The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
6 Feb 2025
History / Recommended Poland's history books [251]

@marion kanawha
Due to a lot of events last 200 years in Polish history it has been important to find out what works, what doesn't work and reform it before it's not possible. Finding causes of mistakes and wrong doings as not to repeat them and underline current policies being popularised by certain political groups.

More authoritarian leaning groups worried about illegitimate tyranny from abroad will parrot many points made by partitioning powers about centralisation, strong state etc while more idealist groups will focus on the achievements of Polish society state and the failures of partitioning powers and draw in successes of other countries whom to copy cat.

This will be reflected in history books, wether it's critical or not. More importantly to score a winning argument against other political side and it's view on history.
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jan 2025
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [565]

@Bratwurst Boy
Scholz as main candidate,

If they decided that it's best to be in opposition due to international situation and best for own party and Germany in long run while accommodating Scholz with a personal unknown reward or "deal". I am not really that surprised
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2024
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [72]

You know best media to follow or Watch today the march? I tried TV Republika, but seems they only show short cuts of it and change topics
Mr Grunwald   
5 Nov 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [633]

@Bratwurst Boy
You are thinking about proffesional media! Hard to come by these days, most seem to have just turned in to gossip magasinets. Oddly enough the most proffesional news in Norway come out of a «workers newspaper» which is most old fashioned leftist there is, which I refuse to read out of principle.

So much to ignore, so little to read.
Mr Grunwald   
24 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
Mr Grunwald   
19 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

@johnny reb
I think most people in the countryside in Poland. Prepare meal at home, while those in the cities either drive or go by public transport to a restaurant.

Diners aren't really a thing in Poland, closest you get to it is maybe visiting a favorite Karczma on a special occasion.
Mr Grunwald   
15 Oct 2024
News / Polish military contingent in Lebanon. [171]

Educated people generally do*

Intelligent people know that either extreme is bad, a heartless brain or a stupid heart makes no sense to pursue. Yet we need our hearts and brains.

Which make it difficult in reporting anything in the Middle East if those reporting it are one sided
Mr Grunwald   
15 Oct 2024
News / Polish military contingent in Lebanon. [171]

@Bratwurst Boy
Very similar situation in Norway, almost all journalists vote leftist (not just to the left of centre).

It is worrying however if it's true that IDF sabotages UN peacekeepers
Mr Grunwald   
13 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

Torn between indeed!
How it made the facial expression, incredible. Did not expect it from AI!

Really humorous tool
Mr Grunwald   
13 Oct 2024
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

I will do Grunni

Oh no...

The picture is far more accurate then I would want it to be, the horror (mental state that is)

Found some of the pictures of other posters to be very well done to. Humorous!
Mr Grunwald   
22 Sep 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Apparently Russian foreign ministry has commented about Soviet Unions invasion of Poland in 1939. Presenting it as righteous protection of Belarusian and Ukrainians from genocide. Omitting if they mean it Poland or Germany at the time would or was performing genocide on Belarusians and Ukrainians.

With Germany's foreign ministry responding: "Seriously?"
Mr Grunwald   
21 Sep 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

That they never tried to commit total genocide of Poles

I recommend for you to read about the anti-Polish operations in interwar era of the Soviet Union.

Years 1921-1939 is an interesting read about the persecution and basically removal of Poles and Polishness in the Soviet Union. The numbers should give you a clear understanding of the hostility of the Soviet Union towards Poland. Add to that the complete control of the Polish people's army and its state, with more Red army personnel and NKVD specifically stationed in post-ww2 Poland then compared to Soviet occupied Germany.

Ukraine would need two centuries to catch up in atrocities being done towards Poland despite its brutality in ww2.

Despite this one has to remember that villages in Eastern Europe was roamed, burned and scouted about by Lisowczycy that can only be compared to Genghis Khan raiders inspired by the wars with Sweden. (Swedens atrocities in it's wars 400+ years ago makes ww2 seem cute if you imagine the same proportions being attributed in modern times)

So if you can bear no grudge towards Swedes today, you can bear no grudge towards Russians AND Ukrainians. It only needs time
Mr Grunwald   
17 Sep 2024
Language / Older Polish Exclamations/Swears [14]

I would say meaning wise you are correct, it's understood more in sense of "God protect us from this" (as in not letting it happen).
Mr Grunwald   
8 Sep 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [341]

Ukraine could use those

Hopefully not! American earth has been so much used and abused that levels of magnesium in the earth has reached an all time low! Providing lower amounts of magnesium in foods! Doing same thing with same methods is a real tragedy if it is happening in Ukraine!
Mr Grunwald   
6 Sep 2024
Off-Topic / Nobel Prize and Oscars = Propaganda? [61]

The Nobel Peace Prize is Norwegian and nothing to do with America.

I don't like Ron2, as he reminds me of somebody. So no comment from me on this.

