The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by McDouche  

Joined: 19 Jun 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 May 2014
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From: United States

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2 May 2014
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

Seems like a lot of people from £odz are blonde..........(like me, my father born near there) what's the best present you ever got?

Seems like a lot of people from £odz are too alike. That city is much too homogenous. This is why Poland needs more non-European immigration. "Polish looks" need to be diversified.
26 Apr 2014
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]


Well, this link shows evidence that some areas of Warsaw and Krakow are very tolerant. However, can the same be said for the rest of Poland? I mean the Anti-Defamation League has concluded that Poland is one of the most antisemitic countries in Europe that they investigate...
25 Apr 2014
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

I believe in areas like Warsaw, people are very friendly and will not be bigots.

I don't think that anti-semitism is really so strong in Poland.

Compared to other countries like England and Germany, it unfortunately is.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Poland has one of the most anti-Semitic populations in Europe along with Spain and Hungary.
21 Apr 2014
History / Polish Easter Tradition is also pagan! [47]

I just wish that more people knew that Christianity lifted so much from older religions.

This isn't anything new to Americans in my age group...
6 Apr 2014
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

You don't need to be from UK/US to understand English just as you don't need to be from Poland to understand Polish. The issue with the words are as much political as linguistic.

I should not have said you need to be American to understand how powerful the N word is but it's not about understanding English. Growing up in America, you would have a better sense of how offensive the word is. The power of the N word has everything to do with historical, political, and cultural issues.

A Briton once asked me why in America we don't view the word "cracker" as offensive as the N word. He thought it was a double standard when in fact it wasn't. White people were not subjected to slavery and other forms of oppression based on their race while being called crackers.

When people try to say that "murzyn" is anywhere near as bad as the N word, it's clear they need to get off the computer and stop getting involved in things they have no idea about. I'm not saying the word "murzyn" is not offensive or racist, but it's not on the caliber of the N word.

If you were to say that "murzyn" is just as bad to a black American living in Poland, he would knock your teeth out. I guarantee it.

The word "murzyn" is not racist and just because some foreigners living in Poland think otherwise it means they need to put some more effort into learning the local language

I think it depends on the context. The word can definitely come off as being racist depending on how it's used.
5 Apr 2014
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Those of you who aren't American should not talk about the N word. You are clueless as to how powerful that word is.
12 Feb 2014
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

I think it is wrong to call them ignorant. I'm sure there must be some who are individually that way, but on average I'd say they're more knowledgeable than us Brits, and therefore about 1000% more savvy than a typical American :-)

Funny how Poles have contributed far less to academia than Brits and Americans...

The Polish education system might be good at teaching people to memorize things. However, it fails at teaching people to think creatively and logically.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I heard a Polish woman talking on her cell phone and saying some racist garbage about Hispanics and African-Americans in her surrounding. This is not the first time I've heard a Polish immigrant spew racist garbage.

Many Poles seem like really nice people when they speak in their broken English. However, once you learn a little bit of their language, you realize how extremely rude and racist many of them are.
11 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

he doesn't look German at all.

He could pass for a German. Germans have pretty diverse looks.
2 Feb 2014
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78]

According to this link it doesn't grow:

As population increases and more areas in the US become industrialized, the demand is going to grow.

The use of energy has curbed because of our energy policy. We've become far more energy efficient over the last few decades. In fact, no other industrialized nation has made the progress we have in becoming more energy efficient. That's not going to last though unless we continue making drastic changes.

Just look at California. Half of the cars you see on the street are Prius cars or some other green car!
1 Feb 2014
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78]

Is adopting a 19th-century technology really a progress?

The first nuclear power station wasn't built until the middle of the 20th century.

Nuclear power plants have greatly improved in safety over the years. In my opinion, it's better to have nuclear power stations rather than coal plants. Nuclear power stations don't pollute unless a problem occurs. Coal plants on the other hand constantly pollute. There is a small risk of a disaster with nuclear plants but I think it's worth it.

Poland should also look into replacing coal with natural gas. We've made huge transitions to natural gas here in the USA and we've cut our emissions greatly even though our energy demand is growing exponentially. Hopefully the EU will put pressure on Poland to do so. If they don't, maybe America should...
1 Feb 2014
Genealogy / I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry . [120]

But the requirement for membership of the ethnic group which is set by that group is (and please do correct me if I'm wrong here) having a Jewish mother, right? Meaning that somebody who has a partly Jewish father isn't Jewish, yes?

That's the traditional Orthodox view.

Here in America, Reform/Reconstructionist Jews and secular Jews view someone as Jewish from either parent.

so if you read the old book and it said that everyone comes from Adam and Eve and then they come from Noah after the flood are we all Jews?

Noah was not Jewish...

I'm not surprised a Catholic has poor knowledge of the Bible...
27 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

What's the difference? (forgive my ignorance)

Let's just say the Germanic people have contributed far more to the advancement of human civilization.
27 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

If you are going bald in your 20s, blame your inadequate genetics.

And you ca

I know you were gay, EMwave. Glad you finally came out.


If you are going bald in your 20s, blame your inadequate genetics.

I have a little thinning going on but I still have a beautiful head of hair.

As for inadequate genetics, I'm quite happy with what I have considering I'm tall, I have an above average package size, and my math/logic skills are quite impressive.

