The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by NomadatNet  

Joined: 28 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Aug 2011
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Posts: Total: 457 / Live: 154 / Archived: 303

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15 May 2011
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78] least it isn't anywhere near the german border...just in case...

I put my nose into this nuclear project of Poland even from this 2500 km distance and warned them by an email about its risks. Are there no anti-nuclear-plant campaings over there in Poland like there are, here? What about West Europe? Greenpeace-like organizations are too lazy there?
15 May 2011
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78]

Is there any organizations such as Greenpeace, etc protesting this over there in Poland? There have been many protests over here about such a project plan. People formed 160 km hand-chain around the town where nuclear energy plant is planned to be built. (final decision is not given here yet.)
14 May 2011
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78]

We have seen petrolium wars since last century.
Next is nuclear wars..
There is no need to have nuclear bombs. Nuclear plants are kind of potential nuclear bombs.
So, with many countries already having nuclear plants, there will be no major powers in the world anymore. Those 5 permanent UN members who have veto powers are meaningless powers already.

With this decision of Poland parliament, Poland too decided to be among those "Do not make me angry, I too can be destructive."

Welcome to the community of powers, Poland.
You do not need to listen to orders of so-called powers of the world anymore.

This is only about energy? Petrolium too was only about energy.
3 May 2011
News / CO2 emissions in Poland. Should Poland go nuclear or stick with clean coal technologies? [59]

I see, OP started this thread a year ago. Latest happening, re Japan nuke plant thing, might make people review their considerations about the nuclear energy technology. After that Japan event, I read somewhere Tusk said he may do a referendum about the nuclear plant they are planning to construct. This is good, at least, he took this discussion to another point, to asking people as a real democratic country unlike other so-called democratic countries who never asked such serious things to their folks. However, since nuclear energy issue is a global issue, referendum in Poland only about a nuclear plant in Poland isn't enough. Asking adult people in Poland is not enough either. Babies in Poland too should be asked as they are the ones who can be most effected even with a little radiation level than certain level that adults can resist. So, referendum vote result should be 100%, 99% is not acceptable in such serious issue. Still not enough, people in neighbour or in close regions too should be asked as radiation does not understand the country borders. So, as I put my nose into planned project here too, I also put my nose into this business of Poland and wrote to PGE of Poland who is responsible about the nuclear plant project they plan to construct. People who already live in places with nuclear plants need to do their own works, by asking their governments to close their reactors. Japans already started to do this after their bad experience. I heard German greens already started that, too. Not that I am a member of any green org, greenpeace or whatever, I may not agree in many their opinions, but, this nuclear energy thing is totally somethings else. It can not be watched as spectators if you see the risk, especially about the babies.

Having said these, I still see many people all over the world still questioning this from energy feasibility point of view, claiming alternative energies are not economically feasable, their efficiencies are low, etc etc. And, even worse, many are comparing nuclear to some risky things such as cars, Lpgs, etc that are being used daily.. I can answer all these. But, not now, as there is a logic fail even at the beginning, at defining the terms. For example, natural energies are being called as alternative energies. This is totally wrong. If there is alternative energy, it is atomic energy, that's, nuclear energy. Science might have developed enough to produce this energy, but, control science technology is very primitive, hence, nuclear energy science is beyond the limit at this point. And, natural energy sources are infinite comparing the total energy being produced by all nuclear plants around the world. But, it is not time to discuss the energy issue first.
17 Mar 2011
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]

I am just against sex starved pervert trolls posting their desperate filth onto a site like this...:)

Oh no, confess it, you like guys to be perverts. How can you be better otherwise.. Ps: but, you lucky, all guys here are already perverts.
17 Mar 2011
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]

My private life is private...:)

This is searching a private company? So, a richer guy?
However, it is better than searching public company, brothel.

Ps: Seriously, what is private sex? It is masturbat... or something like that?
17 Mar 2011
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]

buttsex? means anal? heterosexual guys doing that with women can be called gays also, even if they don't do that with male gays.
25 Feb 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [409]

I just finished watching Tusk with the Israelis on TVP. I've been following him on TVP since his election to PM. I have yet to see/hear him disagree with any world leader. Is his strategy to "just get along" with everybody?...............(

The best strategy he can do now. Poland is not among global players, those permanent UN members.

