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Joined: 13 Apr 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Nov 2012
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9 Nov 2012
Genealogy / JARENTOWSKI [17]

It lists birth place as Germany??

Well, that could be Prussia or Russia, as in the year 1867 there was no Poland; after 1795 Poland was totally partitioned between Prussia, Russia and Austria. At certain times parts of the country existed under various adornments, such as Duchy of Warsaw (1807-1815), Congress Poland(1815-1867) or Grand Duchy of Posen (1815-1848). The last two have been finally swallowed again by Russia and Prussia, respectively.

I came across several records of marriages of Jarentowski grooms from the years predating 1867. They are:
1. Jarentowski Marcin married Anotonina Matuszak in Kościelec Kaliski, Kalisz County, in 1860.
This record came from "Index of Polish marriages until 1899", database "przodkowie",

Two other groom records, of brothers Wojciech and Antoni Jarentowski, came from "Poznan Project",

2. Catholic Parish Kosmów, 1864
Wojciech Jarentowski (25), father £ukasz, mother Anna Szymczak
Józefa Dolacińska (16), father Jan, mother Julianna Gzymska

3. Catholic Parish Kościelec Kalisz 1862
Antoni Jarentowski (27), father £ukasz, mother Anna Szymczak
£ucja Kołodziej (20), father Wawrzyn, mother Elżbieta Kretkowska

The three marriage records could point to possible fathers of Franciszek (Frank) Jarentowski. The original records of these marriages are held in the National Archive in Poznań, Poland. You can write for their photocopies or digital copies to the address provided below. Further genealogical research is also offered there.

Archiwum Panstwowe w Poznaniu
Ul. 23 Lutego 41/43
60-967 Poznan


That could be a beginning of your trail to follow. The first task would be to check if any of the three couples had a child named Frank, born in 1867 (or so).

All three records mention the same two parishes: Kościelec Kaliski (there are many villages Kościelec in Poland, so you have to be specific which one) and Kosmów. The villages are seven kilometers apart, although they belong to different administrative municipalities:

A. Kościelec, gmina Mycielec, Kalisz County, Wielkopolskie Voivodship (Greater Poland), 17 km north of Kalisz
A wooden XII century church, highlander style,

B. Kosmów, gmina Ceków-Kolonia, Kalisz County, Wielkopolskie Voivodship, 17 km north of Kalisz
A church from 1691,

Both are located in the same county: Kalisz. Do you remember my previous post about Jarantów? Well Kosmów lies 22 km away, Kościelec 15 km away from Jarantów, a possible cradle of Jarentowski family.

All four places: Kalisz, Jarantów, Kościelec and Kosmów are located on the right bank of PROSNA river, which was a border river between Prussia and Russia. So formally the marriages took place in Russia. However, there is no reason why some of them could not take a residence in Prussia later on. This could explain the birth place "Germany" in Frank Jarentowski record.

This is all speculation of course :-)

More data comes from Geneteka database:

Four Jarentowski boys were born between 1850 and 1874 in the same parishes as above: Kosmów and Kościelec. No Franciszek among them though.
6 Nov 2012

Stellar is not a Polish surname and does not exist in modern Poland. There are few people of the name "Stela" in Poland. Stella in Latin means star, translated to Polish as "gwiazda". There are 4496 people in Poland named Gwiazda.

Strzelecki indeed stems from the root "strzelec" (a rifleman), "strzała" (an arrow), "strzelać" (to shoot) and Strzelce (a name of several villages in Poland).This is quite a popular name in contemporary Poland (5672 males + 6047 females Strzelecka). The famous Paweł Edmund Strzelecki would be an ancestor to be proud of.

Juchniewicz stems from the word "jucha" (animal's blood), or from given names Juryj, Joachim, or Juchim. I knew Juchniewicz family in Canada once. There are 2117 people of this name in Poland.

Nowak is very popular in Poland (Novak in Czech) - there are 205,536 people of this name in Poland. Yes, it stems from "nowy" (new), a newcomer to a village or a newcomer to a religion. Many Jews assumed this name during conversion to Christianity. Many other variation of this surname exists: Nowakoski, Nowakowski, Nowakowicz, etc.

