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Joined: 9 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
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28 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Trump has been against China from day 1 because of economics. The whole manipulating their currency and "stealing" our manufacturing jobs etc.

I don't see it. "World is preparing for war" is usually code for: White leaders are disagreeing. South America will remain on the sidelines, Africa is useless and China is not quite prepared yet. For a few years now I've argued China is sitting back quietly stock piling their chips while USA & Russia continue having a ******* contest. So I love Trump's "preemptive strike" on China. Those sneaky bastards have been hiding in the shadows far too long.

Unless another 9/11 occurs, Americans are tired of War. It's been nonstop for the past 15 years. The recent refugees might bring Europe into War but that is many decades away.
28 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

On a brighter note however, did you see how Trump is going to throw Putin a bone so they can play nice together.

As a fan of both: Trump is taking a gamble wagering that Putin will behave for the next 8 years. If Putin pulls another strong-arm it will reflect directly on Trump as he is the most powerful leader that has backed Putin.

I think it would be naive to think Putin doesn't have dirt on Trump/Republicans from the election. He might use this as wager down the line. Trump's decision to drop Obama's sanctions is how he's getting a date with Putin, not the other way around. Trump has far more to lose in this relationship.
28 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Mostly gangs and some gun nuts.

Gun nuts - as in people protecting their property?

Who is responsible? Democrats. They govern that city. I watched CNN the other day and congressman Luis Gutierrez came on. Whoa what a tap dancer. I've seen his act before but this was something else. Some goldmine statements by him

< on the topic of sanctuary cities, which is a freaking idiotic idea in this day and age > "We know President Trump calls them illegals. But we know them as our fathers, our sisters, our co-workers, our fellow church goers"

< on the topic of building the Wall. At this point the interview Erin Burnett was growing tired of his side stepping of questions and asked point blank: Trump will get the Wall passed. Will you fight Mexico to pay for it or will you make American citizens pay for it > "If we anger Mexico, it will push them into the hands of China. And then China will have 2 walls, one with Mexico to not trade with the US"

Completely **********. This is the sort of "leadership" you have in Chicago. More concerned with freaking illegals than American citizens. It is mindblowing that this sort of self loathing exists. People complain that Trump is taking away what made the USA great: i.e. openness to immigration, openness to liberal values etc etc. But that's the point. USA is badly lacking in fundamental problems such as safety. Trump will be spending the first 4 years just getting USA up to speed with the rest of the Western Civ.
26 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Meh. Russia might kill our son but the West will kill what we knew of our daughter. Being dependent on a bunch of limp dicked westerners that need to import ethnics to sexually please and reproduce with their family; well that's just 1 step from getting circumcised tomorrow and joining a mosque.

This isn't the old and proud West. Those scrubs give the White Race a bad name. I rather be middle class and proud than well off and yet still kneeling to Africans and Arabs

But hey. That's just me
26 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Johnny: whether War occurs or not, you are hoping for President Trump to fuel more conflicts? I sure hope not in the Middle East because we are already neck deep in refugees. I felt a big attraction to Trump's foreign policy was USA no longer being drawn into conflicts because of outdated alliances. His partnership with Putin is expected to bring a rather swift conclusion to the Syrian War. President Trump doesn't seem to mind or even care about Assad. I assumed as long as it results in a conclusion and American troops returning home. To me this was why many War-hawk Republicans preferred Hillary, because of her warmongering experience.
26 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]


What is your long term goal? To keep importing black and brown troops to protect our women and children? Russia isn't going anywhere. Frankly I have more confidence in Russia surviving than the USA [only 300 yrs old and already the most polarized nation on the Planet]. I'm all for having mutual allies but being a little barking dog that spreads it's legs to ethnic troops is beyond pathetic.
26 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Who says that the coffee will be adversely affected by adding a little cream (or at least, milk) --- IN REVERSE??