Oh, and I forgot. I'm Germanic and you're Celtic. :-)

27 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

I must admit, I do find bald masculine men more attractive than guys with hair. Jason Statham mmmmm.

That does mean majority of them go bald early in life? Because this one is not that old, late 20s..

It's not unusual for guys to start balding in their 20s unfortunately. Our best treatments for male pattern baldness can only delay the inevitable. Blame the pharmaceutical companies for not finding a safe cure to male pattern baldness if you like hair so much.
25 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

You only get the shaved head mean looking type

Shaved heads look good on some men. Polish men just don't have the right facial aesthetics for that which is why they don't tend to look good with shaved heads.

I used to shave my head and I had no trouble getting beautiful women and handsome men. (yes, I'm bisexual)

Polish men are average. Not too bad bad, but nothing special either...
But the women... omg....

Polish men average? I would argue well below average lol. (That's just my opinion though.)

As others have mentioned, Polish men don't take care of themselves well and many of them have bad personalities from my experience.

You often see too many Polish men shave their heads when many of them just can't pull that look. Also, the ones that don't shave often wear glasses. Have Polish men ever heard of contact lenses?

The women are average. Sure, there are a lot of nice Polish women out there but this site tends to overrate them.

However, I will say that people that are mixed with Polish and other things tend to be very good-looking.

For example, I find a lot of Polish-American people attractive if they have other ancestry mixed in (such as Italian, Irish, German, African, Hispanic, etc.)

Also, has anyone seen Patricia Kazadi? She was born to a Polish mother and African father. I would sell all my cars and give away the money earned if that would allow me to have a candlelight dinner with Patricia.

Patricia Kazadi

Patricia Kazadi
20 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician [43]

That said my main issue with the OP's thread is that looks should not be a voting issue, whatever the gender of the candidates.

Yeah, it's kind of sad that the looks of women are being discussed in a topic about politics. That really is kind of sexist to say that a woman should be good-looking in order to be in politics. I mean, let's face it. There are so many bad-looking men in politics.

This kind of talk will encourage not discourage scapegoating.

I don't think most Brits will care too much about this. Her comments will **** off young chavs probably but not the rest of the British population. Like I said before, Poles in Britain are not taking jobs that require much of an education. Poles are really just competing with young Brits and other immigrants.

As for polish politician beauties please check Elzbieta Bienkowska (famous for her tattoos) and Joanna Mucha - both Civic Platform

The woman with dark hair doesn't look bad for her age. I'm not sure what you see in the blonde though.

So you're saying that Western people look terrible both in photos and in the flesh? lol

I'm not sure how you got that. Perhaps try reading what I said again? I don't think Poland has ever had a politician as good-looking as JFK.
19 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [129]

nonsense. Today`s Germanics who have I haplogroup acquired it thru assimilation of Slavs.

Crow, all white people eventually have a common ancestor. That is obvious. But the fact is that the South Slavs have a more common recent ancestor with the Germanic people than they do with East Slavs and some West Slavs.

Of all the Slavic people, Poles from northwestern Poland have the highest frequency of the I1 haplogroup. They are the most Germanic of all the Slavs.
18 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [129]

R1a is an example maybe you should google it

You realize that the R1a haplogroup is not common in all Slavic countries? The Balkan Slavic countries for example have a low frequency of R1a and a high frequency of I2. This haplogroup is more related to the I1 haplogroup that many Germanic people carry.
18 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician [43]

Poles are only taking the low class jobs. You don't see too many Polish engineers or scientists in Britain.

Contrary to Agnieszka's BS claims, you don't have to be well-educated or hard-working to take low wage jobs from young chavs.
17 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician [43]

Rest assured that she's almost certainly photogenic and looks worse in the flesh.

Yeah, that seems to be the case with a lot of Poles I've met.
12 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / How has Polish immigration into the UK helped Poland? [48]

Sure, tell us more about your fantasy world. You do not venture much outside your basement.

You keep talking about the basement. IS just because you like the basement so much, it doesn't mean the rest of us do. :-\

Also, it is no fantasy to say Polish immigrants usually work in low class jobs. It's a fact.
10 Jan 2014
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

In the UK, teaching a second language is compulsory since 2010. In the US, foreign languages are usually taught in high school. Same in Australia. Enrollment numbers are quite embarrassing though.

Americans, Brits, and others from the Anglosphere don't really have the need to learn a foreign language as much as mainland Europeans do. English is the lingua franca.

McDouche, the Dutch and the Germans APPEAR to know English "better" than many mainland Europeans merely because they're more skillful in concealing their native accents, that's all.

I disagree. They generally do a better job of grasping the language than Mediterraneans or Slavs. This is expected though since English, German, and Dutch are all Germanic languages.

Poles would probably be better at learning Russian than Germans would be.
10 Jan 2014
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

Germans too often claim to speak excellent English, yet make such egregious errors as to make the shackles of one's hair stand on end!!

I would say the Dutch and Germans know English better than most mainland Europeans.

Estonian is acctualy harder ;-)

Yeah, Estonian, Finnish, and Hungarian are in my opinion the most difficult European languages to learn for a native English speaker.
9 Jan 2014
Love / Questions about Polish Men - flirting, cheating, liking? [44]

I'm sure Polish men desire to go wild abroad with other women but I doubt these actions happen like many of you say. The reason I say this is because Polish men 90% of the time are not physically attractive at all. There is no way they would have this much luck with British women or others.