted on renewable energy with nothing to show for it just shows that it's a waste of money. Especially for Poland when there's plenty of coal and natural gas.
Dirk diggler   
21 Jan 2022
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

About 6 Million people

That's a grossly overestimated figure that has never been revised despite the Auschwitz figure being lowered from 4 million down to 1 million in the late 80's/early 90's. The holocaust death toll has been revised several times prior to that, but the 6 million figure stuck as it's a kabbalist figure. After the war, the figure was 12 million, then in the 50's it became 9 million, then 6 million which despite the Auschwitz number being reduced by 3 million the 6 million figure hasn't been adjusted accordingly.

I always wonder why they didn't fight like that Europe....seriously

Because like usual they expect the goyim to do the heavy lifting for them... they even have the gall to attempt to sue Poland as a country for apparently not doing enough to help them. Watching the videos of Nazis supervising them as they rebuild bombed out structures is enough - no shovel, no wheelbarrel, no that's too difficult - instead they carry one little brick in each hand and casually stroll about.

Oh and of course there's the whole property debacle... trying to pull a fast one claiming someones' house as their own... funny how they seem to only pick out the expensive prime location properties but no claims against cottages and huts in the villages.

But when Jews realised the truth about Holocaust, they started the Ghetto Rising in Warsaw.

Lol which version of the "truth?" The one where they claimed that jews were being turned into soap and lampshades? How about the one where they were being masturbated to death and fight bears in cages? Or my favorite that 12 million, no wait 9 million, errr 6 million died (even though the jewish population of europe actually grew from the 1930's to the 1940's according to several almanacs... and here I thought these people had a knack for numbers and accounting...). The same kind of "truths" that sell lots of books and pump out movies. Just recently some German jewess lost her "top blogger award" because it turns out she lied about the two dozen family members who she claimed died during the holocaust. No different than the fraudster Elie "no tattoo" Wiesel.

Well, as long as there's foolish goyim the holocaust industry will keep chugging along.

And no they didn't. They knew of people being sent to camps well before 1943/44. They only started fighting once it was the Warsaw ghetto's turn to be liquidated.

Everyone interested in the topic of jews in poland should watch this movie:
Dirk diggler   
21 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Well that's one of the perks of being in a high political office - you're privvy to a lot of business deals that the public isn't. How else do you think you have senators and congressmen with 10, 20, even 100 million net worths like Nancy Pelosi on a $100-$200k salary.

Speaking of which, does Poland have insider trading laws like the USA? As far as I know Russia does not.
Dirk diggler   
21 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Okay so what you're saying that they committed some kind of property and business fraud and/or abused their power while in office?? I can't think of anyone in PiS who this would remotely apply to and certainly no one to whom it caused significant material damage. And no, fighting the EU doesn't count.

If that were the case I guess PiS and PO have more in common than I thought.

Every week the jewish wyborcza cries about some "skandal" that no one cares about... I remember when they were flipping their lids over a 40k zloty bonus lol
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Will there one or two people going to prison for something or other? Maybe... But for the top brass of PiS to get locked up? Extremely unlikely. Besides, I can't see any sort of crimes that they've committed and pissing off the EU is certainly not a crime, rather it's become a tradition since 2015.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Yes, they are threatening to withhold the covid recovery funds, so what? Poland will continue to receive the regular regional development/structural and cohesion framework (or whatever it's called) funds.

Actually, the EU withholding covid funds over political reasons makes them appear even worse that they don't care about EU citizens getting health care. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time as they prioritize migrants health, housing, etc. over citizens, especially in Germany. People were getting straight up kicked out of their homes so Muhammed can move in with his 3 wives, 10 kids, and a bunch of extended family to follow soon afterwards.

Prison sentences are certain.

Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

But now it seems to have come to an end as the EU has had enough

Oh really, this time they're serious huh? But not so much all the complaints they've been making since 2015. Yeah this time they're finally serious, after just sending Poland 65 million in December alone.

And what are they going to do exactly? Cut out funds? Little Lesiek is grounded - no allowance money this week.

