Life /
Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]
Yes, I agree, but how does one expect the foreigner to know this, it is not intentional on the foreigner's part.
That is what I call "the clash of the civilizations". :-)
Actually I like to collect this kind of stories. At first glance - Poland and the UK are part of the same culture and European tradition. But there are certain differences. Greetings, table manners etc.
For instance traditional British greetings: "How do you do?" "Fine and you?" transfered on the Polish soil may be seen as slightly impolite.
One of my favorites is about telephone manners in the Czech Republic (it's an Eastern European and slavic country so theoretically there shouldn't be any differences in the standards of politeness). Let's say - you are in the hotel room and the phone rings.
(at this point you expect that person who just called you, shall introduce himself. Instead you hear:)
(Now you think - what a bloody redneck! You are polite person therefore you decide to give him a second chance:)
(Now you REALLY expect some introduction from this person. Instead - All you hear is:)
Sooner or later - one side would hang up with the impression that he just encounter a VERY rude person indeed.
Explanation: In Poland - If you call someone, it is polite to introduce yourself first. In the CZ is more-or-less the same, but the person who receive the call shall introduce himself.
Culture and a good manners are funny thing sometimes :-)