The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by puella  

Joined: 10 Jan 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Mar 2011
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6 Mar 2011
Life / What gifts to take? Presents customs in Poland. [173]

There's no "Boy's Day"

There is. Just look

30th of September.

In Poland we dn't have Men's Day. Proof here:
3 Mar 2011
Life / Exam for Drivers License in Poland; English? [99]

I talked to a lot of people that passed there test here and most said they paid a bribe

Bullsh1t and an obvious lie! In Poland most people take the exam 3 times before they pass!
23 Feb 2011
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]

As to Poland, it is still a novelty and it is considered a fine place to chow.

WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! Wow, I don't want to do that but I must agree with Harry - you guys don't have a clue about Poland!

It was a "fine" place to chow for 10 year olds 15 years ago ( know those birthsday in Macs ;)
Now it's just a quick chow while shopping in mall. Also Kebab kiosques are at every cornener (they replaced the Zapiekanka booths).

You don't need to invite me I am Polish and I know Poland is.

No you don't.
23 Feb 2011
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]

Poles are no better than anyone else - and worse than some.

yes in terms of obesity among people over age of 50.

Generally young Poles are mostly slim (but not fit). It changes gradually so many children in Poland are overweight now.

I have noticed that overweight people do seem to treated with a little more rupugnance than should be acceptable. It seems to be strongly linked with lack of discipline - which of course is true but a bit too much of a military type mindset for me.

Poles are not used to see extreme obesity examples. But slight obesity is nothing extraordinary and I never heard anybody commenting it.

superkill some people on this board obviously tries top scare you but no one will tease if you're overweight. 17 years old are not likely to bully anyone - they are not 15 year old! Unless you will hanging around with some chavs... but I doubt such people might participate in student exchange programme.
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

larger fish

they are mammals

Most whales feed on plankton rather than fish, and thus they have far lower levels of mercury

yep that seems to be the explanation

I said dolphins as well aslarger fish.

ok sorry.
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

Are you sure?

It's the last-link-of-the-food-chain effect. They cumulate all toxic elements.

As oppose to the way they hunt whales?

Your argument doesn't have me convinced.

I'm not trying to convince you.
If you are intrested in this subject you may watch the movie on YT. I've never was an animal right activist or anything like that but the movie was quite intresting even to me (also as a portrait of the animal right activists who seems to be a little weird people sometimes). I don't say it will change your mind but still anyone can learn something intresting about the problem.
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

What is the difference in value between a whale and a dolphin that would make it ok to eat one but not the other?

dolphin meat is toxic. It has high levels of mercury. Besides that the way of hunting dolphins is unethical (they are lured by ultrasounds to some cove and killed by men using spears... certainly they suffer a lot)
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

Norwegians have been whaling for thousands of years, it did get completely out of hand in the 70's and certain whales were put on an endangered list and illegal to hunt but what I didn't know is that there are many different types of whales, most of which are not endangered at all (some argue they eat too many fish but meh)

Again it's a cultural thing.

Whales are not only intelligent but can also sing... ;)

Btw. have you heard about eating dolphins? There is a documentary movie about it "The Cove". Fishermen were saying that's their right and tradition to kill and eat dolphins... but it turned out that the rest of Japan never heard about this "tradition"... and they were actually shocked to hear that the whale meat they buy in shops it's actually a dolphins meat ;/
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

I have a faith in you Poles, please show the world that you're better than them.

I'm afraid they are not... Do you know that some people used to kill black cats for it's fur? It is said that it helps for radicular pains.
21 Feb 2011
Food / Taste of food in Poland vs other countries [186]

thats one of the great things about Polish cuisine, it mostly derives its flavour from the food not additives.

you're the first expat I've ever heard who said that likes Polish cuisine
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

If your first and fourth conditions weren't mutually exclusive, a true Polish patriot might be inclined to bother.

Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa would be a great example here and Alex already gave it to you. (it connects tradition, original form and is world famous - was even nominated for Grammy)

There are many internationally acclaimed artists (not necessarly orginal ones but you can't have both if you want to sell art).
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

I have a very realistic opinion of today's imitative and uncreative Poland. I But I am patient. I am still waiting for something Polish to be higlighted by CNN, Sky News, the Beeb, Newsweek, Spiegel, Paris Match, fashion boutiques, maybe at the Geneva Auto Show. Wherever! But for God's sake, do come up with something original at long last!!!

In Sky News? Only if there would be some riots in Poland like in Egipt.

If you want art or culture there were some nice things during recent years. For instance really original nominated for Oscars in 2009 documentary movie Rabbit à la Berlin, have you watched it?
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

The masters of distortion have again tried to read into a statement something that wasn't there.

