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Jerzy Skublicki- his sons Tomas and Pawel

18 Oct 2012 #1
Im looking for the sons of Jerzy Skublicki. Jerzy lived at my house with my family when I was 14. He was killed tragediclly in a car accident. I never met his sons who were 6 and 7 I believe. They lived in Krosno Poland with their mother ewa. If you have any suggestions on how to find them, please let me.
boletus 30 | 1356
18 Oct 2012 #2
I would like to help but your post is quite vague since it is lacking important details, such as dates, from which the age of the Jerzy's sons could be inferred. Fortunately you were more specific in your other post, 10 years ago, to a certain genealogy site:, on 2002-05-02 :

Looking for two brothers who live in Poland.

So - combining the information from these two posts:
You are looking for two middle age men, approximately 41-44 years old originally from Krosno, Poland. (not Krakow)
Their names are: Paweł (spelled with £, L with stroke) and Tomasz Skublicki - so not Povo, not Tomas, and not Pawel.
Their father, Jerzy, known as Jerry in USA, a Polish national tennis table champion, died in car accident in October 1975, presumably in USA.

Googling "Jerzy Skublicki" Krosno: Several positive hits come along, confirming the data. One of them is his photo and a short bio note in Polish:

JERZY SKUBLICKI (1937-1975) table tennis, club: Karpaty Krosno. Greatest successes: Poland Championships - Gold medal (in mix) 1971, two Silver Medals (solo in 1964 and in doubles in 1966) and four Bronze Medals (one in singles and three in doubles). Ranked 7th in the poll in 1963, 6th in 1964 and 66, 5th in 1965, 9th in 1967.

The next step is to check the distribution of the surname "Skublicki" in Poland. There are 29 people of that name in Poland, and most of them - 16 - live in Krosno. Good sign.

Googling "Tomasz Skublicki" Krosno brings some result but it looks like that that Tomasz is too young - 22-27 years old. Not the one you seek.

Googling "Paweł Skublicki" Krosno, brings some genealogy record, which looks more or less like this in translation (and after some data massaging):

Magdalena Reiss (1972-11-27), graduated from the Foreign Trade Faculty at the University of Economics in Kraków. She married Paweł Skublicki of Krosno, a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Medical University of Lublin. The Skublickis have a son, Konrad (born 2000-02-10). They live in Legionowo near Warszawa (Warsaw). Magdalena works for U.S. company, "Delphi" and Paweł works for the Ministry of Health in Warsaw.
So if Magdalena is 40 years old then she would be a good partner for somebody aged 41-44.
This Paweł Skublicki is a veterinarian and he works for the government.
Further search reveals mode details:
He actually works for "Główny Inspectorat Weterynarii" (Main Veterinary Inspectorate), Warsaw. He is listed as a contact to several international programs, such as this:

Unit 04 - Veterinary Control Programmes
Programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases, of certain T5Es and for the prevention of zoonoses. Monitoring and eradication programme of TSEs. Poland

contact: lek. wet. Pawel Skublicki (as of 2006-05-31)

The link also provides his work's fax and telephone numbers, but you may want to start with the email first. I hope this is the person you are searching for. Good luck.
OP Tpeter0853
20 Oct 2012 #3
Thanks very much for the information. I really hope that I can find them.
Digit - | 2
18 Dec 2012 #4

I'm not sure to whom I'm replying to but it's kind of interesting how I came across this thread. By chance, my wife stumbled upon this post trying to verify my brother's mailing address.

BTW... if you haven't already guessed, you have found who you've been looking for. I haven't used Paweł for a long time (I guess my mom still uses it), it's Paul these days. We, my mom and my brother, moved to Calgary, Alberta Canada in 1981 and all three of us have lived here ever since. To be honest, I'm not sure why you're searching for us other than out of curiosity but if you want to chat I'm around.

Paul (Paweł) Skublicki
26 Apr 2013 #5
Oh, how big is SKUBLICKI family :) I'm trying to build our family genealogic tree. So, could you tell me whose son Jerzy Skublicki was. Is any chance to find a relationship to: Tadeusz Skublicki, Adolf Skublicki, Józef Skublicki, Fraciszek Skublicki, Kazimierz Skublicki or Stanisław Skublicki?
Polonius3 980 | 12277
26 Apr 2013 #6
SKUBLICKI: root-word possibly skubać (to pluck /feathers/, pinch, peck). Possibly originated as a topo tag from such places as Skubianka and Skubicha in Poland, Skubice in the Czech Republic and Skubin in Slovakia. Around one-half of Poland's Skublickis live in the country's extreme SE corner in the Krosno area bordering both Slovakia and Ukraine.
24 Nov 2013 #7
Hi my name is Paweł Skublicki :-) and unlike you Paul I still use that name in every days life (even though it poses some pronunciation problems for foreigners).

The short description I have found on this webpage on Magdalena Skublicka de domo Reiss and her husband is about us.
I am no longer working for the veterinary administration in Poland but for the European Commission and my office is in Ireland. Newertheless we still live in Poland.

If you (or anybody from Skublicki family) are interesting to get in touch with us please feel free to contact me via pskublicki@gmail

Blood is not a water.
Best regards,
23 Oct 2021 #8
I have no family connection to Jerzy Skublicki, but my great uncle Urban (my grandfather's little brother) was killed in the same automobile accident. I've always heard that a Polish table tennis champion was killed in the other car. The newspaper clipping I found on the accident jays that his wife and two sons were to have joined him here in the USA once his visa was approved, but they were still in Poland when he was killed.
Digit - | 2
15 Feb 2022 #9
That was us. We never got a chance to meet up with him in US. We travelled to US to visit his grave in 1980 but were unable to stay in US. We eventually settled in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
25 Dec 2022 #10
His wife's name was Ewa and sons Tomas and Pawel I believe

Please contact me as Ive been looking for you forever. or 402-880-1926

Let me edit the email

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