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What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?

Wincig  2 | 225  
9 Nov 2016 /  #1
.. and especially the fact that he seems to be less hostile to Mr Putin than the previous US administration?
kondzior  11 | 1027  
9 Nov 2016 /  #2
Obongo might try to antagonise Russia more in his remaining months.

Why are Moslems so eager for nuclear war? Don't they realise their own countries will be prime targets?
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
9 Nov 2016 /  #3
The Trump Effect may not have any immediate impact on Poland BUT hopefully will strengthen the people of Germany and France to rid themselves of the Libtard regimes that they live under, then maybe we will all have a better Europe.

Interesting how so many European leaders came out to deride and abuse Donald Trump during his campaign, things maybe a bit frosty when it comes to future US/European relations while those leaders are still in place.
9 Nov 2016 /  #4
Poland will have to immediately spend more on defense. So less money for healthcare and schools.
Atch  21 | 4139  
9 Nov 2016 /  #5
less hostile to Mr Putin

Trump will basically party with Putin and Trump's team will run the country.

American politics are utterly ludicrous. Who wants to bet that twenty years from now Donald Junior will be following in Pa's footsteps. The only wonder is that the country is not in worse shape than it is.

Trump will be a difficult man for his team to handle because he's accustomed to being the boss but he has no background in public service and he can't manage this one on his own. They will struggle to get him to do what he's told but ultimately he will.

Take a look at his team and draw your conclusions from that as to America's future domestic or foreign policy. But I wouldn't worry about him doing anything like pushing the button on a nuclear war. They'll have him under sedation long before that!

Oh and Hilary isn't much better, the eyes of a maniac. What a pair.
Crow  154 | 9207  
9 Nov 2016 /  #6
Poland would now more openly cooperate with Serbia.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
9 Nov 2016 /  #7
Hilary isn't much better, the eyes of a maniac.

An article in the guardian explains very well explains why Hillary was actually the worst candidate chosen by the Democrats in the run for American presidency ...

Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Nov 2016 /  #8
That can't really be predicted but hopefully he and putin will get along better and there is no need to bolster eastern flank. Obama was as useful as tits on a bull.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Nov 2016 /  #9
[Moved from]: Is Trump the American Kaczyński?

In many ways the principles, slogans and plans Donald Trump promoted during his campaign have coincided with those of Poland's good-change government and PiS leader Kaczyński. Both men patriotically emphasise the good of their country first and foremost and are less enthusiastic about globalism, one-worldism and supranational organisations. Both oppose existing establishments -- the Washington political elite and the post-communist clique posing as III RP. Both want to give a fair shake to average citizens whose interests and views often differ considerably from those imposed by self-styled elites. Both are in favour of God, country and family, oppose leftist social engineering and experimentation including the promotion of perversity.

There are also differences. The Republican Party has traditonally been linked to big business, but for vote-getting purposes Trump soft-pedalled his party's pro-corporate image, emphasing conservative values and the needs of average citizens and families instead. An indigenous corporate Poland is still in its infancy. Trump wants to bring industry and jobs back to America, PiS want to build a viable indigenous industry free of foreign domination.

The two leaders also differ in terms of character. Trump is a two-fisted multi-millionaire businessman who likes to wallow in luxury and is inclined towards flamboyance, ostentation, bombast, even buffonery. By comapriosn, Kaczyński is poor as a church mouse, holds a PhD in Law, is modest in personal habits to a fault, restrained in deportment and totally devoted to the cause of Poland.

Trump remains an unknown quantity. But the PiS government in their mere one year in office have already dispalyed their legislative dynamism, tackling many unresolved issues which their predecessors left in their wake following years of scmasterism and neglect.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
9 Nov 2016 /  #10
So basically you say that Kaczyński is better than Trump and it is a great pity that Kaczyński hasn't been elected President of the US instead?
9 Nov 2016 /  #11
There will be no need to bolster the Eastern Flank, as there wouldn't be one.
Putin wants to reinstate the Russian Empire, the only real thing stopping him is NATO, or more specifically the USA.

Trump will accommodate the reintegration of former parts of the Russian Empire such as the Baltic States and Poland.
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
9 Nov 2016 /  #12
Trump will accommodate the reintegration of former parts of the Russian Empire such as the Baltic States and Poland.

But Polonia (especially US based Polonia) pushed for a Trump victory. Are you saying that they were desperately misguided?
Crow  154 | 9207  
9 Nov 2016 /  #13
Increases chances for Intermarium.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
9 Nov 2016 /  #14
Trump will accommodate the reintegration of former parts of the Russian Empire such as the Baltic States and Poland.

