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Posts by randompal  

Joined: 10 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Jul 2008
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 0 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 306 / Live: 21 / Archived: 285
From: Warsaw, PL

Displayed posts: 21
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2 Oct 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Why Do Youuuuuuuuuuuu Love Poland?

I love it because its the only place in the ******* world where people pronounce my name correctly and I don't have to answer the question "How d'ya spell that?" every God dmaned day. I love it because its home, even though I spent 2/3 of my life abroad I came back to be home, where the heart is.
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Europe should remain the ancestral home of causasians...not Asians.

Randompal thinks this is the dumbest statement ever made. And it came out of the foaming mouth of Whitey. If Europe is the ancestral home of whites, how come it was OK for Whitey to sail to North and South America, Africa and Asia and colonize those people, and usually by excessive force? Randompal isn't a fan of political correctness (which is boring) - Randompal is all about logic, which is synonymous with "truth."

As Poland's economy improves, it will continue to draw immigrants from poorer countries. That's a fact, and you can't do anything about it. Also, because Poles (caucasians) have been jumping ship for years now (thus leaving hospitals understaffed), they have created a void that will probably have to be filled by foreigners.
4 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Speak for yourself, and invite all those 'immigrants' to your own house and property (if you've got any) and give it away to them, if you want to. What right a hater of Poles like you have to speak on behalf of them?

Sounds like someone doesn't understand playful sarcasm - that's a sign of limited imagination and a tad short on intelligence, too bad!

Speak for yourself, and invite all those 'immigrants' to your own house and property (if you've got any) and give it away to them, if you want to. What right a hater of Poles like you have to speak on behalf of them?

I'm not speaking for myself, I'm speaking for the basic principles of economic geography. Haul your pathetic ass over to the library and crack open a book, it's right there for all to see. That's coming from a patriot, 100%....except one with a college degree. You probably wouldn't understand.

But perhaps you're too dumb to get what I'm talking about?

seriously, kid, what could a snot-nosed punk like you possibly teach me?
5 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Hmm, where would that alleged 'playful sarcasm' be? Point it, using pertinent quotes


commie liar

Randompal is not a communist neither are his parents. never have been.

compulsive liar

Randomapl has been known to lie, like most mortals, but not compulsively and certainly not in matters of national security
5 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Why would you insist your use of the slur was 'playfully sarcastic'?

poor grammar and/or syntax, please rephrase

So you admit you're a liar?

you've never lied? a saint of this ca

When you gonna divulge to me what 'The Truth' (sic) is? You bragged you know it, didn't you?

liber should be cannonized
A Truth: you can avoid taxes, but you can't avoid death
another Truth: the newspaper/nightly news is full of half-truths at best. plus the occasional outright lie
an example of a false Truth: I'm pink, therefore I'm ham
8 Oct 2007
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

If someone tells u "Ladnie Wygladasz" Is there a double meaning....

rather not unless they say it with a sarcastic smirk on their face

maybe rather as*h*le?

dumbass, as*h*le, both can be apt translations depending on the situation
8 Oct 2007
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

can anhyone tell be all about polish mrriages?

they happen when two Polish people like eachother enough to spend the rest of their lives together. statistically these marriages last longer than those of other Europeans, the divorce rat here is still under 50 percent, unlike Spain and Belgium and other countries where marriage isn't for boys and girls only. at the wedding you eat a lot of good food and pour amazing amounts of vodka down your throat, and you are expected to dance until dawn wehther you are drunk or not, not dancing at all is suspect and seen as bad manners. the next day is the poprawiny, when you consume the leftrover food and of course vodka. had your question been more consice/specific you would have gotten a more concise answer...
17 Oct 2007
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

oh yes we have increase of rasist agresion, just because the number of people of other races sharply increase

other than occasional stupid ignorant comments you dont see this often, especially in big cities. in the warsaw school where I work we have a few non-poles but they never experience any problems..
10 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

No Cyrillic alphabet in Greece, am I wrong ? So, in my opinion, Greece is a Southern country.

Greek alphabet was the basis for Cyrilic, compare the two and you will see that they are very similiar.

Why get all riled up by trollers and pedants who argue about something that doesnt really matter or have any effect on your life or the life of the good Polishvolk
20 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

at the end of the day britain saved poland and poland should be eternally grateful that we bothered.

Here is some of your own medicine: Britain sat around during WWII with their thumbs up their arses. Other than flying around in their planes and thus doing little more than creating a nuisance and of course puttering about in North Africa in old tanks, while Russia and the United STates did most of the work.
10 Apr 2008
Food / The name of a Polish pastry? Chrust? [60]

they are called Faworki if it is only dough with a covering of powdered sugar. If they are stuffed with something they are called something else: paszteciki contain pate or perhaps mushrooms, szpinakowce contain spinnach, etc..
4 Jun 2008
Language / Polish words difficult to translate into English [66]


this probably translates as "a dozen or so..."


"building" is sufficient, or stone building

wychowanie is "upbringing" or rearing as in rearing of children

zabytkowy is "historic"
4 Jun 2008
Language / Polish words difficult to translate into English [66]

nah, kamienica is more specific.
This is a building, but it can't be called "kamienica"

no, but you don't find these buildings in the city...when people say "w której kamienicy mieszkasz?" what they really mean is "which building do you live in?" Otherwise fine, have it your way and translate it as "Which urban buiding made of stone do you live in?"
5 Jun 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

Is there a cultural dislike for each other or is just them?

Just a guess but stupid nationalism, mostly. I'ver heard many a fellow Pole say that they (Czechs) are wanna-be Germans, too Germanic to be proper Slavs. I've also heard one or two people mention that they didn't try hard enough to fight Communism until the last minute, when the rest of Eastern Euroipe was doing so, which is simply stupid.

Czechs might resent Poland sending troops to squash the uprisings in 1968 (rendereing the above argument pointless), and they probably resent the domineering numbers of their neighbors up north, we have way more people and are more demanding politically . I'm sure they resent Poland's self-proclaimed role as champion of all things Eastern European, which doesn';t surprise me, especially considering the former paternalistic, backwards-looking government (Czechs probably see thermselves as more European than Poles, who are often seen to be overly-religious and who aren't cool enough to be in the EU...
4 Jul 2008
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Why is the question so important? Having read most replies, there seems to be a tendency that Central Europe is somehow preferable. Why's that?

that's easy to answer - the West is seen as more successful and prestigious, and some Poles have long had an inferiority complex associated with that simple fact of life. The East is popularly seen as the land of the barbarians (read: Russians and Mongols).

Saying you live in Central Europe is a small cheap boost to pride, as it makes it sound like you are closer to the west. Saying you live in E Europe makes it sound like you live amongst the Ruskies. Not all Poles feel this way but this mindset isnt that rare.
5 Jul 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

you are right, the rafik , the distinction is that wypierdalaj means something more like "get the F&%K out of here" like as in get out of my room. Spierdalaj is a simple F&%K OFF.