Well it has always been like that. Not only now as you already noticed.

...................................................................... ......................

I know! I know! CALL OF JUAREZ! Isn't it the international hit? ;)


Steve Woźniak :)

But then again, what would you know about Polish products, seeing as you won't answer the question about when you were last here?

Clothing companies for instance.
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Are you guys proud of Doda and Redhead Wiśniewski?

No one listen to that crap... but wait a minute! Isn't Ich Troje a strictly Polish folklore?! I thought it fits the best the Polish culture: Ich Troje, Klan, Disco Polo, Kiełbasa... Haven't you meant that? It's the Polish culture we are trying to oppose by listening to nice "western" dubstep on czwórka radio.

Where are the motorways he had promsied to build for Euro 2012? Now he says the stadiums will be ready on time, but not the motorways.

Haha, it seems you are the only one who believed it!

It's been created by Poles. Loved by Poles. Sold by Poles. Isn't it?

No, certaonly not loved.
11 Feb 2011
Life / Weird names Polish parents give to their kids [43]

I always thought it was odd that Asia (not the continent) was short for Joanna.

It's simple: Joanna - Joasia - Asia

I always wondered why Russian name Alexander is shorted to Sasha. That is the real oddness! ;)


Kostek, Roch, Kosma, Sława...
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Polish always have a 100 excuses for every occasion.

No that's actually true. I know some examples from 1st hand source.

Yea, "normalnie pech",right?

Nie to nie normalnie pech. Ja znam osoby, które pracowały w dużych polskich przedsiębiorstwach i wiem jak te przedsiębiorstwa zbankrutowały.
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Few loose thoughts, which popped my mind while reading this, are:

1. Oh tell us why in Kaczyland few years ago we old continental Poles were uncreative as well??
2. The last traditional Polish thing which hit the world was footbag 7 years ago ;)
3. Could you name few things which Poland in e.g. 1930s "gave" to the world?
4. You've probably another American who thinks that our grandmathers were wearing folk dresses, lol.
5. Yep, probably Poles are inferior to other cultures... Let's plead to ban all bungee, skateboarding, breakdancing, kebabs and KFCs and let's all eat pierogis and play palant (Polish cricket) instead ;DDD

Polonius tell us how would you imagine perfect Poland (I mean way of living). What people should do in their free time in your perfect Poland? Pray?? ;D

Although they are no longer Swedish owned, the Volvo and Saab marques are still associated with Swedish engineering.

We would have our own famous products (not necessarily cars) but the rapid privatisation and racy inflation of the break of 80/90s killed whole Polish industry.
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

You have a serious case of needing to get over yourself. The only reason you come out with all this pish is down to the fact you want Poland to still be like it was when you last visited, some 20 odd years ago.

Do you really think that he has ever visited Poland? What is more - do you really belive that Poland was ever like he describes her?? O_o
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]


What a bs you write! You don't know anything about Poland. Please stop that nonsense...

To others: How about not wasting your time for pointless and not down-to-earth discussions? Why to feed troll?

I'm actually convinced that the Poland that the Polish-Americans and Kaczynskites see isn't the real Poland at all. All this talk of doom and gloom - where? Young people here seem remarkably upbeat and positive.

I'm young and I'm downbeat and negative :)
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Polish and proud?

Should be rather Polish and ashamed.
There are many things in Poland which I don't like as well as many young people don't.
Note that "glorious history" of Poland is a matter of past and the thing which people should be proud of are the modern times... but I don't see many things to be proud of in modern times.

- schools sucks
- culture sucks
- quality of life sucks
- politics sucks

More I'm older more I'm dissapointed.

For instance I hate that there were no president of modern Poland that would not make an embarassing bloop.
26 Jan 2011
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

Adam Mickiewicz

Lithuanians call him: Adomas Mickevièius. But maybe... I don't know. What I heard is that wicz names are surnames given to Ormians who settled on Polish territories.
18 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

Nevertheless I don't think that anyone phoned Kaczynski to ask him if he really stated that in the coffin burried in Wawel Castle he didn't recognized his brother, let alone the permission for publishing it ;)
18 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

and yes and it's also a quoting but indirect. You can say that someone believes in things that he/she really don't agree with.


Mr German said in the interview that he admires of Hitler's tactic plans of Blitz Krieg as a really well organized military action as well as Napoleon Bonaparte military genius.

Mr German said that he admires Hitler. Mr German compared Hitler to Napoleon.

Wouldn't it be a manipulation changing the intention of Mr German who is just a military tactic passionate?