Detmar stems from the German given name Dittmar, and that from Theudo + mari, people + famous.
There is nobody of this name in contemporary Poland, or rather in one database I consulted.

There are about 2000 Kalkowski/Kalkowska people living in Poland.
The surname stems from German given name "Kalk", and that from "Kalc", lime.

Google does not provide a single record for Kalkalskaus.

However, there are several records for Kalkaskaus - all in the context of Juchniewicz to boot. Someone, possibly you, was searching for this name in 2004 and 2009.
6 Nov 2012


This surname is rather rare in contemporary Poland; about 50 people use it.
It is part of the group of surnames: Kreczuch, Kreczuł, Kreczunowicz, Kreczy, Kreczyk, Kreczyn, Kreczyński and Kreć.
They all stem from the root "KRAK-", as in "krakać" (to croak) or "krak => kruk" (a raven). The sound "ra" is often replaced by "re" in northern Polish dialects, hence "krak => krek". This is followed by another phonetic rule : "krek => krecz".

What does Kachurka mean?

The root of the surname stems from given names beginning with KA-, such as Ka-zimierz, Ka-sper, Ka-tarzyna. The suffix -CH- fulfils a diminutive role, hence KACH, as in KACHNA (short for Katarzyna). From this, many surnames of this type have been formed, about 60 or so, too many to list them all. They range from Kach, Kachalski, Kachniarz, Kachnikiewicz, Kachulski, Kachur, Kachura, and ending with Kachut, Kachuta, Kachwa, Kachwalik and Kachwalski.
5 Nov 2012
Life / Which animals are native to Poland? [82]

What reptiles are common?

There are some reptiles in Poland: European pond turtles, slowworm, several kinds of lizards, several types of snakes, and one viper.
There are bunch of amphibians: frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and "rzechotki" - the tree frogs.

Are any poisonous... ?

There is only one in Poland from the viper family, vipera berus, with characteristic zig-zag, but sometimes not visible, and all sorts of colours. It appears across most of Europe, with the exception of southern Europe: France, Iberian peninsula, Italy, Greece and ... Ireland.

What posionous insects are there (like fire ants, Recluse, Black Widow)

There are some bad insects in Poland: fire ants (mrówki ogniste, red ants), black widow (several were imported recently), no recluse. Then there is a bee, a wasp, a hornet, a bumblebee, European mole cricket (turkuć podjadek), black fly, mosquito, gadfly, tick, louse and flea. And if you are allergic, you are in a trouble.
4 Nov 2012
Food / Anyone fancy Polish pieróg lubelski? [12]

Those are two different things. Pieróg lubelski is also known as pieróg gryczany.
Pierogi ruskie are something else: different size (small), different preparation (boiled, or boiled then fried). Pieróg gryczany is baked.

  • pierog_gryczany2.jpg
1 Nov 2012
Genealogy / JARENTOWSKI [17]

I did not say you were related to those people in Poland. I just showed you some possibilities, that's it. You asked for the alternate spelling of Jarentowski. Jarantowski is close enough to warrant possible misspelling. Both names are rather rare in the contemporary Poland, but almost equally probable. And both names very likely originate from some village name, such as Jarantowice or Jarantów.

There is one village Jarantów in Poland, located in Gmina Blizanów, Kalisz County, Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) Voivodship and three villages Jarantowice in Kuiavian-Pomeranian Voivodship:

Jarantowice, gmina Osięciny, Radziejów County
Jarantowice, gmina Wąbrzeźno, Wąbrzeźno County
Jarantowice, gmina Choceń, Włocławek County

Statistically, the village "Jarantów" seems like a good match, since it is located in Kalisz County, and the biggest population of Polish surnames Jarentowski and Jarantowski are exactly in that county. So that could be a cradle of those families way back. But your grandfather is from around Kraków and this does not connect directly to Kalisz.

Checking all those 300 surnames would be time consuming and costly, unless you have some extra information that would narrow the scope significantly. You would have to comb internet for some approximate locations, like a village name for example, then approach the appropriate authority for the exact address. But this kind of data is protected in Poland and they would only give it to you after obtaining first a permission from a person you wish to contact. Time consuming!