Ps: Re to Ironwork: Democracy works or not.
It works. Give them money not more than an average worker, nobody cares who is winner of election. Similarly, religions too can work very well. Don't give any money to priests, imams, etc who work for God/s voluntarily, religions too can work quite efficiently.
15 Feb 2011
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

I've never dated a Polish women, but I can't see how it would be much different than dating any other women. Dating seems to be more of a game than anything.

Not different. It is just another political dating game actually that you see even in your local area. Some guys just like to play bigger games as they can't see small things, like money.
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

Cheer up NomadaNet. You are too pessimistic, and stop thinking about nukes. Doom and gloom attitude is depressing. Neither you or I can stop the future or some deranged, power hungry idiot to press the button.

True, indeed, it is none of your business. It is men work. Actually, it is not really difficult to stop them. But, why shall I do that. I request cash in advance and without any condition, just like how they pay those imperial scientists.

Anyway, it is time to work. and to make them too work.

Polishes look good, they can also cook meals?
There is a saying, "the road to the heart of man goes through his stomach."
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

Now you are being sublime and mysterious. I don't want the whole world to be involved in scanning my doubts. :)

There may be someone else who can give the whole world in that you too are involved, as a part of it. (Nukes, etc are mysterious things? I don't have even a single small nuke.)
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

scan the doubt
I don't care about the cost. I want it done.

The cost is the whole world where you are not the only one who can pay.
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

No kidding? I can see the inner beauty? I thought the tests were done to check for tumors. Gee, what do i know...darn.

There is no technology yet that will scan the doubt. But, no doubt, it too will not be cheap.
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

my next 'demand' is the invisible inner beauty

I see. You will go to a doctor first then to have a check-up.

(invisible inner beauty. it is old cliche. today, it is possible to have visual pictures inside bodies now as well as ultrasonic records.. however, if you have money... btw, even deafs were hearing some voices even tousands of years ago. ps: these words are not addressed to you. we are in public, you know.)
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

now I want an ugly man.

You can find ugly man easily anywhere.

Ps: Ever heard of beauty of behaviours?
6 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Velund: Revolutions is planned by geniuses, performed by enthusiasts, and bastards use their fruits".

Revolutions are planned by maniacs, preformed by idiots, and regime uses bastards to enjoy fruits of ultimate power.

In this case, geniuses are maniacs, enthusiasts are idiots and bastards are tools to enjoy the fruits of regime.. Then, who is ultimate power here? Bastards.
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I work as a project manager for a construction company in Oslo. I'm working with seven polish men and some norwegians. My problem is that I feel that the polish workers have problems with me being their boss, since I'm a woman.

It is not because you are a woman, but, because you are a project manager. Construction workers are doing heavy works. They have same problems with male project managers everywhere in the world as they get much less money than their managers while they do heavier works than the managers. (If any of them said this to you openly, you'd kick him out of company.) It is a managing problem rather than gender problem.
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

when a White man is with a Coloured woman

The only white man I know of is Pope, but, he is not interested in being with women though he advices other men to be with women.

There are green men (imams) here who advice us to be with one woman while themselves be with many women.

(I may enter textile business field as it seems there is much money in this field.)
27 Jan 2011
News / Poland's trafficking problem and prostitution [33]

6000 is too much.This is the price for famous models,TV stars etc.

even 1 euro is too much for any of them, even if she is a model or tv star.
27 Jan 2011
News / Poland's trafficking problem and prostitution [33]

some of the women who advertise their services have been known to earn up to €6,000 a session."

now, you understand why there has been crisis in economy?
women are tighthanded.. if you keep paying them, you will find yourself as their prostitute.
20 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

English woman: When she eats, she thinks if she has to hold with left hand or right hand.
French woman says: hold it with left hand.
19 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

If all women were Polish, life would be very difficult for men, wouldn't it, Southern?
11 Jan 2011
Life / Walking on other people's property in Poland - cultural difference? [50]

Put it that way. Better. If you understand by analogies.

Can you make a wolf a sheep? Yes, you can. You cut the sheep hairs with leather, put on the wolf, then, the wolf will look like a sheep. That's what royals do and then, you think they are successful and follow their orders. Real sheeps are you.

You were asked not to stray off topic. Consider your next post carefully .