28 Oct 2021
Real Estate / Buying property in Poland [41]
for buying 1 (one) house to live in, you can buy it yourself as no permit is required, not even for non-EEA citizens, as long as the house does not sit on an area >10k m2 (1 hectare) and is not in a border zone: biznes.gov.pl/pl/opisy-procedur/-/proc/209 , powroty.gov.pl/nieruchomosci-nie-wymagajace-zezwolenia-9953 so for "normal" buyers of apartments or family homes, this is a non-issue. Farmland (>5k m2) is another matter.
the list of places which are in border zones and are an exception from the exception, ie they require a permit, is here: sip.lex.pl/akty-prawne/dzu-dziennik-ustaw/wykaz-gmin-i-innych-jednostek-zasadniczego-podzialu-terytorialnego-17221212
source: isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU19200310178/U/D19200178Lj.pdf see. art 8/1, which is valid for all foreigners. EEA citizens have an advantage when they want to buy a 2nd home or farmland (see art. 8/2).
for buying 1 (one) house to live in, you can buy it yourself as no permit is required, not even for non-EEA citizens, as long as the house does not sit on an area >10k m2 (1 hectare) and is not in a border zone: biznes.gov.pl/pl/opisy-procedur/-/proc/209 , powroty.gov.pl/nieruchomosci-nie-wymagajace-zezwolenia-9953 so for "normal" buyers of apartments or family homes, this is a non-issue. Farmland (>5k m2) is another matter.
the list of places which are in border zones and are an exception from the exception, ie they require a permit, is here: sip.lex.pl/akty-prawne/dzu-dziennik-ustaw/wykaz-gmin-i-innych-jednostek-zasadniczego-podzialu-terytorialnego-17221212
source: isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU19200310178/U/D19200178Lj.pdf see. art 8/1, which is valid for all foreigners. EEA citizens have an advantage when they want to buy a 2nd home or farmland (see art. 8/2).