The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
16 Dec 2008
Polonia / Polish workers in Denmark [41]

Im crying in my soul - The same history can i observed in Denmark and Sweden........

And in Norway! :((
Mr Grunwald   
11 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Well, I generally hate "Moscovy" Russians. If a Russian is behaving like a human beeing = no grudges same goes for Germans, if their not "Prussian/Nazi" like I tolarate them. I even bet many Poles would say the same. Tho when I think of what the nation/country of Russia/Germany has done to Poles and Poland, we/they are VERY kind to the neighbours
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

What do you think they could/should do? :)

Build up military strong enough to be taken serious and take over Kaliningrad, tho Germany lost much of it's territories so no land-conflict with em. But with Russia they REALLY need a lesson in where they should keep their noses! Not up for third world war but, you can't stand still doing nothing when they place nukes at your border!

Throughout history it is showed that Poland needs strong military! Germany-Russia allways used Poland as a bridge for war!
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

It is historicly proved that Russia and Germany co-operated to take down Poland. When they forgot about the people that constantly wanted freedom they started to attack each other. It's like saying "Russia won't invade anyone after Georgia" haha. National interest is allways important (It doesn't have to be Germany attacking Russia you know?)
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

(It doesn't have to be Germany attacking Russia you know?)

But times have changed and it just isn't in Germany's national interest anymore to invade and to destroy another potential customer market for our products. Quite the contrary is the buy our goods we need happy, prospering people with their bags full of money, you understand?

I dearly hope you really read what I write.

Russia is full of surprise like allways, I see the situation today between Germany and Russia like France and Germany.

In France it was no more war, peace in our times etc. While in Germany they wanted revenge. Now in Germany they want peace (I dearly hope so) while in Russia even thoose who tries to talk about tsechenians they get killed and "nobody" protested against invasion of Georgia
Mr Grunwald   
7 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Harry if you want to understand the thing with Poland take an example of... NORWAY :D
British&French&Polish soldiers landed in Norway (I really don't care about the Finland help thing) so that they could help Norwegian soldiers fight the German Wehrmacht! THe British&French&Polish officially helped Norway with a group of soldiers fully capeable of representing it's country. Such thing didn't happen with Poland, we may understand the troubles of doing it, still it DIDN'T happen. Franly Norway couldn't be fully liberated/saved in 1940 since France got attacked and the forces had to withdraw

and to hold myself to the topic I would say Alliance between Germany and Poland is allmost impossible in any form. Even the NATO alliance is today wierd (Only because Poland has the need of an alliance with USA).
Mr Grunwald   
7 Mar 2009
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Well in Norway in General if you don't do something against the public or the largest part in an situation it's ok. Like when somebody sneaks by the last person in que it's like no big deal, but when that person sneaks infront of everybody except the first person then EVERYONE "banns" that person, even the one infront of that person. you go against the state/public you get banned. It is also very like in Denmark as one fella has described here also.
Mr Grunwald   
7 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Yes most Norwegians knows they planned it long time before German arrival but it would most likely be welcomed cause of our British relations. Tho it was some high ranked officers wich had sympathies with the Germans like the commander of Narvik. Still they were all welcomed and de facto they were liberating Norway. After the war it wasn't much occupation of Britts either...
Mr Grunwald   
7 Mar 2009
Polonia / Polish workers in Denmark [41]

Even too much! It is allowed to have sex with animals if they show that their not beeing harmed!

As I said before bad conditions for all foreign work force in all Scandinavia :S
Mr Grunwald   
19 Mar 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

A report of the norwegian Fridjof Nansen Institute

Proudness :)

Even if Russia is right, or their not to be blaimed I blaim them. :)
I strongly disagree with most cases they come up with! When they stop sending U-Boats to our coastline I will ignore them!
Mr Grunwald   
19 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

(you lost WWII because of the Yankees :-])
And they forgot about you after the war and left you to the Russians...what is worse?
I would think about that twice if I were you!

Ma racje skurwysyn!
He got a point..
Mr Grunwald   
24 Mar 2009
Life / How far apart do Poles stand when they talk? [46]

Taking it to be a north-south thing, one would expect Norwegians to stand even further apart

You got that one right
Mr Grunwald   
24 Mar 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

How dare you criticise Polish farmers as scum

A bit of respect, please!!

Sorry but when their descendants say "Ku*** Ma*" all the time it's kinda hard for me not to look down on em you know.
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

3 reasons what I don't like with Poland

1. The chance of having an open mailbox or mailpost when resciving it

2. Ranking scandinavians as allmost germans

3. Palac kultury
Mr Grunwald   
5 May 2009
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [574]

My dad is Polish and lots of my family members are Polish and I speak "fluently" Polish.
I am also interessted in Polands history and others opinions about Poland. That's why I am here :)

Also I am very proud of my ancestors wich took part in an 1800th uprising and in Warsaw uprising (I can even remember him when I was little I loved his big clock in his living room)

Also I am partly German-Lithuanian (Maybe even Jewish idk)
but I have no strong relations for thoose genes except of my "German" aftername.
Other else then that it's Mostly Norwegian/Polish :D

I also had Polish weekend School, anyone else?