This is complete nonsense pertaining to trolling. Even the Statue of Liberty feels sorry for you.

9 Nov 2016 /  #15
Oh dear Russians think Trump and Russia is wonderful
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
9 Nov 2016 /  #16
Trump is wonderful for America and Russia is wonderful for Russians. What's wrong with it?
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Nov 2016 /  #17
Try rioting in the streets, public works projects stymied for years at a time, pensions reduced.....

What's wrong with that?? You tell me. PLENTY!!!
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
9 Nov 2016 /  #18
Trump is wonderful for America and Russia is wonderful for Russians. What's wrong with it?

Looking forward to the first meeting of the quatuor of "strong men" (Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping and Erdogan), it will be fun. Is Merkel now the real leader of the free world?? And what is the reaction by the Polish govt to the US election outcome?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
9 Nov 2016 /  #19
Try rioting in the streets, public works projects stymied for years at a time, pensions reduced.....

Take a deep breath Buddy.
The days of rioting in the streets may be over as Trump may give the police orders to do what is necessary to quell these animals permanently.

The days of, "it is only property let them let off some steam" are hopefully over by holding people ACCOUNTABLE.
One of Trumps campaign promises is to rebuild our infrastructure (public works projects) to put America back to work.
I can understand your personal worry about teachers pensions because Trump no doubt will break up one of the most powerful unions (Teachers Union) without checks and balances, and is in for a major shake up.

America has become a disgrace having our children graduate from high school that can not read or write or do basic arithmetic and not have any morals or accountability.

Trump is wonderful for America and Russia is wonderful for Russians.

You bet cause as the old saying goes, "Stay close to your family and friends and even closer to your enemies."
Heck I might even get to go meet Crow now and shake his hand as we have a toast with some good Russian vodka. :-)
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Nov 2016 /  #20
All we ever see from the us is shooting in the streets and never as much as under obama. Ever! So more protests is nothing. Further to that the rioting now is under obamas watch not trumps. Again. SO let them have their fun while the useless idiot is still in power and we shall see what happens next year. Until idiot obama is gone I expect more unrest and this is normal for his reign. Its too early for foreign policy the only foreign policy is obamas and clintons which has produced slaughter in the middle east an agressive russia and mass refugees. In poland it has produced pis. It can only get better.

Unfortunately we have to wait to find out. SO for now back to shooting, burning and looting, get yours in while you still have a pseudo leader.
Crow  154 | 9207  
9 Nov 2016 /  #21
With Trump Poland`s strategic situation dramatically changes. Being pressured between Germany and Russia, Poland now moving in situation to be partner for USA and Russia, in better position then Germany.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Nov 2016 /  #22
oppose existing establishments

In so many ways the 2015 Polish elections were precursors to what has just happened in the USA. The Brexit vote is also instructive. Voters simply decided they were sick and tired of being told by the self-styled "Politically Correct" establishment elites what was good for them when they knew it wasn't, And how racist or hyper-nationalist or religiously primitive they were - if they disagreed.

In all three cases, the voters voted for change - in honest and democratic elections. Plato's idea - that people should be ruled by philosopher kings who 'know better' - was rejected.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Nov 2016 /  #23
I'm tryin' to breathe there, Johnny ol' buddy, but the stench of Trump's social halitosis still has me reeling:-) Help me up off the floor first, will ya?

Oh sorry, I forgot. Every (Cro-Magon) man for himself. Guess, I'll just have to struggle to my feet. Y'all'd sure like that, wouldn'tcha!!!

We're sufferin', ya got where ya want us. Now what? Self-destruct in five minutes??

Fella asked me at the office, "So Mark! What do you think of the elections?" - "Everything, except the outcome!", I replied.

He smiled; he's a Republican.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
9 Nov 2016 /  #24
Non whatsoever! Alas, less pro-LGTB promotion by US institutions.
Crow  154 | 9207  
9 Nov 2016 /  #25
I'm tryin' to breathe

how you feel now, after voting? Live goes on in all its routine?
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Nov 2016 /  #26
Yep, same as after the Brexit. Even I didn't see that one coming:-))
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Nov 2016 /  #28
Yeah, right! Maybe Poland deserves her PiS, France her Front Nationale, and Germany, come summer '17, her AfD and Frauke Petry at the helm of Europe's most powerful country. Oh, that's terrificLOL

You misguided Eastern Europeans can stick your congrats up your a$s!!
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Nov 2016 /  #29
Ypu are so stupid. Go cuddle yer boyfriend.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Nov 2016 /  #30
Typical sentiment, Mars, wrong gender (see my profile).

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