The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: 3
Posts: 1,490
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
1 Apr 2019
Law / Bus ticket fine in Poland (Warsaw) - what if I don't pay the fine? [36]

I got the white paper from the machine and I thought that is the ticket.

Sometimes in some machines the receipt comes out from the front slot and the original ticket falls in a slot below the machine,so my guess is that you picked the receipt and didnt pick the ticket,so the inspector was right.I had the same mistake once but luckily no inspector caught me.
Cargo pants   
24 Apr 2019
Real Estate / Real estate in Poland - licytacje (an auction?) [7]

They are,but every one knows Someone in that little auction room,chances are the newbees have to make space in that big boys club.Go to an auction and feel the crowd yourself.
Cargo pants   
29 Apr 2019
USA, Canada / Will U.S. Citizens Need A Visa To Visit Poland Starting In 2021 [11]

I hope this does not include Poland as happy as they would be for a little revenge.

The site clearly explains that visa runs to ukraine etc are still legal for US citizens.
Cargo pants   
24 May 2019
Classifieds / a Polish shareholder with capital in our company [6]

But why apartments?Why not commercials which are a way less headache and almost no work except for accounting?And apartments on company name??? was the company formed to have different objectives also?? and you have to pay way more taxes also.
Cargo pants   
25 May 2019
USA, Canada / Pulaski Day (celebrated in the US only) [54]


Polish general who fought with Washington may have been female

I be damn!
Cargo pants   
25 May 2019
Classifieds / a Polish shareholder with capital in our company [6]

With a right crew,I got my 40 sq m flat demolished fully inside and rebuilt all in 7days,with right people and also I offered the contractor4k Pln more then he asked for to do in 3 weeks.Depends on what you pay,who is the contractor and what material you want if its available or one has to order.Infact I built a warehouse in biala podlaska in 8 months from raw land and delivered to tenant ready for use.
Cargo pants   
13 Jun 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [579]

(raising property taxes)

Poland has started doing the same as well now.I shifted towards Poland and its also getting expensive now,I think another 10 years and they will really destroy investment that took a boom in 15 years.My friends tell me western Ukraine is the new game now but I am too old for a new country.
Cargo pants   
14 Jun 2019
UK, Ireland / Polish passport - Can I apply from the UK? [51]

Yes you can apply the passport for the baby with polish mother overseas.I did my own kids years back.You can do it yourself or your wife can as forms are in Polish.
Cargo pants   
17 Jun 2019
Work / Do I need a Health Insurance? Freelancer in Poland (umowa o dzielo) [22]

Depends on hospital.There is a hospital in Warsaw which would send you to another hospital until you have cash to pay even if you have private insurance and you can claim it from your insurance after they issue you a bill in a week.The hospital which treats you will finally send a komornik to sieze your bank account or any property to collect the money lol including a jar of pickles found in a kitchen(which was done by a komornik in Warsaw)I assume it was not opened.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Real Estate / Leasing a flat in Poland: How can a foreigner fulfill the guarantor of eviction clause on short-term leases? [21]

Residential eviction in Poland is very hard and long term process esp if the tenant knows his rights,so the landlord is just covering his ass,unlike commercials where when done right you can evict a tenant in 10 working days.Esp there have been rumours(maybe true)foreigners taking off on landlords and destroying the flats.

Poles lately also dont change electricity on tenants name when renting residentials so they can cut it off if they cant evict the tenant.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Work / Do I need a Health Insurance? Freelancer in Poland (umowa o dzielo) [22]

Private health insurance is damn cheap in Poland.Medicover and Damian work together and the cost for gold plan is 520plnpm only if you can afford it.

healthcare in the US.

It sux here,costs us 3800$ a month for 2 people with co pay and 400$ deductable while these illegals get it free and now fugging NY decides to give driver licenses to illegals also.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

@OP:LOT I have seen is one of the best airlines by mt experience internationally but expensive.They did provide me hotel(I had an flat still opted for a free room) dinner and breakfast and ride to and back from the airport.Also once when they were over booked they gave me 100% refund and a free ticket.I suspect there is something more to your story.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

they are not too bad at paying out compensation

I agree they even refunded me for a pair of jeans when the crew spilled juice in flight,they gave me a form and I got my money in 2 weeks in USD in USA.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Real Estate / Leasing a flat in Poland: How can a foreigner fulfill the guarantor of eviction clause on short-term leases? [21]

evictions do not need to be by court order...

Who said so???Evictions are always by court orders in Poland until one uses muscle(muscle days are going very fast there but some places it still works)Also cops cannot do anything for eviction until there is a court order,you may sometimes have to explain to the officer responding that its a civil matter.
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Work / Do I need a Health Insurance? Freelancer in Poland (umowa o dzielo) [22]

How long??? Till they need treatment or until the hospital decides that it is cheaper for them to deport the patient like they did to a Polish illegal immigrant from NJ.He was sick and the hospital took him and they deported him to Warsaw(Yes hospitals have the right to deport if they think treatment will be expensive then sending the patient back with 2 nurses).
Cargo pants   
18 Jun 2019
Real Estate / Leasing a flat in Poland: How can a foreigner fulfill the guarantor of eviction clause on short-term leases? [21]

NO,you cannot rent it to more then 1 tenant as you have a contract.But I do NNN or 777 (as its called in Poland)umowa.Takes around 5 working days to get the judge signon eviction then get a good komornik who u throw a few xtra Zlots and he will come with you and throw them out or call the cops to help him out.Just did it once in Poland but very effective.This is for commercials only I wonder if 777 umowa can be signed for residentials.
Cargo pants   
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

I never thought comparing prices but asI am thinking in Poland i buy whole rotisserie chicken for 11 pln from Carrfourr and its almost the same here in Costco for 3.99$.Yes Poland is getting expensive over all.
Cargo pants   
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

No, it is 5$.

Yes true,my bad lol also just found that they sell chickens almost 1 1/2 times the polands population in a year.
Cargo pants   
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

Yeah they loose between 30 to 40 mil $ a year on that chicken deal.
What Polish hot dogs? I usually buy sabretts there.
Cargo pants   
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

Yes I do.somehow it was stuck in my mind that it was 3.99 but is 4.99,you are correct.If Blanky was here he would rant for posts & posts that its not 5$ but 4.99.

And yes they do still sell $1.50 hot dog and a free refill soda,but I never bought any of those polish hot dogs