Also, there was a thread about Jarentowski on this forum JARENTOWSKI/BIELAWSKI/MAKOWSKI, started five years ago, so check it out. Oh, gosh, that was you - what a waste of time! Could not you just bump it up, rather than opening a new thread and wasting our time here?
1 Nov 2012
Life / I hate Warsaw. The worst part about living here is the people who move here from small towns, villages.. [124]

I said: the Old Train Compartment Syndrome. :-)
But hey, some things stay the same as usual. Try to take a train (no buses) from Komańcza to Krynica Zdrój. This is only 133 km by road, probably 180 km by rail.

Here is one example. There are three train rides: Komańcza => Zagórz, Zagórz => Stróże, Stróźe => Krynica. 0:48, 3:38 and 3:11 rides, 2:12, 4:43 waiting times.

Total 14:30 hours : 7:37 ride and 6:53 waiting time.
Plenty of time for food and staring around. :-)

1 Nov 2012
Life / I hate Warsaw. The worst part about living here is the people who move here from small towns, villages.. [124]

I had two good staring experiences so far.

I got your point. I call it the old train compartment syndrom (OTCS).
There are four of you in the train compartment: relaxing, swapping stories, sharing hard boiled eggs and home grown tomatoes.

A new face shows up. Everybody stares. With hate.

But soon the man opens a bottle of something delicious.

The hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, and schnapps around. All are friends.

Until another intruder shows up...
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

how am I wrong? Native Americans are not Indianie or Indianski- they are something else.

Because you do not see the difference between these two words:
INDYJSKI - coming from India
INDIAŃSKI - coming from South or North America

And because your grammar above is senseless.

According to you:

Indians from India should be called Indianie or indianski

But they are not - no matter how much you want it to be. Someone, long time ago, decided to differentiate the two cultures: Native Americans and people from India by using the big letter HHHHHHHH!!!

This way, he corrected the Columbus'es error in Polish language.

The male word in Polish is Hindus, and the female word is Hinduska, which in Polish means "obywatel / obywatelka Indii - a citizen of India". It has nothing to do with the religion. Simple

The corresponding adjectives are either hinduski (in reference to people) or indyjski (to objects). Once again - there is no indiański here.

On the other hand the word "hinduizm" in Polish is a collective term for a group of religious beliefs, mainly from the Indian subcontinent.

Believers of "hinduizm", in English Hindu, are called hinduiści (sing. hinduista, hinduistka) in Polish.

Simple. Do not mix English Hindu with Polish Hindus.
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

should be something else of which I am not sure- perhaps rodowity, rodzimy - something to this effect

The word is "tubylec", "tuziemiec", or "autochton" (from Greek's 'autochthon' - 'from this land') and it covers Native Americans and Australian Aborigenes.

Native Americans are Indyjski-

Wrong again, the noun in plural is "Indianie", and the adjective is "indiański" - in politically incorrect speech.

how do you say taupe, sage, jade, indigo, slate--there are endless colours and they all translate to the same word with a Polish spelling.

taupe = ciemnoszary (taupe)
sage = szałwia
slate = łupek
indigo = indygo
jade = jadeit
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

My point is that Polish language is so primitive that it has to steal words. If you would use only POLISH words (not the one stolen from other nations) you would be able to describe any complex matter or describe colours.

Because we do not need any girlie colours, such as "różowy"; true Poles just use manly colours:

maść kara (black):
+ krucza (raven)
+ wronia (crow)

maść kasztanowata (chestnut):
+ kasztanowata, cisawa - rudożółta w różnych odcieniach, od morelowych do miedzianych,
+ jasnokasztanowata - sierść słomkoworuda, ogon i grzywa jasne
+ złotokasztanowata
+ brunatnokasztanowata
+ ciemnokasztanowata (wątrobiana)

maść gniada (bay):
+ jasnogniada (light bay)
+ gniada (bay)
+ ciemnogniada (dark bay)
+ skarogniada (black bay)

maść siwa (grey):
+ ciemnosiwa
+ jabłkowita
+ szpak miodowy
+ szpak różany
+ jasnosiwa
+ mlecznosiwa (milky grey)
+ dropiata

maść izabelowata:
+ masłowata (buttery)
+ złotoizabelowata
+ palomino

maść jelenia (deer):