Here is my opinion on the subject

- Aesthetically: Poles have a specific look. Many times I'm traveling thru the USA and I can spot a polak by the shape of their face and those beautiful deep eyes. To me it would be a shame to lose this but this is secondary to my second point

- Culturally: An individual with mixed heritage is multicultural. I have a family member like this: father German and mother Polish. No big deal right? Well which side will this child take when both nations are in dispute? The answer is: they will take the European Union side [this is the masterplan of EU leadership]. This child is neither German, nor Polish. It is European. My allegiance is clear: Poland and then Europe. But this child will be conflicted and won't necessarily put Polands interest at the front of the line. This is the problem. I also have a friend that is half Turkish. Now it gets even more complicated because Europe is at odds with Islam. They see Middle Eastern refugees and project it on themselves - because these refugees are also Muslim (like their parent). The beauty of Poland in 2017 is that compared to other Western nation - it is very united. But I understand the danger of balancing united and close minded

So you see, it dilutes allegiance. Not to mention people with mixed heritage are far less likely to speak the language, enjoy the food, understand the history etc etc. They are too busy finding time to enjoy both (or more) heritages in their ancestry. Poland shouldn't and frankly doesn't have the resources to handle such divisiveness.
26 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Ironside i believe the USA encouraged if not funded/trained the Maidan Massacre. I remember evidence showing some were even trained in Poland.

Thus imo that is why I give Putin a pass for Crimea. It was deliberate destabilizing on their door step (and significant political partner) so he said okay we'll checkmate you with (somewhat open) elections and then soldiers
25 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Hmm.. an alleged friendship. Plus we're talking politics and interests talk not sentiments.

In modern American politics - being friendly with a Russian leader is a big deal. It is possibly the only issue both Democrats and Repubicans agree on: disliking Russia

Lyzko, they aren't Pro-EU but they are pro their own individual nations. As long as troops aren't marching to reclaim old land - this is good for the survival of Europe/White race.
25 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]


People do not like to feel helpless. It is one of the main reasons we are seeing this right-leaning resurgence. If people truly feel threatened by Russia (whether it be because of Crimea or leftist scaremongering) then we must respect that.

The reality is Russia would incinerate Eastern Europe within 1 hour. And the globe would become uninhabitable after the ensuing nuclear war erupted. So I rather focus on attainable goals: keeping Poland homogenous. But folks on the left would argue Islam is a phantom threat and instead it is more likely to see Russian boots marching into Poland. But I don't think they realize that sort of combat is out-dated. Russia would inflame the region with countless long distance missiles instead. This doesn't mean we have to roll over for Russia but a more rational (middle ground) approach is needed. Russia is struggling economically, probably much more than we are being led on. So there is opportunity for both of us to benefit with a relationship.
25 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Maybe one day USA-Europe-Russia could start some unity against Islamic terror and their benefactors in middle east africa, asia.

This will surely occur. It's the biggest positive of the Trump-Putin friendship.

Trump is publicly shifting American angst from Russia to China. Let's be honest, USA always needs a rival otherwise it creates them [Middle East].
25 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

"One of the things I think this administration hasn't figured out yet is that there's only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus - and that's CNN. The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."

-CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker
25 Jan 2017
Life / Would getting a Polish eagle tattoo be frowned upon?? [38]

I wonder if he had it done. OP stated the eagle was just a small piece on his sleeve tattoo. Not as if he were making it a feature on his body (which would be odd for a Non-Pole).

I know his question pertained to Poland but in case no one has noticed - alot of nations have Eagles as their national mascot. So even if OP divorced his Polish wife down the line he could play it off !

Sidenote: White Eagle is finest
23 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Liberals do not want to aknowledge he has a chance of success just because he said he does not want muslims in USA.

There are countless reasons why liberals don't like him, some justified and others not

But they are digging themselves a deeper hole with the scaremongering. In 2020 the argument will be: "But you already spoon fed me he would destroy the environment, in-prison gays, deport ethnics and give nukes to Korea but it didn't happen. Why should I believe you this time around?"

