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Posts by gask7  

Joined: 2 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Jul 2014
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2 Jul 2014
Law / Poland's Inheritance Law Without Will [21]

Important questions:
1. the date of yours uncle death - there are different rules according to time of death.
2. value of yours uncle property - you need to know is it worth to do anything,
3. place where uncle have lived before he died - to find the proper law court,
4. are you sure, that there was not any verdict about the heritage.
If your uncle died in the year 2004 ( but not later than on 27 of June 2009 ) all children of your father have the right to the quarter of the heritage ( art. 934 polish civil code - walid in the year 2004 ) but one important exception - there are different rules according to farm land - art. 1059 pcc - but only if someone died before 13 of January 2001).

Your cousins needs yours certificate of birth ( and yours siblings if you have any ) and the certificate of your father's death, if they don't want to lie in the law court "your father never exists".

Can I ask one personal question ? Have you ever been to Poland ? and why or why not ?
7 May 2014
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

You can find much more information about Romuald Rais "Bury" on the web sites of IPN ( Instytut Pamięci Narodowej ) e.g. ( sorry only polish version ).

The decision to discontinue the investigation concerns the following criminal events;
1. on 29.01.1946r. in the village Zaleszany deprivation of life by shooting and burning of 16 people and the attempted killing of other residents by enclosing them in a house that was set on fire and cause burn injury by at least two people and committed on the same day in the village Wólka Wygonowska deprivation of life by shooting 2 people
2. on 31.01.1946r. near the village of Puchały Old deprivation of life by shooting 30 men,
3. in on 2 February 1946. in the village Zana deprivation of life by shooting and burning of 24 people and causing injuries as a result of being shot with a firearm and burns 8 residents, and made the same day in the village of Starlings deprivation of life by shooting or burning 5 people and causing injuries as a result of shootings with a firearm 4 people, out of which 2 people died, as well as bringing fire buildings of the village and the village Końcowizna

The exact description about the pacification some Belarusian villages. It is something we can't be proud of. The scale of this was much lower than 200 000 Polish people killed in Wołyń, but for survivors and victims it is not important. This wouldn't happened, never.
16 Apr 2014

Dziubdziela it is really very rare surname in Poland but it sounds very Polish. Even most Polish at first moment do not understand fully its meaning they said we are sure it would be polish and only polish word. Its etymology from the verb "dziubdziać" e.g. "do something very very slowly". It is rather funny we say this word "dziubdziać" in contrary to its meaning very fast. Word from old Polish now we use it seldom, great pity it's such beautiful word. For you as no Polish it would be rather difficult to pronounce it properly.

And the surnames "Dziuban" and "Dziurzik" have no connection with "Dziubdziela".
Did any your ancestors have this surname ?
16 Mar 2014
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

if you not in his shoes you can not judge his motives.

Right. Do you know Bren what can happened to someone who returning from West to Poland after II WW after serving in the west army ?
4 Feb 2014
Language / Rozumiesz - I have a question on Polish language. [11]

It should be like this:

Nie rozumiesz ? Nie, rozumiem,
Nie rozumiesz ? Tak, nie rozumiem.

My English teacher told me, they ( English speakers ) don't have double negations.
But in Polish we have.
3 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Bernatowicz surname? (I am starting to wonder if anyone in my family was American?) [85]

Is my surname Bernatowicz Polonized Russian surname? I know that my grandad was born in Belarus and that I am 1/8 Belorussian but can it be Russian or Belorussian? Russian would be Bernat-ovich Belorussian would be Bernat-ovic.

If your grandad was born in Belarus, whatever it means, maybe you think about nowadays borders, that is not proof he was Belorussian. He can be as well Russian, Polish or Jew.

But if your parents said your grandad was Belorussian it doesn't matter where he was born.

Below some links about Barnatowicz in Poland.

According to same of them surname Bernatowicz become from first name Bernat ( Bernat - Bernatowic - Bernatowicz ). It was known even in the XII Century.

But there was as well the Armenian families with this surname.

And there are more then 1 000 people in Poland now with such surname.
19 Jan 2014
Law / I have an Israeli Driving License. What do I have to do to get a Polish driving license? [19]

Seems to me you must have international driving license. It is valid in Poland, but just for 6 months since your arrival - according to act about drivers of the 5th January 2011 - Dz. U. 2011

no 30 poz. 151 - art. 4 ust. 1 pkt 2 lit. a. and art. 5 ust. 4.
Israel was the part of the Geneva Convention about road traffic of 19th September 1949.
To have the local Israel license is rather not enough.
If you want to live in RP longer than 6 months you can change your license after your arrival.
The embassy don't have technical possibility and also rights to do so.
8 Jan 2014
Love / Questions about Polish Men - flirting, cheating, liking? [44]

Culture all-round is different but biological causation is more or less the same. You love your partner and there is much more than one reason you don't want to cheat her/him even though it doesn't mean you don't thing about it.