maść przydymiona kara: (smoke
maść kremowa:
maść perłowa:
maść przydymiona kremowa:
maść czerwonobułana:
maść bułana:
maść myszata:
maść szampańska:
+ złotoszampańska
+ burszztynowoszampańska
+ klasyczna szampańska
+ złotoszampańska kość słoniowa
+ burszztynowoszampańska kość słoniowa
+ klasyczna szampańska kość słoniowa

maść srebrna (silver):
+ srebrna kasztanowata
+ srebrna gniada
+ srebrna kara

maść dereszowata - pleśniawa (roan - mildew)
+ kasztanowodereszowata
+ gniadodereszowata
+ karodereszowata

maść tarantowata (dappled)
+ leopard
+ derka (horsecloth)
+ derka z plamkami (horsecloth with spots)
+ na tle dereszowatym
+ płatki śniegu (snow flakes)
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

But when written like that "Włochy" doesnt mean nice clean curly hairs. It means soaked, dirty, greasy lump of disgusting hairs.

Not only that. They try to confuse the poor foreigner by mixing the words Włoch with Wołoch. And who is Wołoch? Everybody else knows him as Vlach. But no, Poles call his people Wołosi (not Włosi !) and they say that he came from Wołoszczyzna, while everyone knows it as Wallachia, Walachia or Valahia. Wołoska jazda (cavalry), wołoskie wojny (wars), wołoskie osadnictwo (settlements, colonization).

And then, to make things even worse, they decided to name multiple villages in Southern Poland and Ukraine "Wołochy"! Yes, and this supposed to be historically justified!

And then the Czechs are not that much better either; they have their Wołochy too in Moravia, on Morawska Wołoszczyzna! Imperialists!
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

This is so deeply offensive that almost make me cry.

Yes, and think about G£UCHONIEMCY, Walddeutsche

Not only mute but also deaf!
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

perhaps, but my husbands isn't and we often discuss this.

Well, madam, your husband might be a Polish language authority for you, but not for me. Do not make me laugh. If I had to choose one - that would be possibly profs. Bralczyk, or Miodek instead, not your spouse.

See for example this response of prof. Bralczyk to reader "Małgorzata", who proposed a word "Ukrainczyk" instead of "Ukrainiec" due to the latter's WWII bad connotation.

Szanowna Pani Małgorzato,
Istotnie, czasem mamy ochotę, znajdując niepożądane konotacje w słowie, zastąpić je innym. Czasem ma to wymiar powszechny, związany z tzw. polityczną poprawnością, w imię której w USA mówi się o Afroamerykanach, a u nas o Romach. Bywa i tak, że te nowe słowa po jakimś czasie znów nabywają negatywnych skojarzeń, bo przecież nie tylko w słowach rzecz. Co do mnie, jestem zdania, żeby raczej starać się coś zrobić z dawnym i dobrze zakorzenionym słowem Ukrainiec w jego podstawowym znaczeniu niż wprowadzać nowego i nieco (przyznam) dziwnego Ukraińczyka - który trochę kojarzy się z Chińczykiem, a trochę przywołuje nieco zabawną zdrobniałość.
27 Oct 2012

If you are asking whether the surname Malinowska has anything to do with "framboesa" than you are right: Polish malina = English raspberry = Portuguese framboesa = Spanish frambuesa.

Malinowska is a female version of Malinowski. It probably derives from some village name, such as Malinów, or Malinówka, and hence indirectly from"malina" - the rasperry.
27 Oct 2012

Yes, you are right! There are 359 people of this name in Poland.

Comes from the village name Suchoraba, Gmina Niepołomice, within Wieliczka County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, in southern Poland. Old name: Sucha Raba (Dry Raba).
Name "Raba" of a river in Southern Poland, a tribute of Vistula River, is probably of Celtic origin.
26 Oct 2012
Genealogy / JARENTOWSKI [17]

Jarantowski sounds close enough to Jarentowski ...

Currently in Poland there are 84 Jarentowski males, 111 Jarentowska females, 54 Jarantowski males and 49 Jarantowska females
Check this (modifying variations of the last names):
26 Oct 2012
Life / Which animals are native to Poland? [82]

And wood buffalo? Native?

