The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Piotr123  

Joined: 11 Sep 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Nov 2020
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 54 / Live: 14 / Archived: 40
From: Sweden, Stockholm
Speaks Polish?: Yes

Displayed posts: 16
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26 Nov 2020
Law / Pre-marital property laws in Poland [4]

I asked a lawyer in Poland about this, and he said it is not the case, and instead I got the advice to take out all the money in cash from the bank, wait 3 months, and then apply for a divorce? How does this sound?
31 Aug 2020
Law / Marital abandonment laws in Poland [3]

I was wondering if someone knows of the laws in Poland regarding marital abandonment? One website describe it as such:

"When one spouse just up and leaves the marriage, the other may have a fault ground for divorce -- abandonment, which is also known as desertion, a term with very unfavorable connotation.

Abandonment means that one spouse has left the other without consent, but like adultery proving desertion means more than that a person left home without the consent of the other spouse. Most states require that the defendant or respondent left home for a year or more; that the parties failed to agree about the departure; that plaintiff or petitioner failed to pay support; and that the departure was not caused by the plaintiff or petitioner."

How would the above situation be regarded by Polish law?
9 Apr 2020
Real Estate / Bank repossessed properties database in Poland? [15]

Even with real estate agents when good commercial property is for sale or rent they always have "friends" that they tip off, but if there is a full-blown economic crisis then the situation will surely be different, because then the people with cash will not be enough to pick up the many good properties that will forcibly be sold. I took a look today at repossessed proprties in Spain, and so far there is no sign of any repossesions, but give it maybe 2-3 months and I think there could be a huge number to choose from.
9 Apr 2020
Real Estate / Bank repossessed properties database in Poland? [15]


Repossessed bank properties in Poland

Is there any website in Poland to browse repossessed bank properties? I guess it might be an increasingly common thing now with the global financial crisis. It is okay if the website is in Polish.
24 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

As an ethnic group the Jews have gained a disproportionate amount of power in world affairs. The Jews only constitute 0.2% percent of the world population, and yet they control the Federal Reserve and Bank of England and run the two institutions as private companies.

They have created a Holocaust industry to further their own interests. Jewish children are being taught that all non-Jews are anti-Semites. There is no freedom of speech when the topic concerns Jews. The Jews have even created laws in some countries that make it illegal to speak out against them by labeling it as antisemitism.

They have claimed exclusive rights to the Holocaust and the term Semites. Jews are allowed to ridicule Christianity and Islam, but they have made sure that no one dares to ridicule Judaism by creating draconian laws in European countries.
24 Jan 2011
Law / Polish EU Drivers Licence - can I get one the easy way (by paying for it)? [185]

Listen, it is not possible to buy a genuine driving license in the European Union! The only way to get a Polish driving license is if you are a citizen or long-time resident and have a residence permit. Bribing your way through the exam is not a viable option as the instructors are closely watched and it even occurs that conversations in the cars are recorded.

It is possible to buy a fake EU driving licenses of very good quality, but it will never pass for genuine if you are stopped by the police. Keep in mind that being in possession of a fake driving license is a serious criminal offense.

I highly doubt that a Ukrainian driving license can be exchanged for a Polish driving license. The rules are the same in all EU countries and therefore Poland has to apply the same rules as all other member states of the union. Residents of Poland with a Ukrainian driving license would have to pass the exam before they can exchange their driving license for a Polish one.

And no, there is absolutely no exception to the resident rule to get a Polish driving license. Sweden is one of the most expensive and hardest countries in the world to get a driving license in, so it would be a treat for Swedish people if they could come to Poland and get a Polish driving license.

Poland is not some banana republic where money can buy everything. Please keep in mind that I do not imply that it is easy to get a Polish driving license, just that it is much harder in Sweden than in Poland. Do not post your email in the forum as spam bots will pick it up.
10 Dec 2010
Genealogy / Does anyone know where the name Ciupa is derived from? [29]

I think it is a very strange last name in Poland. Honestly, I can't imagine anyone from Poland having that last name as it implies just like Polonius3 wrote that someone is a fool.
2 Dec 2010
Love / How to find Asian Girlfriend in Poland [56]

Are there mostly Vietnamese woman in Poland? Many Swedish men meet Thai woman in Thailand and take them to Sweden, but unfortunately most of the men experience that the Thai woman change for the worse after coming to Sweden. They see with great dismay how the woman conduct themselves more and more like Swedish woman every day. I'm wondering if this is the same case in Poland? I like Asian woman but from my experience they are best in Asia.
24 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

International Jewry accuse anyone not agreeing with them of anti-semitism! They use this tactic to silence any opposition. The same group created the Holocaust Industry and claimed exclusive rights to being the victims of World War II. Organizations such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center have machinated this scheme of embezzlement to forward the goals of Zionism.

One cannot fight them with rational arguments as all evidence presented is labeled as anti-semitic propaganda and dismissed before even being reviewed. But it is not enough for them to label all opposition in the present as anti-semitic, they even label anyone of criticizing International Jewry in the past as anti-semitic. The name of great men such as Roman Dmowski is smeared in the dirt.
8 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I'm Polish and living in a foreign country, Sweden to be more specific, and my Polish friends and relatives that come visit me still get shocked when they see how many immigrants live here in Sweden.

When they first came here many years ago they could not stop starring at black people. Poland has also changed a lot since then, although the previous attitude of awe is now replaced with disdain.

I think some people might find it interesting at first that you are African American, but after a while it will fade away and they will probably look down on you instead. I read that Poland has the lowest number of immigrants in the European Union.

The thing is that when I speak to other Polish people living in Poland they tell me that immigrants are everywhere! I don't know any Poles in Sweden that socialize with non-Europeans.

I'm sure some other people will lash out at me and claim that Poland is a great country for black people, but I think that most Polish people you ask will tell you the same thing I wrote.

Many Swedish people are as uneasy with non-whites as Poles, even if most of them display a different facade outwards. Being politically correct is very important in Sweden.

Especially black people are looked down upon in Sweden, resulting in extreme unemployment and very bad work conditions. The career opportunities for black people are usually restricted to cleaning jobs.

Life is getting harder for non-whites in almost all of Europe as nationalistic forces are getting stronger. In Russia the situation is extreme and black people can be killed only for their skin color. My advice is to stay away as things will only get tougher.