What the EU is doing is offsetting funds from the fine they imposed over that coal mine on the border - something like 500k euro a day, which Poland has refused to pay. That's fine they can take the couple million out of the billions they'll be sending. And as with the migrant situation in 2015, the LGBT indoctrination, the court situation and now the coal mine, Poland has once again shown it won't be bullied by the EU, will continue to march to the beat of our own drum, and in the meantime EU will keep sending us money.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Yes and that money is still unaccounted for

so the airport has to give it back.

Except they havent since what, 2014 when the managing company filed bankruptcy? and there's no plan in sight to repay it. But there are plans for Poland to keep receiving more money.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

Oh please they've been threatening to withhold funds since 2015, yet money keep in pouring in. In fact, they just sent Poland 65 million

And even if they stop, which they won't - at best maybe lower the payments, it'll coincide with the time that Poland becomes a net payee which would be the perfect time to then leave the EU. I can tell you most Poles aren't going to be too happy knowing their money is going towards bringing places like Albania into the EU.

Besides, we've already received the vast majority of what we were going to get and now that Poland has a large healthy economy cutting off a few billion in extra funds isn't going to make any tangible economic difference.

The Poles have told the EU to shove it repeatedly and the EU can do nothing about it except complain - whether it was with the migrant situation in 2015, refusing to incorporate LGBT themes in education, or even recently the 500k a day fine they're trying to stick Poland over a mine. They have yet to receive a single grosz from Poland yet they keep sending us money.

That's why Poland, Hungary, etc. are in the perfect situation - they keep receiving money without having to follow the EU's diktates and the EU is powerless to enforce it. We're not going to leave, we're not going to get kicked out, so the EU doesn't really know what to do with us. It's more complicated than Brexit because at least the UK wanted to leave since they didn't agree with the EU. Here we don't agree with the EU, don't abide by the diktats, but we're not leaving and we keep getting money.

It's almost like a guest you bring to your house that eats up all the food, refuses to chip in with cleaning up when asked, and refuses to leave while the gracious hospitable host won't kick them out and serves desert then to top it off tries to guilt trip the host into reminding him how they screwed him over 80 years ago.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

There is not going to be a Polexit, at least not anytime soon. Poland is in the perfect situation with the EU - we collect billions from the western EU countries while refusing to abide by their far left diktats with taking in third world migrants, promoting LGBT, etc. In 2015 they were crying about us not "doing our fair share" for refusing to take in all the migrants that Merkel invited, today they're applauding Poland for keep the migrants at bay on the border with Belarus even though they know Polish forces are doing technically illegal push-backs and using force. Quite frankly, the EU doesn't know what to do with Poland - we're not leaving, they can't kick us out, and all they can do is bark, bark and bark but with no bite in sight. And to top it off, the notion that Polish law trumps EU law is now legal precedent and the EU hates it, but once again can do nothing about it except get people like Ursula Von Leyden and Merkel to complain.

As much as I hate the EU, I don't want Poland to leave either so long as the money is flowing in and that's how a lot of other right wingers in Poland feel. Why spend our own money building gyms and painting park benches when we can make the suckers west of us pay for it. Plus, there's a lot of Poles that profited handsomely with the EU funded projects. Remember the airport they were going to convert/build in Gdynia? 100 mln zloty still unaccounted for to this day.
Dirk diggler   
20 Jan 2022
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

Tell me Dirke brate, how we come to this point? What went wrong in Poles?

NATO and western influence... same reason as why Serbia went from being lead by Milosevic to a Croatian lesbian within 30 years

Thankfully Poland is now finally coming to the conclusion that we can't rely on anyone but ourselves in a war so I totally support the TO. It's a great way to boost the ranks of professional soldiers which there aren't that many in Poland compared to some other countries around us.
Dirk diggler   
15 Jan 2022
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [312]

@Joker I like Blago, I'll take him anyday over that fat prick Pritzker. He's a jewish billionaire pushing that whole equity white guilt b.s. raising taxes on the north side to fund the ghetto south side... meanwhile he rips toilets out a home worth millions so its considered uninhabitable and thus much lower taxes...

But Blago? He's okay in my book. The Chicago pols must've really hated him for him to get set up like that. Everyone that lives here knows that was so minor with all the other political corruption going on. Patronage, bribery, extortion and eventually time in the feds is the name of the game in Chicago politics.