The European bison have been always under the protection of Polish Kings, and later of Russian Tsars - but also under constant pressure from poachers. In 1914, there were 727 bisons in Białowieża Forest. However, none was left in 1919, due to hunting by withdrawing German armies, Russian partizans, and poachers. In early 1920s twelve pure blood animals from international ZOOs were selected for reintroduction and by 1939 16 bisons lived in Białowieża Forest. They survived the war and in 1950s they were supplemented by a Soviet stock.

żubr - a wisent, a wood buffalo (4230)

Ouch, that's the world's population of żubr a.k.a. European bison, wood bison, as of 2009. The correct numbers are attached below.

World-wide, as of 2009 (other source):
4300 total
2787 in free-ranging populations (66%)
1144 in breeding centers and zoos (34% world population)

World-wide, free-ranging herds:
Ukraine - 6 populations, 222
Poland - 5 populations, 991 (Białowieska Forest - 473)
Belarus - 9 populations, 937
Russia - 10 populations, 414
Lithuania - 1 population, 61
Slovakia - 1 population, 9

Poland: total 1235, as of 2011
Free-ranging herds: 1041
.... Bieszczady - 277 (a mixture of Caucasian and Białowieża bisons)
.... Białowieska Forest - 481
.... Borecka Forest - 91
.... Knyszyńska Forest - 103
.... West Pomeranian herd - 89
Enclosed herds: 194
.... Breeding centers - 111
.... ZOOs - 24
.... Centre of Forest Culture in Gołuchów - 9
.... City parks - 11
.... Provincial parks - 39

Wasn't Poland the last country to have living Aurochs in modern day ?

The last one, a female, died in 1627 in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland, central Poland.
Its skull was later taken by the Swedish Army during the Swedish invasion of Poland (1655-1660) and is now the property of Livrustkammaren in Stockholm.

kozica - a chamois, a Tatra mountains goat (770 in 2008)

According to the latest fall population count, the number of Tatra mountains goats on both sides of the Polish-Slovakian border is record high - 1096: 810 in Slovakia and 286 in Poland; including 134 and 43 young goats, correspondingly. This is 24 more than the previous record high from the year 1964.

The lowest count was in 1999 - only 241 goats. The count of goats steadily increases in the recent years:
2010 - 841
2011 - 929
2012 - 1096
Counting the Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) takes place twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is organized since 1954, and together with the Slovaks since 1957. Chamois is a symbol of both Polish and Slovak Tatra National Park. It is a protected species, although it happens that the poachers hunt these animals.
26 Oct 2012
Life / Which animals are native to Poland? [82]

Ok, so they are the brazen wild hogs; coming illegally from Germany. :-)

Of course, the 244,000 number I gave (the estimated recent population) is only part of the picture. Another number would be the population growth, which is quite big.

Referring to your article, here is another one (in Polish), from the same locality, Świnoujście, as of 2012-10-09:

Authorities of Świnoujście (West Pomeranian Voivodship) plan culling about 60 wild boars, which feed downtown, in November/December this year. Those are part of the heards, which are made of 300 or so pigs, prowling in the buffer zone of Wolin National Park and German Naturpark Insel Usedom.
25 Oct 2012
Life / Which animals are native to Poland? [82]

kozica - a chamois, a Tatra mountains goat (770 in 2008)
niedżwiedż - a brown bear (150)
wilk - a wolf (about 500-640)
ryś - a linx (280)
żbik - a wildcat (200)
bóbr - a beaver (6235 in 2007, reintroduced from Belarus, 108 in 1958)
żubr - a wisent, a wood buffalo (4230)

dzik - a wild boar (244,000)
łoś - a moose (6,480)
jeleń - a red deer, but known here as an elk (160,000)
sarna - deer (760,000)
daniel - a fallow-deer (19,600)
lis - a fox (about 200,000)
zając - a hare (530,000)
bażant - a pheasant (412,000)
kuropatwa - a partridge (408,000)
25 Oct 2012

my grandmothers surname is suharob..

One possibility is that the name is Russian, but has been somewhat corrupted and should be transliterated with the letter "v" at the end, not "b". The possible source of such error (if there is one indeed) is this that the Russian character "в" actually represents sound "v" not "b".