They are setting the bar so low Donald only needs to accomplish a few relatively easy goals and he will be regarded as successful. Trump plays into this all the time. It's how he did business. Start off with an outrageous offer/statement and then steadily move closer to the center but he ends up getting his intended result: agreement in his favor even if just slightly.
23 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Bejma and Johnny,

One major problem in this scenario (that I would love): and it's Russia. Trump will need to bend on some issues with Russia a.k.a. "Reagan is turning in his grave". More accurately I would argue Trump is re-aligning long pre-decided American alliances. Poland, as every other nation is now placed on a tipping point. Join or be left behind. I like the opportunity but fear our leadership is too stubborn when it pertains to Russia. But hey, this could finally be the opportunity those of us that envision a future with Russia as a partner or at-least neutral footing.
22 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Maybe you would be happier discussing your views on a white supremacist forum ? Until about a year ago this board was mainly for advice about Poland.

"White supremacist forums" are losing traffic. The movement is now public, people no longer have to hide behind keyboards. Glad to see Whites return to having a backbone, like the other races.
22 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

> "A charity backed by the Swedish government has launched a campaign denouncing the assimilation of migrants and telling natives to "integrate" with foreign "cultures and languages".

"It's time to realise the new Swedes will claim their space" an ad insists, describing the Nordic nation as a "safe space" for migrants and concluding: "There is no way back. Sweden will never be like it was."

The campaign is called "The New Country" (hashtag #detnyalandet) with a website appearing alongside the film, arguing that residents should adopt foreign "cultures" and "languages", rather than expect new arrivals to become Swedish.

The charity behind it is Individuell Människohjälp (IM), which translates as Individual Relief. However, they go by the English name 'Swedish Development Partner' and say they are dedicated to "fighting and exposing poverty and exclusion".

IM is an official member of the government-backed Swedish Fundraising Council (SFC) and Swedish news source Fria Tider claims that it is a recipient of taxpayer's money."
22 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Do you have some evidence that this agenda exists ?

The agenda is openly preached

> "The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural."
21 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Haha come on. You see those pictures of ethnics "protecting us"? Our ancestors fought for this. We need to figure out something because I expect Trump to pull those troops within his 1st term
21 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

The next battle. Germany will openly censor websites. For example the popular reddit page "the Don". Well you know the German version won't be allowed in Germany.

Truth: wouldn't be in Poland either probably. But we don't hide our censorship, nor do we do it to protect foreigners.


21 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

With Trump, I starting believe that there are normal Anglos.

Hahah. Look at his innaguration photos. No diversity forcing at-least. Whites are no longer judged/attacked. We are at-least just another again.
19 Jan 2017
Love / Should I follow her? I met a beautiful Polish woman who has been working in the UK [62]

She seemed to be able to drop me so easy. She was talking about finding new men with her friends once she's settled back in Poland. I'm not sure if she really truly loves me like I love her.

At-least you are honest with yourself

IMO if you aren't starting from 0 career wise and could theoretically return after 3 something years and fall on your feet back in Britain - then do it. You will always question yourself "what if". But if you are throwing a career away then I would wait and have to see more sacrifice/commitment from her. This story is a common one on this forum, usually dealing with men dating much younger/better looking women.
18 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

Trump does not care for Europe, full stop. Today it is Western Europe who is disappointed by him, tomorrow it will be Central and Eastern Europe's turn.

"Make AMERICA Great Again"

Where does it say anything about Europe in that phrase? Europeans (especially Westeners) have to grow a nutsack and put themselves first. No one is gonna come to Europes rescue.

At the least Trump won't preach/pressure or forcefeed diversity/multiculturalism which is the #1 issue in Europe today. No more Obama roaming the globe preaching about how racist White people are.

Todays political climate is obvious: look inward. Look after your own. No one is gonna come pick up your Muslim refugees LOL. And Poland needs to find an adult solution to Russia. Depending on Black-Americans to "protect us" is one of the most embarrassing Polish actions of the past 100 years.