The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Wroclaw  

Joined: 1 Apr 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 44 / Live: 1 / Archived: 43
Posts: Total: 5359 / Live: 643 / Archived: 4716
From: Wroclaw and Berlin
Speaks Polish?: More than yesterday.
Interests: Family History. Photography.

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4 Apr 2006
Love / Girl from Poland - how to bring her back [36]

To the Guest who would like to know about their roots in Wroclaw.
If you are really interested in learning and want to find out about your roots, please go to the Genealogy Board and post some details. Then I might be able to help.

29 Apr 2006
Genealogy / Looking for relatives.... Chodacka, Chodacki [9]

If you are looking for people in the UK. Try: Rootschat.
If you are looking for people in other areas. Try: Rootsweb.

If these people are still living and male or unmarried. Try the phone directory.
17 Sep 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

For 'comma' use adjective.

Like: The weather is fu**ing beautiful today.
17 Sep 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


I was just trying to make more sense of it. I wouldn't speak like that. And yes.
23 Sep 2006
Law / Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons [107]


Voting won't change the view of business, which is more output for less wages. It's about profit. So, you might be better off arguing your case with your boss. But I'm sure you already know what he is going to say.

There is another side to this. We can stay here where costs are lower and watch as all the business comes to us. I for one don't mind if, for example, car production moves to Poland.

Be careful what you wish.
23 Sep 2006
Law / Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons [107]


Anyone who turns to the BNP [in my opinion] is certainly misguided. I think the next government in the UK will be Conservative as they are the only viable opposition. Voters may choose the BNP in [some] local elections but that's about as far as it will go.

I don't think that places like Bradford will vote in the BNP.
1 Oct 2006
Life / Barking Dogs in Poland [62]

To deal with a dog and not have the Police after you: use a water pistol.

Or spray it with your least favorite deoderant.
23 Oct 2006
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

The term Paki has always been an offensive term, even though it is a short form of Pakistani. It singles out a people who are of a different colour and tradition. It [Paki] refers to a group who can easily be identified and blamed when everything is not right in normal [white] society. The term Paki is almost always followed by a negative comment and it is this that makes it offensive. The negative term of Paki came about when Pakistanis emigrated to the UK in their thousands back in the 60s. The equivalent nowadays would be Poles moving to the UK en-masse and all the abuse they get. Sooner or later a term will be invented to define, in a negative way, these Poles. It might be the word Pole.
23 Oct 2006
Language / "Poles" or "Polish people" - which is better to use? [200]

This is a strange one. I use the term Poles on this web-site because other Polish people use it. But I never use it at other times. I usually use "Polish people". In light of what I have just said on another thread I'll use "Polish People" from now on.
11 Nov 2006
Genealogy / Poland Genealogy Resources [130]

This site has passenger lists.

You will find name, age, port of departure and more
17 Nov 2006
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

You shouldn't be posting names on the internet.
17 Nov 2006
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]


Do you want your full name on the internet ? I doubt it.

When talking about living people, who are not in the media, it is protocol not to use their names.

If someone wants a trace they should do it through a private message.

18 Nov 2006
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

I take your point.


A father doesn't just forget where his daughter is. I suspect that there is more to this.

The real father can simply contact the police.
20 Nov 2006
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]


I understand your problem now. And you do have a problem. Things might have changed in
the family, if it has been a number of years. Do you believe that the child wants to meet the father ?

You could look for a web-site, message board for the town and write something there.

I wouldn't use names if I were you.

Try something like this: Dominican father looking for ten year old daughter.

Then hope that the mother or a friend finds the post before the daughter does.
14 Dec 2006
Travel / Storks - the Symbol of Poland [59]

I don't know what happened. For some reason the storks didn't appear. We usually have two or three nesting pairs in our village, but I never saw any sign of them this summer.
27 Dec 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Try this:
29 Dec 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


If this message is for you then it is very insulting. If I translate it Admin will cancel it.

It is full of hate, which is directed at the reader.
30 Dec 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


The person who wrote the text wants you out of their life. They do not want anymore contact with you.

That is as much as I will say. I'm sorry if it comes from someone you trusted.
20 Jan 2007
Food / Bigos Recipe [183]

Add some red wine.