Well as Alfred Nobel deemed Norwegians to have been more peaceful of the two nations (Swedes or Norwegians), it seen as a badge of honour to be able to give it out and can create international and domestic issues as the group that hands it out are independent of the govern of Norway (which certain countries can't get their head about and think it's a move from the Norwegian government when giving it to controversial figures like opposition in China). While a financial oriented government prefers trade and sale of fish through China.

Norwegian media is very leftist in general so mainstream media and even rightist parties would not be considered conservative (value wise).

It would be a faux pa to consider Trump a good president and say bad things about Obama. It's very one directional and people have to consent to be on board about it.

Wałęsa was seen as worker championing for workers against tyranny of politicians in 1980's of course he got a Nobel peace prize. Especially when solutions were of talks, negotiations and agreements rather then revolution, violence and war
Mr Grunwald   
30 Aug 2024
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

What in the hell is decent about that?

You got to think bigger, decent people prefer to talk, negotiate, being verbal and non-physical. That way, finding other decent people abroad is much easier if they think people are not as decent as themselves domestically (experiences are done mostly domestically).

Big "decent" corporations see hostility towards "foreign" migration and laws as first warning and barrier before their own company gets targeted (to be nationalised or out competed by nationalist policies. It's another reason why international companies try to have non-nationalist parties ruling in a state they invest in.

They don't want to lose money, same with regard to Germany. Viewed by any party! Germany as society, not only as a state has invested a lot in Poland (cause it's profitable and safe...)

Any threat to that investment will be important
Mr Grunwald   
21 Aug 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

Yes, known fact, the same with knives

Not the right angle to approach when debating an American.

Poland is fortunate enough to have a very coherent nation compared to many countries (A Pole will surely disagree, since division and differences are a natural thing in Poland. If in lack of it, it's created...)

However Poland's ruling "elites" throughout last 200 years know perfectly well that without people's support they are doomed to lose their comfortable seats. No matter how much or what kind of repression is done due to mainly having very strong and populated states in it's vicinity that wouldn't mind to use and create strife to install or control the country directly how they see fit.

And... the population knows this very well. Therefore the need for individual and personal security is a lot smaller then in America as from the south to the north the greatest and useally sole reason for limitation of freedom, economy or opportunities in life are the ones who are NOT threatened by neighbouring elites or heads of state.

Therefore they must be far more aware of what is going in behind closed doors and level of paranoia is far greater then in Europe.

Also who has access to weapons such as guns and not only white weapons (swords, knives etc for all the "colour sensitives") is far more detrimental in societies that have conflicts across cultural, racial or religious lines and not only on the mere thought of ideological differences in management and goals how things should be run around.

Not to mention the military industrial complex that are the result of gun ownership and gun production. Avid defenders of personal freedom and gun enthusiasts are proponents of arm deals and gun enterprises to be sold domestically just as internationally.

U.S.A reaps many forms of rewards from having a very large military. Any major power that wants to outcompete U.S.A internationally needs to ban guns first in America, otherwise there will be partisans with guns just as "The amount of straws in the fields". No serious state would comfortably invade mainland U.S.A due to gun ownership alone.
Mr Grunwald   
8 Aug 2024
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Like Polish people who took over

Cry me a river

My family and many others (Polish families!) lost properties, family and valueables. Forced from their ancestral lands where they lived for centuries.

Builders build, cryers cry.
I rather look to the future! See after what we can have by building instead of what was lost, that won't truly return.

When Mongols burned cities of wood, you build one of stone! :)
Mr Grunwald   
2 Aug 2024
News / A Polish Feminist Found in a Forest [133]

Well it was funny to read, besides I personally got the impression she is a strong willed women if she doesn't mind being carried by a Police officer. Clearly an improvement from ZOMO during PRL. Proof of improvement.

Hopefully she doesn't have a nervous breakdown from idiots commenting the situation
Mr Grunwald   
28 Jul 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

PolAmKrakow came with the best idea so far, so I would vote for him.

I do hope this forum keeps on going tho!

*Dreads over the thought of Reddit*
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jul 2024
History / Poland relations with Italy 1939-43? [4]

Many non-German Fascist/authoritarian regimes sympathised with Poland in 1939-1940

It allowed for transport of Gold reserves, Polish soldiers and Polish personnel. Most notably Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and Italy were positive despite trying to have neutral or cordial relations with Germany to avoid being invaded themselves.

Italian journalist tried to portray Polish cavalry as heroic soldiers willing to fall in battle against the monstrosity of the German machine. It was seen as very sacreficial, bold and heroic to the awe of many rightwingers in Europe. For sure some in U.S.A too since many Polish Americans decided to join Polish free forces before 1941 after a campaign showing Poland as a knight fighting the "German dragon"

One has to remember that the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact didn't sit well with many people, and left many even confused.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Jul 2024
News / Because of Tusk and PO lefty politics our soldier died [7]

Seems like the soldier's killer has been identified by secret services. There is a worry he might escape to Syria before being captured
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jul 2024
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Hey, idiot

It ain't nice talking about yourself that much. One could think that you are a very selfish person

Besides, what you write can only describe you as a kanalia there there is no longer any purpose to debate anything with you