The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by milky  

Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 1 / Archived: 12
Posts: Total: 1656 / Live: 210 / Archived: 1446
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: reading

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10 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

you can't fall out of the bed if you're sleeping on the floor. Met a couple last night in Lublin who are moving to Ireland. It seems that, a doomed Ireland is still a better choice than low wage high prices Poland.
20 Nov 2011
Law / Polish Zloty rates 2011 [20]

If the euro collapses will the zloty be pretty worthless,or what??
14 Nov 2011
Law / Polish Zloty rates 2011 [20]

Anyone care to answer the question above? looks like the zloty weakens when the Euro gets further into trouble...
14 Oct 2011
Life / What is Poland's fastest growing ethnic group? [57]

I heard, that due to the tiny/ inhumane size of Polish apartments, that there is a growing population of Smurfs in the country; apparently they find them quite spacious.
28 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

what do you need much bigger for?

You might want to swing a cat.

If you had to pay for it yourself, I suspect it would be much smaller, Mark.

Who the are you?? and do you know me?

Suuure, Mark.

????? Dell do you still think I'm that American guy???????? really??
Anyhow, looks like there is no doubt that property is going only one direction,DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN
27 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

He has learned that in residential what is selling are flats that are around 35 m2.

How can people live in such tiny apartments,is there no law in relation to average size in Poland. Birdcages for Smurfs.

The difference is that there is still demand for that kind of property

'Demand' is the wrong word. All they can afford is ..........., would be a better description of the situation.
flats that are around 35 m2.
My bedroom is bigger than this.
28 Jun 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Nope, those Polish women walk like they are closed, shut off, and shut down. The men are more talkative,

maybe you are ugly because for me it is the other way

A confident woman walks and dresses to make herself happy and comfortable, not like she has something to prove.

So they should all wear tracksuits?

Polish women are ugly

You're on your own there.
25 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up! [447]

People at Hens and Stags act like complete apes, no matter what nationality or country or city they are in. If the beer is cheap, prepare for drunken men dressed as Vikings, and other wise square women,falling around the place with c0ck hats,c0ck straws 'cock a doodle loo'.

Billy is right on here;
24 Jun 2011
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]

Problem is - he's an atheist

In that case he should have no problem going to confession. There are (much)harder things to do in life. Confessions are easy(talk b0l0x to a man in a dress). If you asked him to paint your house and pick the stones out of your stoney garden,well that would be really hard,especially if he was a non-painter or non-gardner. Confession are even easier when your athiest so ....................
17 May 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

y is it the new youth of Poland prefer black culture,

It,s a world thing not just Polish, maybe the poor are more creative than those with money coming out or their ears.
15 Mar 2011
News / Donald Tusk's Government of Poland Continues to Oppress Poles [161]

Tusks' pre-election promise of building more homes for the population was also a bluff. The price of rent and property, is the most anti-family, of all the sh1t going on in Poland. How can you have a family, when you are living in a one bedroom cage apartment, and up to your t1ts in debt paying for it. Tusk and his free-market are only into the bottom line, profit for the elite; family means nothing.
17 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

Here the greek women refer to russian and polish ones as ho's,sluts non-stop.

ah well thats just good old jealousy. Thats why ugly women love blond jokes(or thats why ugly women invented blond jokes)