USA, Canada /
To move back to Poland from the USA or not to move back....that is the question [119]
Hi Rysiek,
A lot of what has been written is very true.
The fact that you can speak the language, and have an income stream as well as funds from the sale of your US property puts you in quite a good starting position.
However ....
Secondly Polish people WILL NOT consider you Polish or having a pure Polish heart or whatever imo. You are American with Polish roots
I have to diasagree on this comment; I am in a similar position to yourself, in that I was born in England of Polish parents - first generation born in England.
Apart from spending many holidays as a child in Poland, I have frequently been travelling to Poland for the last 10 -11 years (I am now 47yrs young!), business and pleasure, and the native Poles I meet have always considered me as Polish. On first meeting them they think I was born in Poland, probably because I speak Polish fluently and are very surprised that I was born in London and have never lived in Poland.
Being brought up in England by Polish parents /grandparents has definitely instilled the 'Polishness' in me , and we try to maintain the Polish traditions and culture.
English friends who enter our London home are aware they are entering a Polish household.
It also helps that my wife is a native Pole, and both our children (aged 8 & 6 yrs old) can speak English and Polish fluently.
That isn't saying that they will not be nice to you but you will not be considered Polish. If you get your citizenship then ok maybe but since you are not born here
I don't have Polish citizenship and I was not born in Poland, yet I consider myself more Polish than English; my wife and many people I come into contact with from Poland see me as Polish, but being born and living in England :o)
I have friends who have a very similar background to me, who moved over to Poland and lead very good lives, and have been acepted as 'true Poles'; they sold up in UK over 10 years ago, some even 20 yrs ago .... married Polish girls and live very happily over there. Quite a few make a good living from teaching English as native speakers, even without any TEFL or certificates to teach English as a foreign language.
My wife and I are waiting for our oldest child to finsish primary school and then we plan to sell up and move over to Poland permanently - we'll see what happens :o))
Is this a dream, or a possiblility? I hope that the country I have always dreamed of living in, could become a reality! I am the first generation to be born in the USA so I hope that I would be excepted by the Polish people and regarded as a person with a "true" Polish heart and soul.
You'll never know unless you give it a go ..... but be realistic and don't expect a 'fairytale ending' - making such a transition will not be easy. Maybe going to Poland and living there for a year before selling up in US could be the best option. Also take into account your mum .... her healthcare and other needs etc.
Feel free to PM if you wish to talk at greater lengths - I see many similarities with your situation and mine - where in Poland do you plan to move to ?
Good Luck !!