There could be two possible Russian surnames here:
Russian Cухарoв, from "сухарь", Polish "suchar", English "biscuit". English transliteration of the surname: Sukharov
Russian Caхарoв, from "сaхар", Polish "cukier", English "sugar". English transliteration of the surname: Sakharov
The later surname is quite popular (3 million hits in google for the English spelling, 8 million for the original Russian spelling). The Cухарoв and Sukharov forms are much rarer: 0 and 13500 hits, correspondingly.
24 Oct 2012
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

Let me put in perspective: European films were often introspective. It was a time of great European movie directors: Antonioni, Fellini, Kazan, Buñuel, Forman, Truffaut, Bergman; great actors: Mastroianni, Belmondo; beautiful actresses: Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Claudia Cardinalle. On this background the Polish movies did not look bad at all. But that's the theme for another topic; partially covered by one of those Pawian's puzzle threads.

Take a look at this:

Here you have a quick view at one of Polish movies from that era, directed by one of the best directors, with the music score of one of the best Polish jazz composers, and with the voice of one of the best Polish singers at that time - Polish Edith Piaff, the Black Angel.

Film: Bariera
Year: 1966
Technical data: b & w, 77'
Director: Jerzy Skolimowski and Barbara Sass-Zdort
Scenario: Jerzy Skolimowski
Prizes: 1966 Bergamo - Grand Prix, 1968 Valladolid - Special Jury Prize

Music: Krzysztof Komeda
Composer (including the song): Krzysztof Komeda
Text of the song "Z ręką na gardło": Jerzy Skolimowski
Singer: Ewa Demarczyk

Jarosław Śmietana: A Story of Polish Jazz
Jarek Śmietana tells the story of "The Story of Polish Jazz", the title piece of his newest [then, in 2004] record.
Full text in Polish here:
He wanted it to be rap, he wanted it to be short, and he wanted it to be in Polish. But he could not squeeze it below 10 minutes.

He joined the Polish Jazz scene in 1970s, so had to read a lot to learn about 50s and 60s.
The work is made of 14 verses, interspersed with choruses of solo singers: 12 invited guests, himself and his piano player, Piotr Wyleżol. Each verse ends up with a name of some important person in specific period of Polish jazz, and that person (or somebody else) plays his symbolic four tacts. The first one is Duduś Matuszkiewicz, from where it alls started. [Jarek apologizes for forgetting to mention NOVI Sigers]. Two authentic rapers from Nowa Huta, calling themselves Bzyk and Guzik, were invited to run the show. They are helped by an American bass sax player, Steve Logan, who responds in English to all the basic question of the story:

-Duduś Matuszkiewicz: kto to jest?
- The first giant of Polish jazz

A Story of Polish Jazz

words: Jarek Śmietana / Jacek Pelc
music: Jarek Śmietana
8 taktów intro: "Horns and Brass Band"

This is too much copying and pasting, and too much Polish language in an English language thread. This post may be moved later
24 Oct 2012
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

I got your point Rybnik. However, to explain my point a bit more: Before watching those movies, most of us already knew something about USA. We all read some American writers by then, or rather whatever was available in Polish translation then: Cooper, Twain, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, Caldwell, Steinbeck, Salinger or so - until the attention of our few publishing houses was turned away first to the Japanese literature, and then to the prominent South American writers. So, watching those American movies did not contaminate our innocence, or worse. :-)
24 Oct 2012
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

my point is American films dealing with the seedier/violent/deviant side of life got an inordinate amount of play.

I do not remember anyone looking at this your way when watching them. None of my friends ever though about them as anti-American propaganda movies. Come one Rybnik, you are just too sensitive, we were not the idiots; those movies were actually good, won many Oscars, they were shown all over the world (maybe few years earlier than in Poland :-)).

