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Strip clubs raided in Poland

jon357  72 | 23350
31 May 2022   #1
A few times there have been poss here complaining of being drugged and/or robbed in clip joints.

It looks like the police have finally done something.

Posters, not poss. Autocorrect.

Apparently the company had 22 clubs and the police confiscated all sorts of goodies. 500 cops involved.
amiga500  5 | 1493
31 May 2022   #2
These raids would never have happened under a post-communist PO government.

well well, i noticed that Notes From Poland is a fundacja now, and getting money from the National Endowment for Democracy. Well at least the anti-pis movement has been defanged by the war. Good article on Razem though, glad they have some principles, unlike Biedron and SLD charlatans.

Together (Razem), Poland's democratic socialist party, announced that it would cease cooperation with two large international left-wing organizations, DiEM25 and the Progressive International. While unexpected, Together's separation is just one of the latest events in a long-simmering rift between Western and Eastern European leftists that is now bubbling to the surface. Publicising that divide may have strengthened many Eastern European left-wing parties.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
31 May 2022   #3
post-communist PO government.

They probably would, given that they've happened under a post communist PiS government. And it's certainly taken them long enough to do it.

The post is about strip club raids though, not Razem or PiS or SLD.
amiga500  5 | 1493
31 May 2022   #4
They probably would,

Like Tusk talking but doing nothing about Dopalacze and it took Zobrio to finally clean up that quasi-criminal enterprise? Not to mention that 80 percent of people in jail are working not sitting around watching tv like under PO.

This strip club bust was a multi year operation btw.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
31 May 2022   #5
nothing about Dopalacze

Good. I liked that shop.

strip club bust was a multi year operation

Yes, the chain of strip clubs has been expanding over the last few years.

However this, Ktoś, is not about your or anyone's party views. It is a police matter.
amiga500  5 | 1493
1 Jun 2022   #6
read my post that got carted to off topic. funny how you would make a new topic about this, feeling more allegiance to the stag party male chav pro brexit breeders these days? **** these pommy kunts, wanna watch and slap tits and ass? do it it england. come to poland? well we kombinonujemy out of your pounds. slap em, drug em, get the skinheads to beat them to an inch of their lives. and when they complain let the police rob them too while pretend they care.

Lesson 1. Poland is not here for your cheap pommy stag parties. We are not your EU ******.

We have our own history and culture and that does not involve your cheap as* tourism.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #7
We have

If there is a criminal activity they should stomp on it.
amiga500  5 | 1493
1 Jun 2022   #8
criminal activity they should stomp on it.

Being a Pommy Chav is a Criminal Activity by itself, which on arrival in Poland, should under the proper Acts, be punished by a beating of Poland's jails finest hooligans.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
1 Jun 2022   #9
feeling more allegiance

Feeling allegiance to my home, Warsaw. I'm glad these places are gradually being closed.

Their core clientele isn't stag parties from overseas though: it's Kraków that deliberately markets itself to those.

According to the reports in the media, most of the money they ripped off was in złotych and the only times the retiring umbrella girls have tried to tempt me in was when I've been out with Poles. Their clientele is largely local.



Ask the Poles who run those businesses and advertise and market them.

We have our own history and culture

In Australia?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Jun 2022   #10
I'm surprised this is just now making the news. There's two of these clubs in Wroclaw, one with a worse reputation than the other. This isn't anything new though. These have been in operation for years if not decades.

well we kombinonujemy out of your pounds. slap em, drug em, get the skinheads to beat them to an inch

That's what I love about Poland. We are a nation of kombinatory.

Personally, I think if you're dumb enough to get drugged by some slut and all your money taken, you deserve it. It seems the police up until recently agreed.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #11
We are a nation of kombinatory.

BS , if that would be the case it would all have been run down into the ground. People are forced to make rational choices due to stupid laws. Some are crossing the line and should be stomped on by the law.

There is nothing special about it is an entrepreneurial spirit that in old post-comunist legal sphere is sometimes derailed into an old semi-criminal rut.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
2 Jun 2022   #12
you're dumb enough to get drugged by some slut and all your money taken, you deserve it.

Fortunately the law has a more mature understanding of life.
pawian  224 | 27112
3 Jun 2022   #13
being drugged and/or robbed in clip joints.

I have never been treated badly in such a place.
Most probably because I don`t frequent them. Simple.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
3 Jun 2022   #14
treated badly in such a place

What hours did you work?


Aaargh, the edit spoilt it.
pawian  224 | 27112
3 Jun 2022   #15

I work from 8 am to 8 pm, 6 days per week in busy months. Why? I don`t need to visit such venues coz I have full service at home. That saves a lot of money.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
3 Jun 2022   #16

Just so I can avoid accidentally stumbling in while drunk.
pawian  224 | 27112
3 Jun 2022   #17

You ever get drunk??? :):) I have never seen you being tipsy in the forums.
OP jon357  72 | 23350
3 Jun 2022   #18
being tipsy in the forums.

I do I do t want them to charge a million zloty to my bank card

Though they'd be disappointed if they tried.
cms neuf  1 | 1819
4 Jun 2022   #19
I was drugged by some of these girls, not in the strip club but in a normal bar next to it - they then tried to get me to go to the strip club. Fortunately they underestimated how much it takes to drug me :)

A few weeks after I was walking past the same bar and saw them talking to another punter so was able to warn him
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
4 Jun 2022   #20
I was drugged by some of these girls

You should be grateful to them and not ruin their business. It was probably one of the most intimate moments in your life ;)

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