Kim jestes? Polak maly!
Jaki znak twoj? Orzel bialy!

Oh thoose old times
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2009
Genealogy / I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY? [78]

Dark skinned" Poles are not necessary mixed with anything (especially Central Americans ). Damn, we're not Norwegians...

actualy most sami lives in Oslo and there has been Tater/gypsies here too
Also from the 70's an huge immigration from the middle-east. Now Poles "invades" Norway too :)

Also Sweeds&Danes&Norwegians are used to mix with each other :)

But in general I got your point tho ;)
Mr Grunwald   
5 Jun 2009
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

you never, ever hear jokes about Germans in Poland.

Mr Grunwald   
21 Jun 2009
Love / Polish Pet Names For Girls. [156]

On the other hand if you were to translate the English way of saying "Hunny" to your gf or bf ... that would sound very weird in Polish

Miodeczko? Miodzio? MiĆ³dku? Use your imagination :=)
Mr Grunwald   
6 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

How many people die each year on Polish roads - does anybody know what the stats are?

Oh my I remember allways when I am at my dad's work. Allways some cars crashing becaouse it's a cross. when you hear the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from the halting then everyone Oooooooo! Then it's a crash or not. If not then everyone ooooh. But if it is then OH YEAH!

Sons of ******* they deserve a crash in a while :D (Ofcourse if we hear that someone died later we all feel sorry for her/him.

1. Worst thing ever! When I was born in Norway I got my personal number and final. While in Poland I don't get in while I am born and I got to get loads of numbers for everything and nothing!
Mr Grunwald   
19 Aug 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Hitler was probably right when regarding the Polish question

I think you ment it as a joke but it really hurts me when someone writes something like that.

It's like saying "oh I wish Hitler were smarter so that he actually did invade Britain and made them all slaves for their anti-Hitlerism"

Your not funny
Mr Grunwald   
19 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Some guy must have misunderstood Sweden to be Poland. Please learn to read and learn Geography
Mr Grunwald   
9 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

soon you will be

Had one of thoose once. Wrecked it since my dad just hated it
Guess the reason lol
"It looks too german, your not a Wehrmacht soldat!"
just wierd :S

Back on Topic please...
Mr Grunwald   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Oh yeah, some kid in Iceland has the crabs tonight, surely the US put them in his underwear. News at 11:00.

Well you occupied it in WW2! SHAME ON YOU! :P

hmmmm ,I can understand your agony at being betrayed. In that way you can now feel Russians who felt betrayed when agreements / promises of MUCH larger magnitude & significance were blatantly disregarded fueling hostility in East Europe . Trust me , I mean no offence, but this act 'which you call as betrayal ' is only a correction of a muc bigger betrayal .


I don't care about how Russia or the folx controling it or Russians feel like...
They may feel so much betrayed as much they want! Their dipshit!
Mr Grunwald   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Ahhh go chase a reindeer. At least we weren't burning a candle if front of Adolph's picture like most in Scandinavia.

Like most?!

Do you call a max of 30 k people out of 4 million to be MOST?! Bullocks!
Loads I may agree but most! That's lying!

Especially in Norway there were mostly Fascists not Nazis! Just people mixing names!
More probably pictures of Quisling then A Dorph
Mr Grunwald   
24 Sep 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Oh I am so gonna enjoy it. It annouys me how Norwegian farmers demonize wolfs and Bears for killing their sheep. Do it as the larger bear does. Put up fences and guards! We have the technology!

Back to the topic.

Ooo I love Poland for it's excistence! :=)
ha! First time heard that one hmm?
That was what most Polish people in all centuries tried to do!

Ahh pierogi... I miss pierogi! I gotta find a pierogi shop in Norway!
Mr Grunwald   
24 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

but, with North korea acting up, do you suppose poland will gather up some troops
and help out the united states if we need you?

Somehow they did with the invasion of Iraq and still got bi$$$slapped for it!
I think they wouldn't used a penny for USA if they got invaded by N-K (But if it was Russia it would been maybe an other story)

Although i agree with him. You go ask Norwegians they wouldn't have much confidence in NATO but USA itself if Norway got invaded!
Mostly becaouse of the oil! So USA saving Poland? I doubt it also other countries next to it? I doubt it!
Mr Grunwald   
27 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

You did
I wished it would
Others belived in it blindly since USA is "imperialistic"

But it didn't build...
I only see few directions left for Poland

-Commonwealth (a joining of several countries in central Europe I have no hope of getting Lithuania and Ukraine along it's just plainly impossible in my eyes)

-Germany (military ambitions aren't that high there anylonger while it's a good economic power)
-Russia (as final solution Russia may become an alternative since it's a huge marked and Russians generally don't look at Poland the way Westers look at it)

-dividing alliance (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey and maybe some balkan countries)