But frankly, we were more interested in Italian, French, Swedish movies, etc. then. And Magdalena was right - the DKFs (Film Discussion Clubs) were fantastic. You may want to see for example the article (in Polish) about DKF Żak in Gdańsk, one of the first DKF in Poland:

Its premiere took place on January 22 1956 with the presentation of Vittorio De Sica's "Miracolo a Milano" 1951 (Cud w Mediolanie). Officially it supposed to be a presentation of Russian children story "Konik Garbusek" (A hunchback Pony).
24 Oct 2012
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

any film that was able to support the prevailing propaganda was shown in theaters (and on TV).

but many of the American films were top ranking, such as:
All About Eve, 1950 - Wszystko o Ewie, 1959, dubbing
12 angry men, 1956 - Dwunastu gniewnych ludzi, 1959, 1973, dubbing;
Anatomy of murder, 1959 - Anatomia morderstwa
To kill a mockinbird, 1962 - Zabić drozda, 1962
18 Oct 2012

Hryshchuk seems to be an Ukraininian or a Belarusian version of Polish version Grzeszcz-ak, Grzeszcz-ek, Grzeszcz-ok. Grzeszcz-uk, Grzeszcz-yk - meaning a son of Grzeszcz.

Grzesz, Grzeszcz, and about 50 other surnames starting with the root GRZES-, all derive from the name Grzegorz (apearing in Poland since XII c.), and this from Greek gregorios, meaning "gorliwy, czuwający" (zealous, watchful).

Here is the standard Polish-Belarusian or Polish-Ukrainian transformation of the sounds G and RZ:
G => H; RZ => R, hence
Polish transliteration: Grzeszczuk => HRESZCZUK, and then
English transliteration of Hreszczuk => HRESHCHUK
I have no idea why HRY and not HRE. Maybe it just sounds better?
18 Oct 2012
Genealogy / Jerzy Skublicki- his sons Tomas and Pawel [10]

I would like to help but your post is quite vague since it is lacking important details, such as dates, from which the age of the Jerzy's sons could be inferred. Fortunately you were more specific in your other post, 10 years ago, to a certain genealogy site:, on 2002-05-02 :

Looking for two brothers who live in Poland.

So - combining the information from these two posts:
You are looking for two middle age men, approximately 41-44 years old originally from Krosno, Poland. (not Krakow)
Their names are: Paweł (spelled with £, L with stroke) and Tomasz Skublicki - so not Povo, not Tomas, and not Pawel.
Their father, Jerzy, known as Jerry in USA, a Polish national tennis table champion, died in car accident in October 1975, presumably in USA.

Googling "Jerzy Skublicki" Krosno: Several positive hits come along, confirming the data. One of them is his photo and a short bio note in Polish:

JERZY SKUBLICKI (1937-1975) table tennis, club: Karpaty Krosno. Greatest successes: Poland Championships - Gold medal (in mix) 1971, two Silver Medals (solo in 1964 and in doubles in 1966) and four Bronze Medals (one in singles and three in doubles). Ranked 7th in the poll in 1963, 6th in 1964 and 66, 5th in 1965, 9th in 1967.

The next step is to check the distribution of the surname "Skublicki" in Poland. There are 29 people of that name in Poland, and most of them - 16 - live in Krosno. Good sign.

Googling "Tomasz Skublicki" Krosno brings some result but it looks like that that Tomasz is too young - 22-27 years old. Not the one you seek.

Googling "Paweł Skublicki" Krosno, brings some genealogy record, which looks more or less like this in translation (and after some data massaging):

Magdalena Reiss (1972-11-27), graduated from the Foreign Trade Faculty at the University of Economics in Kraków. She married Paweł Skublicki of Krosno, a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Medical University of Lublin. The Skublickis have a son, Konrad (born 2000-02-10). They live in Legionowo near Warszawa (Warsaw). Magdalena works for U.S. company, "Delphi" and Paweł works for the Ministry of Health in Warsaw.
So if Magdalena is 40 years old then she would be a good partner for somebody aged 41-44.
This Paweł Skublicki is a veterinarian and he works for the government.
Further search reveals mode details:
He actually works for "Główny Inspectorat Weterynarii" (Main Veterinary Inspectorate), Warsaw. He is listed as a contact to several international programs, such as this:

Unit 04 - Veterinary Control Programmes
Programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases, of certain T5Es and for the prevention of zoonoses. Monitoring and eradication programme of TSEs. Poland

contact: lek. wet. Pawel Skublicki (as of 2006-05-31)

The link also provides his work's fax and telephone numbers, but you may want to start with the email first. I hope this is the person you are searching for. Good luck.