The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by berni23  

Joined: 26 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 May 2013
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 1 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 377 / Live: 124 / Archived: 253
From: Germany, Berlin
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Party, Travel, Football, Computers

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16 Apr 2009
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [81]

hi as far as i remember there are no government licenses so they are issued in the region and the prices vary from 5€-50€ for one week i heard that you can even fish in the wisla but you better ask somebody local tight lines.
9 Nov 2012
Law / Working in EU countries and in UK with Poland's Residence Card (Karta Pobytu)? [51]

they would be paying me in EUROS deposited to my Polish bank account.

Make sure they pay you to a foreign currency account(konto walutowe) or you will be ripped off on the exchange rate by your bank big time.

Maybe this has changed but a few years ago all banks i tried wanted horrendous amounts for exchanging money.
13 Nov 2012
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

Merged:Bank account for foreigners

I would like to open an online bank account in Poland, but all banks i tried require a PESEL and/or Polish ID.
Is it possible to open an account in Poland as a foreigner without visiting a branch in Poland?
13 Nov 2012
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

Cause they want my money?

And who said i dont have and ID, address etc..?
I have all that, but not in Poland.

Reason im asking is, i have done this a few years ago and it was no problem to do it online, but nowadays found no option.

Maybe some Poles living abroad would be more inclined to help...
13 Nov 2012
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

Thats why they have "Konto oszczednosciowe" and "lakaty", right?

The question is not if one is able to have an account as a foreigner without residence, but where its possible to open such an account online.

Stop spamming if you dont have anything useful to add.
18 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

You are saying that the fetus is not alive,but then why is there a debate about this in the medical profession.

You mean clerical profession. ;)
18 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Of course there isnt. But for every half thinking human the wellbeing of the mother should be more important.
I am referring to your American friends who wouldnt allow abortion for rape victims or if the mother is under threat of dying.
18 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

With the premise that a fetus is life.
I am just wondering that in the 21st century educated people still need to debate this.
Thats why certain countries(mostly because of religious motivation) wont allow stem cell research, that could save millions.
18 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

i wasnt poking, i really thought there might be some discussion in the scientific community that escaped me.

anyway i dont really care how much sex a person has, the state or some organizations shouldnt be there to forbid things but help if worse come to worse.

afterall we are all adults and should know whats best for us.
18 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Science claims that life begins in the third week

Where in our 5000 year old world did you get that from? I learned that life begins after a good shag, when the semen reaches the egg. That was in the 8th grade.

How would condoms help people, who want to tell others what they have to do?
20 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I think the soul exists before coming into the body.

the same way that you can feel people after they have died.

I guess that settles it.
Oh and btw, how would you have felt, when the state or some weirdos would have forced you to abort, because of their believes?